Why didn't anybody else copy the US system of governance?

Why didn't anybody else copy the US system of governance?

In this I mean: there are SO many different countries with the UK system of parliment and prime ministers and such. But I can't think of any other country that sets up the government like the US does

It it because the US is simply too young?

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Australia took the senatorial system and combined it with Westminster

Oh for fucks sake...


Latin America did

The US was never a colonial empire to the extent that Britain was.

The republic system that the USA has elects a king every four years.

Post Magna Carta kings of England would which for the powers of an American president.

America's system of having a written constitution AND lots of over the top of checks and balances is too unwieldy for most states. The UK system is far simpler and less obtuse. Plus, Britain actually implemented their systems of governance and law in most of these countries, the U.S has only had economic dominance over these places and not material dominance.

Actually the US system is an old form of democracy that is inherently flawed with first past the post and gerrymandering.

Even Jefferson saw this as a problem but they dropped his election method for electing representatives.

When European countries went democratic after emerging from monarchies, they realized this was not a good idea and adopted shit like proportional representation.

Sadly the Brits and Canadians talk about getting rid of first past the post the post but never do it.

USA doesn't even talk about it because the powers that be are so entrenched they will never vote themselves out of office and continue to gerrymander themselves into secure and unbeatable positions making the US democracy a plutocracy of incumbents.

Oh and if we kept the Jefferson method we'd have more representatives for every person.

Now its made so you have more people intended being behind every representative. It dilutes the votes.

Democracy is garbage. Our system is devised to give some amount of democratic control in a Republican system.

You can have republicanism with proportional representation. Its not that hard.

Really. All we would need to do is redo the House of Reps. The district system needs to go. All it does it give politicians free rides in their safe space.

Just do the entire country by pop and increase the seats of the house to 2,000 and put them in a stadium.

Then to give states more power, let state legislators pick senators again.

How is that working out for you now?

Quite well. Fuck leftists and their shitskin pets desu.

Having the president and the legislature be separate competing entities with ill defined jurisdiction over each other and powers seems like a terrible idea imo.

Remind me in 2 years when we have a recession because Wall Street did something stupid again.

Hardly matters anyway. Leftists destroyed my country by flooding it with retarded brown people, propping them up, and turning our culture into a shallow joke. I'd just as soon see a civil war and purge the undesirables at this point.

So your not a fan of republicanism either I guess.

To be fair, it was proportional representation that put Hitler in power. Maybe you should look into that if you are looking for that kind of thing.

>My country sure is horrible
>Do something about it? Ha! I'd prefer everyone suffer!

typical conservative

>Hardly matters anyway. Leftists destroyed my country by flooding it with retarded brown people

The retarded brown people who increased your standard of living by working for shit wages and lowering your prices.

>turning our culture into a shallow joke

Are you so retarded you think lofty concepts like cultural decline actually have a tangible impact on things like economic development or international relations? American culture is no more shallow than any other, people are material beings that love entertainment to distract them from how life sucks. If other cultures were less shallow than Americans, they wouldn't love your culture.

>Do something about it? Ha! I'd prefer everyone suffer!
There's nothing to be done. The problem was deeply ingrained before I was ever able to vote or be informed of political policy. We're a nation of sycophants and scumbags now.

So wouldn't you want proportional representation so you can get your alt-right candidates in the house that are too extreme to run on the republican ticket?

>Implying the US stuck to its founding principals

I mean, fuck the coporate system took over ages ago.

Due to pork barrel lobbying due to gerrymandered districts. Get rid of districts and you get rid of pork.

>The retarded brown people who increased your standard of living by working for shit wages and lowering your prices.
Our standard of living is actually on the decline. Potential earnings, home ownership etc. are worse for my generation than for that of my parents.

>Are you so retarded you think lofty concepts like cultural decline actually have a tangible impact on things like economic development or international relations? American culture is no more shallow than any other, people are material beings that love entertainment to distract them from how life sucks. If other cultures were less shallow than Americans, they wouldn't love your culture.
Culture influences the way people think and make decisions. That tends to be important in a system where the general populace chooses government representatives.

Would be meaningless because behemoth states like California would dominate government through majorities. Also, I do not consent to the label of alt-right. I have my own ideas.

Liberia comes to mind.

That's the problem. Your visualizing loyalty to states as a thing.

This hasn't been a thing since the civil war.

Yes people of certain demographics vote similarity, but if conservatives in California add their votes to conservatives in Texas it still adds up.

Again. Districting has made career politicians who can't be voted out. Any comments that state that they have to stay only emboldens incumbents in their safe space who only have to worry about primaries.