So, here we are. Bancor is in less than 9 hours. Who's buying in?

So, here we are. Bancor is in less than 9 hours. Who's buying in?

Other urls found in this thread:

I would... if ETH hadn't gone up 150% in 2 weeks.


Also, if you want centralization, why bother with crypto?

You mean the BTC Suisse deal or being put on an exchange?

I'm a stupid fucking yank, worthless in every way, so I get no ICO, just leftovers.

>tfw when you say thanks but nah to bancor because eth goes up 150% in 2 weeks
>but jewcoin goes up 1500% in 2 weeks

I would, but I'm not one of the Chosen so wouldn't get the dump warning in advance

We get in the ICO you idiot. It's a fucking address. How could they possibly block you from sending? Get with the program.


uh anyway to answer your question, i am going to throw a single ETC at it.

I have read all the back-and-forth about it. I don't even think I'll make that much money off it, but i'm already here in crypto so i might as well participate in this bullshit too rather than sitting on the sidelines.

Why would someone pay a 1500% premium in two weeks when they can buy as much as they want in the morning?

1 etc wtf user is this /smallpotatos/


Oops I mean a single ETH.

Still small potatoes I agree. Basically, I am just participating nominally, mostly for the novelty of the experience.

I'll go all in this shit.


Diversification user. Never put eggs in one basket fucking never ever. Always have at least an even 20% split portfolio or even more diversified. Going all in on anything is a turbo newfag move

Gonna be my first ICO I'm jumping in, hoping it jumps pretty good after getting on the exchanges.

if you get audited by the IRS they will find out and likely seize your funds.

Americans are allowed dude

I'm trading pogs and slammers man.

Americans can't go into icos for things that give dividends. That's why icos like polybius were off limits

Sure about that bud?

On behalf of all burgers I apologize for how stupid some of us are

get fucked kid. IRS going to take all your gains away.

how could they possibly know

>buy it anyway
>move to Denmark
>rescind US citizenship
>cash out your billions

also IRS isn't going to do shit. That's just cover their ass stuff. Americans still buy the icos.


Bancor was on 15th right

Pretty sure that was the presale which ran on bitcoinsuisse. ICO is open to fucking anyone.

it's in a couple hours

Burgers absolutely BTFO. IRS going to find out you participated when you get audited and seize your funds!

Fuck. Oh well

I got in through bitcoin duidde but I don't know if they will accept my payment after today

Don't buy it and be a fucking pussy then.

welp. At least i can sleep in a little bit.

Surely, SONM will be the ticket to lamboland or are yanks banned from that too?

just gonna leave it out of my taxes, it'll be fine.

Isn't bancor's price tied to ETH goyim?

hmm yes nothing suspicious here only tripled your money out of thin air.

I am, got the bancor address ready to go


Gonna be the first person in easy

you forgot wait 5 years before cashing out

The USA thing is just a securities liability thing for ICOs. You can still participate as an American. Some people are saying you should use a VPN though.

Yanks are legally banned from all ICOs but that doesn't stop you from participating, how the fuck are they gonna know?

IRS audit they will seize your gains if they see that on there!

This guy just burnt $63 in transaction fees.

idiot doesn't know there is a 50 gwei max gas price anyways

haha, JUST came here to post this. Love watching these speds who can't follow simple directions.

watch all the premature ethjaculators:

so you are investing in another cryptocurrency?

dat ass.

but anyways bancor looks great. I will def consider it.

How much gas would be a modest amount for the ICO?

buy some right now then

If I had more than 1 eth I'd probably give it a shot but I only got into it last week so it'll be another biweekly paycheck (provided it doesn't keep mooning lol) until I can get to 2 eth

why is the gas limit so high?

gas limit refunds any unused gas

50 gas price with 200k limit. Should be about .01eth

verysmallpotato fag here, is 1 eth a minimum, or you can send fractions of it?

I want money thoooo


been outta biz for a couples weeks, whats this bancor business? basic gestalt pls


I am autistic.

How do you get the BNT after you pay with ETH? Can I send ETH to the ICO from a wallet where I cannot adjust gas-limit(exodus)?

If any of you guys is using etoro, I've just noticed that the charts for some alts have been added. One of bancor team members is Yoni Assia, CEO of etoro.

Really makes you think

No wonder Canadians screw pooches

They don't allow "AMERICANS" to participate.

This is due to BANCORP, a large company in the United States that owns U.S. Bank and 500bil in other things.

BANCOR has too similar of a name to BANCORP and they'd be sued.

USA residents can't participate.

Why would have give my eths to some jews?


Then go sell crack to underage hookers after buying it with the money you stole from that family you raped, tortured, killed, and ate. Joos have no place in crypto

Agreed, Bancor is non profit for anyone. Nobody became millionaire from being a customer in a bank like ever. Y would it now be so ? Longterm trash indeed it is. Shortterm seems more sensible.