What would the Spanish conquest of the Americas be like if it was conducted by women conquistadors instead of men...

What would the Spanish conquest of the Americas be like if it was conducted by women conquistadors instead of men? Would they still have managed it?

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You already know the answer.

>ywn be repeatedly raped by brutal hordes of sweaty, buxom Conquistadoras who literally suck the sperm out of you with their improbably tight, soaking wet steamy pussies and give birth to a new mestizo race
Ready to throw it all in, boys.

It really depends on what kind women are leading them. It could go either way I believe.

They would have fucking failed

No way women could even negotiate an alliance with surrounding tribes nevermind fight the fucking aztecs, they just dont have the mind or body for warfare, its not what women were for

still a sexy thought tho

implying that they would even be able to navigate the Atlantic
is this your wank fantasy, OP?

I didn't know Veeky Forums became /genderstudies/

>Would they still have managed it?

Could women conquistadors have slept uncomfortably in their armour in case of an Aztec night attack on Corte's forces or take a direct hit to their armour from a spear possibly breaking a rib and get up to stand firm against waves of Jaguar and Eagle Warriors?

I don't think so OP.

Would be barely any presence of Spain in the New World at all. They never focused exclusively on colonization, just acquisition of land and gold. The Spanish only have a presence here because they fucked everything. Women just can't be genetic imperialists like us men. Stupid question anyways.

Mods are sleeping post more examples of genetic imperialism

>the average australian used to look like an abo

Same result. The Spanish women would have been MAYANED and AZTECKED.

>The Spanish women would have been MAYANED and AZTECKED
lel.Who the fuck would willingly fuck an amerindian voluntarily? They are like chinks but uglier,smaller and fatter

You tell me.

Hispanics are mostly mestizos.Have you ever met a real native?

I never knew I had this fetish

Back then they were above average height strong people.
It was 500 years of shit living that made them what they are now

>Same result
>literally the opposite result

the sexual attraction between the 2 races is very, very strong so a mestizo race would still exist

t. spic

Perhaps more men would have been sent over from Spain to be husbands than females were sent over to wives and the mestizo race wouldn't dominate Latin America.

>Back then they were above average height strong people.
lol.Do you know the history of Pizarro? When Quispe Sisa saw Pizarro he almost raped him and pushed his brother to arrange a marriage with him.The same happened in Mexico.The only tall natives were in Patagonia.Natives were always considered by criollos ugly,dull and dumb

>the sexual attraction between the 2 races is very, very strong
How is it strong? The Spaniards had no pussy so they just cucked the natives until they got pussy and then mixing was almost over except for gypsies,marranos and criminals.Natives were never desired nor appreciated in the colonial Viceroyalties

what? elaborate on this please. Who are the people in question.


They were so tall that whole myths about their height were created.The region is called Patagonia because they had huge feets.The Argentinian goverment killed most of them so we have no meme tall natives in the region

I need no further proof than my dick going rock hard at the sight of pretty brown girls
Also Santiago appears in my dreams and commands me to sex natives

With no more than 500 troops at any one time the Conquistadores had to rely on alliances with nations rivalled to others ie some Inca tribes to conquer Cusco. So the real question is whether Incan and Aztec culture respected women enough to work with them as equals or even take orders from them

Of course the whole whiteys are deities thing may skew it in the women's favour.

You're assuming that the mesoamericams would think of these Spanish women as women after seeing them in armor, handling weapons and knowing how to use them.

Personally I think their would have been way more political manipulation and banking on the native worship of conquistadors to beguile the natives into subservience

> you WILL impregnate me right now. You will NOT say a single word or I will remove your scrotum with my sword, hijo de puta

They'd be called Conquistadoras instead

>white men taking our women
please stop! asian women for asian men!

i wish we had black skin so whites would leave our women alone

We are making your genes better. Unlike half Black mutts, half White's are desired in parts of north east asia.

all we know for sure is that it would have been fucking hot

Women warriors in aztec myths were star demons.

What's with all this sexist fucks around here?

>What's with all this sexist fucks around here?
Reality is sexist.

Going to Asians is kind of a last resort honestly, don't get me wrong there are some great Asian girls but they're twinkies, the typical Asian girlfriend is where you go after finding out you're too nerdy for cute white girls and don't want a girl with a completely busted face or a fatass.

>Going to Asians is kind of a last resort honestly
i really wish this was true, but i see too many asian girls being taken by whites, so instead of becoming decent women, they stay trashy daddy-issues type cunts that tiger mom their kids

leave asian women to us.

>He doesn't know about the hapa memes
