Sup Veeky Forums

Sup Veeky Forums

Pro dev here. Making a community coin for Veeky Forums and Veeky Forums. Yes it's been done before but there were no prospects and there wasn't a pro dev behind it. Suggest a NAME, I'll begin work, and we'll get rich together. Reply to names you like to vote for it.

zib, it's just biz backwards

>pro dev
>"get" rich
so you're a "pro" dev who isn't already rich? eat shit :)

Supplemental income and interest/fun. Devs really don't make that much anyway, keep eating shit

IDK 4chancoin, Veeky Forums's, kekcoin, KEKs, pepecoin

Chan coin. So infinite chan can feel included

Autistic (AUT) coin. Say 2% of transaction fees go toward curing autsim

Piss off, we already have NiggerCoin.



It's just chan backwards. I'm not creative.


SJW coin, bill it as a coin for promoting equity in the Tumblr sphere and supporting crazy SJWs. Let it gain traction there while we baghold, then dump to cruise into lamboland


This YOU coin. "Invest in you"

DITC - don't invest in this coin

Okay EZP - Easy pay - make it advertised as an easy to use bitcoin

Now make a Discord and/or Slack and let's get to work


Shekels. It can create the awareness we need. Please. You are humanities only hope.

NiggerCoin is just a meme for divide and conquer to stop us from creating the ultimate SHEKEL


no capital letters


/ourcoin/ has already been chosen.

Buy beans