Is it fair to make 70% gains over the weekend with ETH while peasants around the world work like animals to make $2...

Is it fair to make 70% gains over the weekend with ETH while peasants around the world work like animals to make $2.00 a day?


Could you please answer the OP's question? Thank you.

> 70% gains

wow sick gains bro, so how much did you cash out?

my god i hate these "muh white privilege" fucks

> 70% gains
> turned $10 worth of ETH into $17
> 70% gains
>still a poorfag
>i made 70% gains how is this even fair to these fucking peasants

the better question is who the fuck cares about these third world pajeets. every man for himself

it was even made by a spic, too

no whites = no planes, cars, diesel ships, computer internet

every other race, catch up

what they don't tell you is that white whore bought a ferrari with her camwhore cash and makes more in interest than the median salary.

A decent amount. but I feel so empty inside.

>A decent amount

How much is a "decent amount"?

Identify some worthy causes. Scientific research, animal shelters, MSF, your sick grandma, whatever. Then donate enough to notice but not enough to affect you.

muh white privilege we only succeed because these other people do all of the heavy lifting horseshit. what a twisted view of the world promoted by the likes of (((hollywood))) and your (((teachers))). if you spread this cancer fucking neck yourself asap so we can all laugh at your pathetic corpse.

those peasants are perfectly capable of buying crypto and make 70% gains too. Literally nobody is stopping them. Crypto is the most democratic and helpful tool for poor people to come out of their poverty.

most niggers don't have internet, even in america. how is John Ursoto going to get bitcoin versus Joseph Rothstein?

they won't understand it either, in fact how many of us here understand it?

OP are you still here? I asked a legit question and got a non-answer from you.

You said you cashed out a "decent amount" how much is that? $10, $1,000, $100,000?

it's not like those peasants wouldn't get on the ETH train had they been raised in a first world country
humans will take advantage of what is available to them

>most niggers don't have internet, even in america. how is John Ursoto going to get bitcoin versus Joseph Rothstein?
you can go to a public library and use their internet. Crypto wallets aren't MMORPG, nobody will stop you from using them and then storing them in a 5$ usb key ffs.

>they won't understand it either, in fact how many of us here understand it?
not everybody is as retarded as you are, stop projecting.

I don't have to answer that, your question is not pertinent to the thread.

>i don't want to answer because it reveals what a pathetic poorfag I am

Actually it is extremely pertinent to this thread. You asked if it was fair to peasants that you are making so much, so how much did you really make?

Why are you making gains now? You know this shit is going to hit at least $500 before the end of the year. There are tons of articles/speculation about it and the normie hype alone will drive the price way up. If it actually starts to become a useful commodity the way they say it will then its really going to skyrocket.

Scenario 1:

>Hits $500 by November
>people begin to realize that its not actually going to catch on
>big normie sell off
>price plummets
>corrects over the next year
>buy the plummet
>sell mid 2018

Scenario 2:
>Hits $500 by November
>its everything people were speculating, and more
>bitcoin fades considerably
>eth shoots up to $2000+ for good

>Is it fair
No, nothing in the universe is fair, faggot. The strongest and most intelligent survive while the weakest and dumbest suffer. That's how it is and how it will always be.

>Why are you making gains now?

Because he put his $100 into ETH today because people told him to, and made "70% gainz".

now he's rich guy status with his $170 and looking down on the peasants

If you had read a book you'd know fairness is an illusion.