Reminder that romance languages come directly from Latin. They are regal and sacred...

Reminder that romance languages come directly from Latin. They are regal and sacred. Poems sound beautiful in any romance language.

Germanic languages on the other hand:
>German is a barbaric vernacular, only suitable to talk to horses.
>Das Deustche ist ein barbarischer Jargon, gerade noch geeignet, um mit seinen Pferden zu sprechen.
- Frederick the Great

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threads like these won't make your Wilhelm grow either.



English poetry shits on French poetry.

French poetry is massively overrated.

Dutch > French

Dutch language sounds like throat cancer.


>could have been born in a Latin culture with a beautiful language which explains the world in masculine and feminine, literally meaning a whole other layer of reality is revealed to them
>Instead born in America, with shit English trying to create gender neutral pronouns for their already cucked language.
why even live?

Russian is surprisingly beautiful sounding, no so much because of the language, but because of the intonation they use. Whenever I hear a Russian reciting poetry, he/she puts on a completely different tone and character from his common everyday speech. He sounds as I he/she is telling a fairy tale.

Russian > French > Italian > English > German > Spanish > ... > Portuguese

Can we all agree that Portuguese is the ugliest abortion of a language to have ever surfaced from stomach gases right into the mouth?

But Portuguese(European one that is) is the closest to Russian you can get on romance languages.

You have to go back. You ungrateful spic.


It's okay, in 100 years America will be glorious Latin civilization as well.

Pure Anglo-Saxon is like the ultimate language of plebeians and pig herders. This is even reflected in modern English where French and Latin words are considered fancy whereas Anglo-Saxon words are peasant speech.

>written in english

I said Latin, not mestizo you primitive snow monkey.

But the real Spain is a shithole and will most certainly be massively overtaken by their former colonies in the near future.


>near future.
I was with you until this.

>says this as germanicuck countries are being taken over by Africans and Asians
I am laffin.

You're right, Puerto Rico has already done it.

t. Monolingual redneck

Actually I am a Celticuck and thus have nothing to worry about since we've already been taken over by the English.

How else can I communicate with my peasant Americans friends?


Puerto Rico already has a higher GDP per capita than Spain.

It's also not a country.

Dutch language is full of French words, even for basic shit (like "river")
England has the excuse of having been invaded by the French and ruled by them for centuries, but why the fuck is Dutch so cucked by French language?
The Netherlands were never occupied by France, except for two short decades in the early 19th century

How embarrassing.

Overtaken by a literal non-country.

>The Netherlands were never occupied by France
No, but it was owned by Burgundy who were French.

it also has the population of madrid

that's why I always laugh when burgers shit on ''tacospeak''

fucking snowniggers

I am a native spanish speaker from an actual latinoamerican country and i can say that what Americans call Spanish is disgusting, abhorrent Mexican slang deviced out of sheer lazyness by the vile Chicano breed.

I'm googling the quote from Frederick the great but keep on getting something from Charles V. It looks fake.

Romance languages have to be "considered" fancy because they are in fact ear-rape.


>american education
Puerto Rico is part of the US, therefore its GDP per capita is the same as the US

What other languages are regal and sacred? Greek, Sanskrit?

>removing the only thing that pretties it up from your language

>Spanish "education"
No it isn't.

Official European languages power rankings.
>Good tier
>Ehh . . . tier
>Shit tier
>Chimp tier


>C.S. Lewis

[citation needed]
IIRC Voltaire considered English a barbaric language.

>posts someone that has been destroyed by Lewis

>he seriously believes a shit tier apologist managed to destroy one of the greatest philosophers to ever live

Autism speaks, let's listen.

it kind of is. Its sole advantage is that it is easy to learn, enabling people of all walks of the world to shitpost

In any case Spain's GDP is higher up than Puerto Rico's in all three lists, making your original point moot

>Chimp tier: Portuguese
lol you don't even believe this
listen to this:
pt from portugal:
Cervantes said Portuguese is a sweet and gracious language. It is the language of Camões someone who is on the same level as Dante, Shakespeare, etc..

Voltaire was also a smug frog faggot.

English literature absolutely dunks on France's literary """"achievements""".

>A mid-tier children's author has destroyed probably one of the wisest men to ever walk the Earth.

Pull the other one, would you?

There are some delusional theists around here.

According to Mario Pei, Portuguese is only 33% away from Latin. Sicilian 8%

terrible opinions

English lit is entry lever and probably the most overrated out there.


English lit is god-level and the only reason it gets shit is pure contrarianism.

Could be also the fact that they were both ruled by Franks at one point, and that Dutch is certainly the closest to the Frankish language nowadays. Certainly closer than French at the very least.

>stk indo-eurooppalaisen orjarodun edustajat kiistelevät siitä kenen mongerrus on parhaimman kuuloista

The cucking of Dutch language is unrelated to that
Dutch is full of French words of Latinate origin (and Franks spoke a Germanic language)

It's probably much more recent, from the era when French was the lingua franca (17th-early 20th century), but it's pretty weird because even the, the Dutch were much closer from the Germans than from the French

Romance languages are what happened when backwater yokels tried to speak Latin.

It's like Southern California Spanglish or ebonics becoming its own language out of English

Hot opinions coming though: A speakers native language is what typically sounds the best to them

Just naming the possibilities at this point. I know it is a Germanic language, but that the word comes from French being lingua Franca for a while? Eh.

Dunno, seemed a bit too odd to be possible. Guess it can be though.

wow, shocking

How would you know given that you don't speak the language?

You must be stupid to have such an opinion

>which explains the world in masculine and feminine, literally meaning a whole other layer of reality is revealed to them
I don't think you understand noun classes.

>easy to learn w/o immersion

pick one

>Romance = German
They both come from a common ancestor so an insult on either one would be an insult on the parent languages that gave birth to them

>Romance language = language that derived from Latin because plebeians attempted Latin but couldn't master it and made a feral abortion of the language
>German = language that derives from a common link to Latin
Your point was that one sounds better and people in thread say English is spoken by plebeians. However, Romance languages were really spoken by plebeians and English is partly Germanic and partly romance, therefore less plebeian and cucked than Romance languages. And your point was?

>Germanic language cucked by Romance languages
>somehow less cucked than them