Adulthood is realizing the Amish are the greatest group on Earth

Adulthood is realizing the Amish are the greatest group on Earth

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fuck the amish

at last i truly see

If you truly believed that, you wouldn't be able to post on Veeky Forums.

Adulthood is realising the God given right of anglos to rule over all lands in the name of her majesty the Queen.

I'm a dirty industrialist degenerate, I would just ruin their beautiful communities.

>Idealizing means you need to live up to the ideal
Not really

>tfw Anglo diaspora
Feels pretty good.
>tfw we'll never join the Commonwealth
Feels pretty bad.

What country is this?

amish are pretty much just not-shitty versions of hasidic jews that practice christanity

i say not shitty because they mostly fend for themselves and are honest workers, they dont thing they really do wrong is sometimes clog traffic with their buggies, while hasic jews mostly leech of government welfare and collude to control school boards

>Ancestors are proud Mennonites and Amish
>Read up on their history
>Realize I disagree with many of their philosophical, moral, and political convictions
>Realize that Catholicism is truly the better religion

Anyone know this feeling? The whole "don't fight in the military or hold government positions" just seems silly to me. I mean I guess they want to establish a pure Christian community living simple lives, but it doesn't really inspire the will to power like Islam, provide a source of European identity like Catholicism, or even jive with anything aesthetically pleasing.

The anabaptist movement makes sense, but everything else seems so... provincial

I know I should honor the convictions of my ancestors, but deep down I don't get why they couldn't have picked a cooler religion to worship.

>but it doesn't really inspire the will to power like Islam, provide a source of European identity like Catholicism, or even jive with anything aesthetically pleasing.
How do you manage to articulate the point of their sect and then go on to miss the fucking point in the next sentence.

r-rule b-b-britannia

I grew up near lots of Amish communities, and let me tell you, they're fucking assholes. Fuck their slow ass carriages and their holier-than-thou attitude. Learn to move on with the rest of the world.

Stiff upper lip, lad. Say it with some meaning.

Idk mane my gf had amish neighbors and they were really nice. I frequently went to the amish market where they sold their shit and once again, they were really nice. I even worked with an amish man on a roofing project, again no problems

I get the point. But I'll be damned if I agree with it.

What would you rather have? Bright colors and bloodshed, or a simple wholesome life as a farmer devoted to god? I'll take the option that doesn't involve spending the brief time I exist on this earth shoveling cow shit and scratching my beard, salvation be damned.

Tough fellows but I do believe a gentleman or noble is better for public image.

I'm surprised they actually spoke to you, since the Amish speak Pennsylvania Dutch. You sure they weren't Mennonite?

The Amish in Ohio speak English m8. I've met both Mennonites and legit Amish. I actually don't know much about the Mennonites, I've only ever seen them a couple times at McDonald's lel

The Amish speak English dumbass.

>I'm surprised they actually spoke to you, since the Amish speak Pennsylvania Dutch.
you know just because they live like its still the 18th century doesn't mean that they are from the 18th century.


Not without marrying them first though

The Amish are terrible people. They've stolen tons of shit from people in my hometown, and they're a bunch of self righteous twits who think it's a virtue to isolate themselves from the rest of the world and pass their dysfunctional mindset to their children. They do not prepare their children for the real world at all and then shun all those who realize they're full of shit.


in the entirety of the thread OP only convinced one person. And he was probably being facetious.

Congrats, OP

no i truly see

i do

How do you spot an anglo intellectual?
He doesn't move his lips when reading.

The fact that you need bloodshed and horror to go with your religion shows what a weakling you are. The Catholic church was built by simpering faggots like you, and I'm happy to know you've accepted this failing.

God be with you user. See you in eternal hellfire!

they only seem great because only amish know about their problems, you just see what they want you to see

Isn't the whole point of Christianity supposed to be living a simple wholesome life devoted to God?

Yeah, they know English and have no problems talking to and being friends with non-Amish people. They even have a ritual for their young to go out into the real world to experience it, and choose if they want to leave the Amish community. Those that do never do well though.