Multiculturalism, Is it possible?

Multiculturalism, Is it possible?

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Sure it is. Name one empire that wasn't multicultural :^)

The HRE was not a multicultural empire.

Name one Empire that's still alive today

multicultural society = not sustainable or desirable
multiethnic society = sustainable
this is not really a Veeky Forums question

The American empire

Japan... which is 99% jap

Multiculturalism is perfectly sustainable as long as the minority culture is well integrated and doesn't hate the majority culture. Many black and Muslim cultures seem to be incompatible with western cultures, which is where the problem comes from.

I'll bet I could tell you three other things it was not.

America, China

if they assimilate and integrate it is no longer multicultural. multiple cultures can not survive within a country, one will eventually take over.

She is so pretty I want to be her

Me on the left

>various Slavs

not even that mad desu, that nigger is sculpted like an Adonis and deserves her

Consider the cultural regions of the US. Everyone knows that the south does things differently to the midwest, but they both pledge allegiance to the american flag at the end of the day. This is how multiculturalism should be.

le civic nationalism

Not him but civic nationalism is an oxymoron.

you got it the other way round you fucking retard
Multicultural societies work great, multiracial societies lead to disaster

Whoever made this map has no idea what the Sierra Nevadas are.

constitutional emperors dont count my dude

Well considering the most powerful and prosperous nation in human history for the past 100 years is multicultural I would say it works.

Ethnic nationalism is completely unrealistic except for tiny meme countries like japan.

How can we compete?

Virtually every nation in the world is not a monoculture and the idea of a pure culture or race free of divergence or outside cultural influence is a hollow lie.


Such a stupid term.

Yes the fuck it was. In fact, it was the result of modern Germany.

Virtually every nation in the world is a shithole except for a few North American, European and East Asian countries that are traditionally monocultural, though that is changing and they are becoming shitholes too.

As a Brazilian, I simply cannot understand why first world countries are actively trying to become like us.

>North American countries
Are you trolling? North America is one of the most race mixed, heterogenous places in the world.

Multiple incompatible, un-complementary cultures will never exist as equals: as long as there's cultures whose followers are "special, better than or chosen people," there will always be war, race and hate.
As long as people boast and brag, there will always be people who will get envious, rage and steal because they feel inadequate, as the braggart intended.

>Many black and Muslim cultures seem to be incompatible with western cultures, which is where the problem comes from.

In the US, Muslim immigrants were fairly model immigrants up until the Republican party turned on them, turning a demographic that consistently voted Republican on nearly every single issue into a supposedly dangerous, foreign culture in the blink of an eye.


This is laughable. I'm from the US and I can tell you that we are not a monoculture(If such a culture even exists). Southerners are different from Northerners and Westerners are different from those on the East. Our nation is technically a nation made of immigrants and alot of what we culturally see as "normal" comes from other cultures.

The UK acts as a singular nation, but is made up of Wales, Scots, English, and Irish, yet is often seen as a single culture.

China is made up of a great many ethnicities and cultures but is largely recognized as "Chinese."

The idea of a "monoculture" is largely a blanket term that does not reflect reality.

This was never true outside of a few irrelevant city states.

And look what I've found here! a list of ethnic groups in China, maybe you should have a look at it:

I would say shit like some Scandie countries were pretty monocultural but yeah, the big continental empries were always multikulti until 19th century.

I think how the us drew it's power fron multiculturalism is through our overriding national culture. Every town had a culture and every region. But at the end of the day we were all Americans and we celebrated our country with stuff like fireworks on the 4th and hotdogs at the ballgame.

But now everyone says fuck America and wants to be a special contrarian snowflake that isn't American but wants to benefit from being here and change the country to whatever place they idolize..

Unless you're talking about a city-state or microstate, nearly every country is multicultural to a large degree, with multiple regional cultures united under some sort of federation or crown in which language and economic integration is the only commonality dividing them from their immediate neighbors across an international border.

What is Devin doing with that white woman

The Scandinavian countries tended to be the population of their capital city and hinterland plus one or two major city separated by a few hundred miles of coastline, sea, or forest. In effect they're basically city-states that happen to have extensive terra firma territory no one else disputes.

I think it's possible in a state where everyone shares those values. In the old world, no. It has to be something everyone agrees on. Not gradually imposed upon, like what's happening in Europe.

of course, when the going got tough the perfidious moslem knifed his republican benefactor in the back

Source on Muslims in the US voting Republican in any appreciable numbers ever?


It depends what you mean. Most empires were "multicultural" while having uniform customs. This is far different from having a cucked nation state which host legions of unassimilated hostile aliens.

>the big continental empries were always multikulti until 19th century.

A "multikulti" society composed of various European cultures is very different than one composed of Europeans and third world muslims.

Is anyone saying otherwise?

race=/=ethnicity you fuckwit

Well the word #multikulti has very specific connotations about the present EU project of importing hordes of muslims so using it to describe the continental empires of the past is misleading.

I wish. If anything there are retards both here and on /pol/ saying B-BUH MULTIKULTI NEVER WORKS JUST LOOK AT AUSTRIA-HUNGARY and stupid shit like that. I agree that inter-European cohabitation causes much less problems than cohabitation of whites and poopskins.

>A "multikulti" society composed of various European cultures is very different than one composed of Europeans and third world muslims.
Not really. Cultures within one of these continental empires could despise one another just as vehemently as modern nationalists and immigrants today.

In material culture, education, civic institutions, and language, a Muslim immigrant and a European share more in common than two people from within the same country in the 19th century.

Yes really you pathetic troll. "Christendom" existed as a concept since the Medieval period so to say that two Christian countrymen from the 19th century had less in common than a Syrian and a German is laughable.

>70% of Muslims in America voted for Bush.

Wew. Repubs fucked up


Asians went this way too.

It used to be that it was the poorfag party vs. the richfag party.

Now it's optimates vs. populares.

>Falling for this bait
C'mon \his\

But muslims aren't really a significant demographics able to swing anything in the US, and now there's gonna be even less of them.

>It’s in the mid-east

I get why, but always triggers the fuck out of me

Midwest is that entire region from Ohio to Nebraska.

Christendom existed as a concept for the educated class of clerics of the Catholic Church, and the very reason they failed to diplomatically unite the continent and prevent all the constant warfare between the barons of Europe was the shortcoming of their ideal. This is why a Syrian man could become Archbishop of Canterbury in the 7th century, but why two peasants who lived at opposite ends of Britain didn't share a common language, legal framework, or anything else besides a common Mass, and even that wasn't always regular.

A Syrian - or at least the child of a Syrian - in Germany more or less consumes the same media, lives and works a similar kind of job, speaks a common language that even with a major accent or poor grasp is closer than two regional dialects in Medieval Europe, buys similar products and services, and engages with the same legal authorities and courts.

>Brazilian thinks every other place is monocultural
Not helping with the stereotype of South Americans being ignorant are you?

If anything she's way too ugly for him.

The only Scandi country that could be considered mono-cultural is Denmark. The others have at least 2 or 3 different cultures making it up.

I'm not sure empires count as multicultural since they're essentially people of one culture dominating others

China, Russia, India, South Africa, Nigeria, and Indonesia are huge multiethnic states consisting of multiple historic kingdoms under the rule of one urban elite.

Multiculturalism works if all cultures have parity or if one group is completely and inarguably on top.

In the middle is where you run into problems.

With a BBC anything is possible

There has to be an understanding that the
foreigners have to assimilate into the native
society and respect and accept the native

They also have to contribute positively to
society as a whole (Providing Art, culture,
Science/Technology, engineering, better
metallurgy and religious discourse).

Me in the left background

It used to be feasable because one group would dominate the others, now, in the age of equality, progressivism and other bullshit, multiculturalism is a weakness to society.

It divides the population and forces the societal discourse to be mainly about identity politics.

Look at the ethnically homogenous states, some are richer(Japan) or poorer, but their politics and societal structure is completely different and their societies usually in a far better shape.

>anonymous believes state to be synonymous with culture

Your materialist understanding of culture doesn't account for the radically different worldview that Muslims have from Christians. I'm not saying that enmity didn't exist between European Christians, it obviously did, but the fact that they learned from the same Bible and worshiped the same Jesus makes them much more similar in outlook than someone who follows a foreign deity.

/pol/ on the left

Japan is one of THE largest economies in the world and Tokyo (THE largest city in the world) is surprisingly not a shithole because that's what you get with a homogeneous society

You're grossly overestimating the importance of theology in the world views of most people today, and greatly simplifying it in the case of Medieval peoples who had wildly different outlooks on the meaning of Jesus in their live compared with everything else that defined them as a culture. A Western Muslim's worldview doesn't radically differ from a westerner's anymore than two westerners with different political viewpoints and upbringing.

>North America is one of the most race mixed, heterogenous places in the world.

The US and Canada were borderline ethnic states just a mere 60 years.

Why do you enjoy making things up? The only ethnic group that I know which tend to vote Republicans were East Asians and Cuban, but something began to happen with the youth in the 1990s. However, I never heard of Arabs, and I know that "Hispanics" always voted Democratic, even after Reagan pardoned a bunch of them.

>supposedly dangerous, foreign culture

It is a dangerous foreign culture.

No sir, Christianity can be said to have directly fed into Enlightenment and Humanist philosophies that became the backbone for the Western World.
Islam had none of that, and the memes (Dawkins kind) ingrained in a Euro's psyche are not the memes ingrained in a Muslim Arab's psyche

See these comments in other thread.

It is possible, if you accept living in a pseudo-democratic benevolent authoritarian city-state like Singapore.

However Singaporean multiculturalism acceptance extends only to those already established as native Singaporean regardless of race. They are still opposed to foreign immigrants, regardless of race.

And Malaysia is another example of a multicultural society where all the races are suspicious and fearful of each other and fiercely protective of their culture, but still pretend to get along.

That had nothing to do with my points other than repeating this belief that modern culture is something completely foreign to the descendants of immigrants.

Memes are ingrained in a people from their upbringing, and a German born Middle Easterner will share much of the same upbringing as a German these days. Even when they react negatively to it, their counter culture is itself greatly defined by that Psyche, not by that of a place and culture they no longer know.


>Look at the ethnically homogenous states, some are richer(Japan) or poorer, but their politics and societal structure is completely different and their societies usually in a far better shape.
>sexless shut ins
>better shape


China was multicultural. The flag of the 1912 Republic which claimed all the territory of the preceding Qing Dynasty literally represented the republic's principle of "Five Races Under One Union".


No, you're speaking of multiethnic, and even then they were the same race.

She is trans.

>Mongols, Tibetans, Muslim Hui and Han Chinese all belong to the same culture
Goddammit Veeky Forums.

>wealthy, educated and safe
Shut up round eye.

>asocial flesh machines whose only escape is the sweet embrace of death

Dobrogea/Dobruja is pretty nice, and it's pretty much "every balkan and eastern european ethnicity".
Also, once you remove land dispute bullshit, Transylvania is chill as fuck.

> Paris, 2ish million people, constant riots and lawlessness

>Tokyo 35 fucking million people, no riots, law and order tum tum