Is there a more JUST coin than dgb?

is there a more JUST coin than dgb?

its like ripple but the fall in value is much quicker

DGB is doing perfectly fine; It's bottomed out at 1000 and it's being defended. The dev's are active and have whole line of events lined up. The coin's volume alone is a healthy indicator. I am getting comfy with it.

just wait a month. do you know how many times I've seen a thread where someone finally found the "bottom" for XRP?

>is there a more JUST coin than dgb?

cool. did you predict the 1000% rise last month too? or are you only psychic when it comes to talking shit? heh.. nothin personal

>cool. did you predict the bottom at 1000? or are you only psychic when it comes to defending shitcoins? heh.. nothin personal


a "bottom" of 1000 would have beyond my wildest dreams a month ago chump

You sir have gone full retard.

Never go full retard.

Dgb is probably going to recover (at least partially) within less than a month.
I should probably buy now, thanks for reminding me OP

here's a tip: this isn't the bottom ;)

oh damn, you're telling me i might only be up 500% or 600% thanks to this coin?

The more it goes down, the more you win. I see.

I'll wait a bit longer with buying then.

>The dev's are active
>whole line of events lined up
>coin's volume alone is a healthy indicator
Every single time like clockwork

If a coin like vox can recover, than so can dgb with all the support it had

As stupid as it is Vox actually works in a game.

the fact that even now we are still in the top 5 highest traded coins says it all

I would say that Myriad is more JUST than DGB because it's not premined and it came first.

Great argument newfag.

It's going to be hard to listen to but the DGB devs are simply amateurs. They don't have the pedigree nor the vision to see DGB lift-off.

I'm sorry but you were sold a meme by traders. Always look for coins that add value to blockchain technology and can feasibly do it. Coins like Ark, Lisk and Stratis are worth looking at because they have the talent and ability to further blockchain developments.

DGB offers neither.

dgb has less value than posw though

>the DGB devs are simply amateurs

Coins that use the DGB developed DigiShield:


I really hope you're getting paid to do this

balls deep in dgb with 17$

feels good man

Before DigiShield all the coins used Megacoin's Kimoto Gravity Well. It was a small edit to bitcoin code that allowed difficulty to be adjusted every block instead of every 2016 blocks, in order to prevent chains getting stuck from multipools.

Later, DigiByte devs realised that this method could be improved by changing the difficulty adjustments to move down faster than they move up. So when a multipool hops on, the difficulty only ramps up slowly. When they hop off, it quickly drops and everyone can still find blocks. The chain doesn't get stuck, and everyone gets cheaper coins to dump.

Although, with a multi-algo coin even if one PoW is getting stuck, the others can keep confirming transactions... I feel DigiByte devs missed that point.