The communist ideology is anti-nationalist

>The communist ideology is anti-nationalist
Wasn't Stalins Soviet Union very naionalistic?

Stalin was a hypocrite that did anything to stay in power.

Communism is anti-God and goes against our nature.

Doesn't work in theory.
Doesn't work in practice.

They were against specific types of nationalism. They tried a more globalist nationalism toward the soviet union instead.

Isn't communism just following what the Abrahamic god tells us our exact true nature is?

Idk, there were a lot of
>Go fight for your motherland!
In Russia during ww2

Are you fucking retarded?

Communism is an atheistic ideology. The state becomes your "god".

Cultural Marxism is bad at everything, including the act of staying true to Socialist principles.

Do you even know what Nationalism fucking is?
USSR was in no way nationalist, it portray itself as a State of workers in competition with the evil capitalist puppet states, not as a State representative of a national identity based on culture, religion or ethnicity

>Our nature
Gods are made in man's image, not the other way around

That's humanism, not nationalism. You can hardly call the forced Russification of the USSR's minorities "globalist nationalism."

Fuck off you retarded LARPer.

t. Buttblasted Commie

They also left orthodox mostly alone after they realised killing them was pissing off the religious masses. Just because they say one thing or something once, doesent mean they do it all the time.

>atheistic ideology
What does this even mean?
Communism is a materialist ideology yes. But by virtue of that it's inherently neutral on immaterial matters like the existence of god.

>the state
Communism is also an anti-state ideology.

>forced Russification
Except the USSR pretty much invented meme-nationalities like Ukraine.

Us vs Them. It's like how the African post-colonial movement transformed diverse ethnic groups into a united front for national independence, but the same old tribal conflicts bubbled back up after the colonial governments were abolished.

> It's like how the African post-colonial movement transformed diverse ethnic groups into a united front for national independence, but the same old tribal conflicts bubbled back up after the colonial governments were abolished.
Except it's nothing like that at all. That has absolutely no relevance or similarity to how the USSR gave regional minorities devolved rule.

Give us a quick rundown then.

>Be early soviet government
>Have a debate on whether nationality is a spook and the new socialist entity should just be one unitary state or a federation with national self-determination
>Nationalists win
>Ukraine and Belarus are born.
>Later more non-countries are also established.

Go grab a book first, or at least a wiki article, you sound like an American. Question of nationalism in Russian empire is a bit different to the western ones.

SSSR comes from Russian Empire and inherited most of its territory except for Poland and Finland. That means a lot of varied minorities, from nigh Russian Ukrainians ("Little Russians") through Muslims of Caucassus and central Asia to Siberian tribes without a written aphabet. Lenin decided to take a "nationalist" (supporting the little nations) stance against Russian imperialism and civilize the minorities and gain support from them. This was called "rooting" and it was one of few Soviet policies that actually worked well and Siberia strongly supports Kremlin even today.
Once stalin took power the policy was cancelled and Russification took place. On the Ukraine, where anti-Russian sentiment was cultivated by west since at least the 19th century, it resulted in increasing opposition to the Soviet gov. Problem which Stalin decided to solve by a little starving and subsequent colonization by Russians or Russification in Donetsk, Kharkov and Kuban, Ukrainian nationalists remained strong and angry in Halich.
When Hitler began his genocidal crusade through Eastern Europe, Stalin was struck and tried hard to unify the country against invaders. This included switching "Stalin is awesome" posters to "Mother Russia wants you on front" and reconciling with orthodox Church.
Later development mostly favoured the Russification, maybe with exception of Khruschev adding Krim to SSR Ukraine, but he most likely didn't knew what it would cause in the future.

People who worship Stalin also hate white people and borders, weird huh?