Is the modern PRC a fascist state as opposed to being socialist?

Is the modern PRC a fascist state as opposed to being socialist?
>corporative economic system
>highly nationalistic
>oppression of national and religous minorities
>propaganda often appeals to traditional Chinese values
>traditional gender roles
>militarization and enforcement of virility on youth (spend too much time on the internet? you go to military reeducation camp!)

Not history

Yes. You forgot to mention the hardline social conservatism too. No depiction of faggots and one night stands is allowed anymore on TV for example.

This is partly why they're winning.

It's all the same, collectivist socialist fascist authoritarian states with suppression of individual liberties and the free market.

>Source: my ass

It has nothing to do with socialism, that's for sure. It is closer to an authoritarian oligarchy.

Based Deng fixing Mao mistakes

>>propaganda often appeals to traditional Chinese values
>>traditional gender roles

I highly doubt that.

Fascism has always been right wing and in both Italy & Germany they rose to legitimacy by allying themselves with conservative parties specially because they were anti-socialist/communist. One of the defining traits of fascism everywhere has been their opposition to the Left.


Because it's bullshit.

China has 2/3 of all the world's female billionaires, and Russia interestingly also has a disproportionate amount of rich women

Feminism worked in former communist countries because of the entire anti-gender roles bullshit

You are amazingly ignorant about the PRC

>Oppression of national and religious minorities

Do you seriously think there is no reason for American media and in particular CNN and NSBC to be stacked against China? The majority of people in Tibet are ethnically Chinese, the majority of Buddhist 'ethnic' Tibetans support the PRC because they rampantly increased the rate of literacy (whereas the KMT had a few generals including a Muslim general who tried to genocide the Tibetans more than once)

In the New Years state celebration ceremony, literally every single minority from the fat European expat to Turkic funnyhat #47 has their half hour provision and heartfelt interview

>highly nationalistic

There's the same apolitical cynicism that plagues a lot of young adults in China that does in America, they understand their bureaucracy is corrupt and have little faith in it

Do you know what Chinese values are? The whole history of China can in a manner (really reductionist but still) be reduced to legalism vs Confucianism. We're seeing a crossroads of legalism back to Confucianism at the moment, whereas Mao's China was hardcore legalist.

Do some reading pls

>Telological developments in Chinese history
Reckon I'll stick to my reading thank you

you are such a fucking retard
socialist countries had equality
that meant women can work and can get back into work after labor
not this femnazi vs masculine retards like you americans parrott all the time

cant you fuck off from this board along with all of your brethren? you contribute nothing to discussions since you are dumb as fuck

Remember friends, if female billionaires exist, traditional gender roles are not being upheld!

I'd love to see how the average Chinese woman lives and is treated in the rural country side.

I'd dig up the article about Chinese party bosses saying it's imperative that they reaffirm traditional gender roles in their elementary schools but I'd probably be wasting my time.

>>corporative economic system
>>highly nationalistic
not really any more than Americans are patriotic
>>oppression of national and religous minorities
allowing entire states of them and making their religions legal kind of speaks against that
>>propaganda often appeals to traditional Chinese values
>>traditional gender roles
Yes but not tradition chinese gender roles are not the same as western ones, the women are still encouraged to work and be independent, but also to act like actual women
>>militarization and enforcement of virility on youth (spend too much time on the internet? you go to military reeducation camp!)
lol no. The chinese military schools are a joke again

t. guy with a chinese wife

>I'd love to see how the average Chinese woman lives and is treated in the rural country side.
Badly of course, there's a gigantic disparity between rural and urban, but the majority are urban now and as always through history the peasants simply don't matter.

>highly nationalistic
China is a multiethnic civilization-state, not a nation-state.

>be reduced to legalism vs Confucianism
meanwhile Taoism sits in the sidelines doing magic shit

Was there elements of fascism within the Guomindang?

Nazism wasn't collectivist, they had free market.
It was just "aryanized".

Well, you can't be a nationalist party without nationalism. You have to remember that even the concept of a nation-state was a very new one to the Chinese and the KMT were trying to introduce it from the ground up.

Early on Sun Yat-sen promoted anti-Manchu pro-Han ethnic nationalism, but after the 1911 revolution he and the KMT switched tact, and started proclaiming the acceptance of all the peoples of China into a single multi-ethnic Chinese nation. Hence the "Five Races under One Union" flag of the 1912 Republic representing the Han, Manchu, Mongol, Hui, and Tibetan people. Successive Chinese constitutions therefore defined China as a multi-ethnic state.

But yes the Kuomintang were basically Leninists who wanted an authoritarian one-party state and modeled themselves on Soviet lines, and they ruled Taiwan as such for decades.

t. Ching Huang

>I'd dig up the article about Chinese party bosses saying it's imperative that they reaffirm traditional gender roles in their elementary schools

Well, why don't you?

The KMT 1933-1975 was more fascist than the PRC has ever been

Take that how you will.

The moment someone uses this shitty boring ad hominem again I'm going to


>doubt that

It's pretty much a fact. Two-child policy has been combined with a whole "getting women back into the home" scheme. Provinces where there are a lack of male teachers are also subsidizing men specifically to be teachers to have more male role models and counterract what the party sees as feminization of males. Primary education now includes textbooks on "how to be a man" and stuff like that. A few months back a textbook in Jiangxi was recalled because it suggested women who had sex before marriage were looked upon as trash by other men.

Libtard westerners have no fucking idea just how "right wing" the world outside of Western Europe and North America is.

With how quickly they're filling up the West with non-whites they're quickly going to learn though.

The KMT was like the KKK. In fact it was worse. They were constantly massacring foreigners, even foreign charitable workers - and not just Christian ones, but secular ones too.

All of this has been glossed over in both PRC and Taiwan history though.

That wasn't the first time SYS changed tact. The guy also kept company with a man who believed every last minority group ought to be physically exterminated. Make of that what you will.

The whole modern history of China has been written by Sinophiles and Chinese Nationalists. It is hopelessly one sided, and that includes the western historiography on it.

From the Chinese themselves it's to be expected, but it's that white guilt/self-hatred now extends to all our dealings with the Chinese historically too.

Your assuming that fascism isn't a brand of socialism.

T. John

State capitalist, like the USSR

Every post-communist state or region has become extremely right-wing. People think it's because extremists are alike, but it's rather the opposite. Communism was so horrendous that the peoples of those countries ran the other way entirely. And when they discover how shitty authoritarian nationalist regimes can be, they'll shift to the left again, maybe this time in the form of a liberal democracy. And when they get sick of liberal democracy and soft values, they'll shift to a more conservative republic. And when they get sick of predatory economic systems and inequality, they'll clamor for a socialist system. And when they get sick of lower living standards and lax social values, they'll swing to an authoritarian nationalist system. And when they burn themselves out, they'll switch to some crazy communist system.

This is all conjecture, though. I don't even know what I'm saying right now

No, they have red on their flag comrade.