Why does Veeky Forums get so butthurt for people using the pronoun

Why does Veeky Forums get so butthurt for people using the pronoun
In historical context, it was that persons ancestors and country after all

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Because it's often used emotionally and irrationally



weren't there



Veeky Forums is full of communists that absolutely hate it when people have any kind of ethnic pride or identity

They are special snowflacks who don't realize they literally are just a continuation of their ancestors DNA. We are our ancestors.

You are not your ancestors. This is an accepted social norm.

"The sins of the father..." etc. Even if they were your direct ancestor your experience today is nothing like theirs and if you saw them in the street they'd probably punch you.

Kind of like how sports fans are annoying when they say stuff like "we" lost.

That image is right, they really weren't. They oppressed real whites

It's just kind of strange, especially if your ancestors migrated to your home country in the past 100 years or so, and you use "we" to describe a time before that.

That's different, because the sports team represents your community. It's "our" club, so when the club wins, "we" win.

(this doesn't apply to filthy bandwagoners)

stupid geneposter

You had nothing to do with the victory.


>You had nothing to do with the victory.

Sure I did. Bought a ticket, bought some club gear, that goes to help pay for maintenance of the stadium and the players' salaries. There's also the psychological effect the crowd can have on the players, ever notice how in pretty much every sport teams play worse away than they do at home?

This whole we wuz phenomenon is proof that the modern world is boring as fuck and everyone wants to hearken back to glorious days of yore, and cosplay as members of their race during their true days glory (eveyone has one)

Unfortunately black people have to fabricate their golden days and liberal educators are only too happy to glorify nonwhite history while demonizing white history.

LARPers raus

>this is what sport fans tell themselves

First of all, West Africa have had plenty of interesting history.

Second of all, back to pol.

aw dude come on this is an actual history board just pack it up and go back to /pol/

Name one thing you find interesting about West Africa prior to the introduction of Islam.
Do you have any actual criticism?

Whenever one puts the royal "we" on something it's almost always because of an emotional connection, like pride, wanting to take credit, etc. A lot of the time it seems to come up it's someone saying "we were the ones who did that not you!" or "we were the beacon of civilization when you were in mud huts!" etc. IE WE WUZism.