Can someone red pill me on Bancor? Is this shit really a mossad op? I just want some quick gains d e s u

Can someone red pill me on Bancor? Is this shit really a mossad op? I just want some quick gains d e s u

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I was interested until they said it would be uncapped. Fuck it, it's the next Ripple.

I'll give you a hint. Look at the partnerships they've already announced.

The only bad thing is this ICO botchjob they're doing. At least with BAT you could get it at the exchange for 4-5x and the market cap was only 130-160 million. This shit's gonna start out with market cap of 260million minimum I believe. Crazy thing is it's still likely to 20x in a year or so.

Buy and forget about it until it's really valuable.

Alright thanks I'll probably throw like 5 or 10 eth at it and just chill for a couple months.

Fixed Price of 1ETH to 100 Bancor

Starting price of $3.40 at current ETH price.

Fuck, that seems high af guise

Eth price gonna skyrocket soon and these fuckers are more then happy to give you 100 shitcoins for them knowing this is coming.Wait and see

Galia's a cute slut.

the thing is that there is no way of knowing if your money would increase faster if you just left it in eth. eth is a guaranteed 10x in the next year or so whereas bancor is a big question mark and whoknows maybe a 20x if everything goes right

I think after two years you can trade bnt back into eth for the same ratio as ico, so seems like a safe bet if that's true



Is there a source for this?


>Banc Or
>Bank Ore
>Bank Core
>Core of the new banking system

Ripple tier Jew banker bux. I'm personally keeping my distance. My Eth is too valuable to give to Jews.

Nocoiner, have no idea about anything.

When will Bancor release? Would I be able to buy it in coinbase, or should I go to some other site? If I have a normal bank account and a debit card, can I transfer funds from them to bitcoins (in order to buy bancor) already or do I need a credit card? Anything I should know before joining coinbase?

soon, no, no, no

bancor is build a shitcoin coin

Where would I be able to buy it?

ico then exchanges

/thread buy and hodl is my only advice ill give to you guys

you can do this starting from 7 days after ico... read the whitepaper you obviously didnt do it.

so the price is pegged to eth? seems a safe bet if so

you can always exchange your bnt directly to eth via smartcontract. to prevent it from falling under ico price for whatever reason they do this :

they are using 80% of excess funds to buy back BNT at the ICO price (in ether).

it is literally goddamn pegged to the price of ether. If ether goes up, BNT goes up. if a bunch of people make a fuck ton of shitcoins on bancor, BNT goes up.

this is literally the most obvious investment of 2017.

that's assuming excess funds are numerous enough to maintain to a price floor

not a safe assumption

Uncapped garbage.

Indeed. we dont know what the hidden cap is. If its 200 million...There would be no excess funds or they would be a small %...
This ICO is high risk.