When will this piece of fucking excrement stop falling.

Bag holders pls comfort me below.

At least I only bought $100 worth

Dont cry. I will be fine. 2-5 cents usd before next summer

Just hold. July will be a big month for verge. Check their site

never, the dev said the tokens are useless in the consensus

Good gains come for those who show patience user, xvg is not a shitcoin they have a decent project/team, we'll make it someday

Exit this scam before too late noobs

I bought at 70 and my 800k XVG still feel like heavy bags somehow
It's a strange feeling

source, I'm pretty pissed but I'm not too worried as I agree with this user

Bought 1k worth at the ATH. Still holding.

Just kill me.

Go to the website and check out the roadmap, it'll make sense of what's happening and inspire some confidence. We're all gonna make it.

almost same here but taht was 50% of my portfolio fml.

Just hold bro, it sucks as you can see everything else heading up but XVG will hit 1k pretty soon.

vergecurrency.com launched

Road Map

1. White Paper (ours is a Black Paper) - DONE
2. Electrum i2p Server/Client - DONE
3. Electrum TOR Server/Client - DONE
4. Produce Electrum Binaries from current client scripts, for ease of use - by end of week, June 9th [Windows clients done, OSX clients near completion]
5. Marketing campaign across multiple crypto services - ONGOING [Started 1 year ad campaign with Coinomi]
6. i2P/TOR Android Wallets - ~July 2017.
7. Expand Verge Radio to become RadioCrypto, and include in core wallets - Halfway done, Completed by ~ June 26th
8. Add a few features to core wallet, such as coin control, RingCT, update all core wallet libraries like openssl, boost, etc.
8a. New Core Wallet Release - July 2017
9. Start implementing RSK smart contracts [they are in testnet now, ~July 2017]
10. Wallet UI overhaul

looks like july is the big month.
I wasn't planning on selling anyway.
Too bad I only have around 946 coins

I got in around 36 sat with just 18k coins but once Gemini clears this bank transfer I am buying a ton more during this dip.

half a million coins reporting in

prepare for trouble and make it double
one-million here

Think you mean XRP friendo

how does it feel that you're just weeks away from lamboland?

It's ok, mang.


Just think of all those stupid apes holding your bags as you drive off in your pepe green lambo.

1.6 mil at 5 sats reporting in! HODLLLL

this coin will skyrocket

holy shit, i can't wait

Remember that 40 btc sell wall at 130 satoshis ?
Well its now 72 btc.
Isnt this technically a good sign ? I mean on the long run ?

Just put them bags down and chill, if it moons it moons, if not it moons with other alts at some point. If you don't have anything better then just hodl