You have been reincarnated as high nobility with the goal of making your state the greatest there will ever be...

You have been reincarnated as high nobility with the goal of making your state the greatest there will ever be. You can choose any country during anytime you retain all your knowledge from your previous life, where and when would you choose?

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What's the point of this thread?

i mean the general direction was to talk about important and prominent times of power in history. With alternate history and discussion of how things could have been if they had gone if piloted by hindsight.

I cannot comprehend how looking at history with hindsight is useful to anyone

this is too broad, I guess if IRL were a video game I would see if I could help aboriginals take over the world to make things interesting

I guess I didn't really understand the guidelines, and understand less on how word this thread.

>looking at history with hindsight
It is very difficult to look at history any other way.

Add a cellphone connected to concierge service with $10 billion in digital cash, with the mandate "save your nation or die", and you have yourself an anime:

Third Reich. And I don't care about ruling. Just giving the Fuehrer hot tips about the future.

teaching the mongols how to make guns sounds like it would end well

I'd probably go back to the Byzantine Empire when it still held power in Anatolia, try and stop the rise of the ottomans and help restore the roman empire


I think he means, "could I have done better with what I know now, back then?"

The answer is no because hindsight has a tendency to give the dumbest people illusions of intelligence.

Seems like OP wants to hear our alt-history time traveler fantasies, like what's popular in Japan lately.

Spain- 1500s

I become a tribal king in Ethiopia and turn it into a world superpower
I BTFO the Italians in WWII and form the United States of Africa

>You can choose any country during anytime
I'll be planetary governer of a terraformed Mars in the year 2125, and my first action will be to declare independence from those earthling faggots and institute myself as the glorious emperor of Cydonia. Then I think I'll blockade Earth with my starfleet until they agree to withdraw from the gas giants so Mars can hold a monopoly on starship fuel production.

I'll smuggle Jews into your colony and withing 50 year gay pride parades of transsexual, HIV positive mulattoes and blue haired land whales will be marching over your skulls.

Austria, some time in the 1810s.

Also, when I die, can I go into spectator mode to see how well I actually did and how things play out?

The scramble for Africa would probably leave a powerful Ethiopia sacked.





40000 years after present. Death to xenos.