Would you rather be a political prisoner in Nazi Germany or the USSR?

Suppose you were a member of the Polish or Czech resistance, or hell even just a priest or other educated elite turned suspected dissident, or a citizen of one of the Baltic states who were swept up into fighting between both powers during WW2

In both cases
>You are arrested by either the Gestapo/SD or NKVD.
>You are deprived of sleep and likely will be painfully tortured. They might yank out your teeth or fingernails, beat you with s rubber baton, throw in a mock execution or two.
>Your family members are threatened, perhaps the men with death and the women with military prostitution.
>If you give in, you are forced to sign a confession

But heres the thing, they don't kill you... yet. You're still more useful to the state alive, and in their mercy they grant you a cruel existence in the wilderness of eastern Poland or Siberia to work in labor camps.
Disease is rampant, and food is not guaranteed. You may die from exposure either way. To top it off you have to work long hours in hazardous conditions doing things like mining (both kinds), fortifications construction, factory work, digging canals, etc. If you're even more unlucky, you'll find yourself in place where there are bombs constantly falling around you.

Where do you think you would fare better?

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Nazi Germany

The Nazis will only be around for 4 years after all.

Ever read about this guy?

I like this guy.

Nazi. I would try out for the soccer team.

Depends on which camp and when. The sharashki were special camps for people who could be valuable to the state, e.g. many scientists or other specialists. The inmates still had to work hard for the state, but conditions in most sharashki were apparently noticeably less awful than in the rest of the penal system.

>>You are deprived of sleep and likely will be painfully tortured. They might yank out your teeth or fingernails, beat you with s rubber baton, throw in a mock execution or two.
Admit it burger, you had a stiffy when writing this

Lets put it this way, in your case, you're not valuable for your mind but for your physical labor

CCCP, at least my labour will help defeat the eternal Teuton. btw why the hell would NKVD arrest someone from Czech resistance?

By authority granted to me by myself, I hereby name this the best post of the thread.

You objectively and statistically have a much higher chance of survival as a Soviet political prisoner.

>why the hell would NKVD arrest someone from Czech resistance
You really don't know much, do you?



Nice wikidump, but we're talking about WW2.

For Nazi Germany it would really depend on my race and whether it was before or after the 20th July plot. If it was after the plot, or if I wasn't Aryan, then USSR all the way.

>the nazis were racist

Well memed

They totally would. Just like how they rounded up Polish resistance members.

Any armed partisan groups that weren't directly aligned with the Soviet government were seen as a threat to political dominance. So what do they do with them? They disarm and arrest them, and then make an example of all the leaders by executing them after a mock trial.

The most famous instance of this is the Trial of the Sixteen. Sixteen representatives of the Polish underground government were basically called out of hiding to make peace talks with the soviets. Surprise! It was an NKVD trap, and all of them were arrested. They were tortured, and put on trial in the USSR for fabricated charges saying they aided the German war effort. Some died in prison, others were released after De-Stalinzation, and the lucky ones were exiled to the west.

Before or after you're still likely to be shot/gassed.

Am I gonna be a jew?
If not, I'll go with the Germans.

Soviet prisoner i guess, they usualy just made you work a damn lot in siberia and if i make it to stalins death im good, with germans it seems it was just systematic killing.

You mixed up the two

It's a very hard choice.

Both the Gestapo and the NKVD were extremely brutal, both the German and Soviet prison systems were atrocious, and you could not expect much sympathy from either.

However, the 3rd Reich lasted only 12 years.
If I was imprisoned in perhaps, 1940, I MIGHT be able to hold out until 1945 and hopefully be liberated.

Political prisoners, OP said, not prisoners of war.

>btw why the hell would NKVD arrest someone from Czech resistance?
Because the Czech, Polish, Baltic, and other resistance groups fought the Soviets as well as the Germans

>implying they weren't
well memed

>Another, smaller massacre was committed in Wereth, Belgium, approximately 6.5 miles (10.5 km) northeast of Saint-Vith on 17 December 1944. Eleven black American soldiers were tortured after surrendering and then shot by men of the 1st SS Panzer Division belonging to Kampfgruppe Knittel. The perpetrators were never punished for this crime and recent research indicates that men from Third Company of the Reconnaissance Battalion were responsible.[67][68]

I'm not saying that other nations at the time WEREN'T racist, but it's stupid to say that the Germans weren't just because they employed some non-whites in mainly non-combat roles to make up for manpower losses.


I forgot his name, but there was a Polish officer who said "Compared to the NKVD, the Gestapo (torture/interrogation tactics) was childs play"

>slavs love each other!!1!

heres your >(you)

you stupid mongoloid


Sonderkommando looks like a good job

I knew a guy who survived being captured at Stalingrad and held in a gulag until 1953.

I also knew another guy who had been in one of the nordic countries resistance, and had fingered some guys for the nazis to get out of a jam.

I guess I'd take the russians- they're less malicious.

Nazi Germany. At least food is a possibility.

they were executed like the rest after a period of their "service"
always plenty to replace them willingly for a few more months of living

>resistance groups fought the Soviets as well as the Germans
Except Czechs (Slovaks too) didn't. After Treaty of Munchen Russophilia reached astronomic levels.

>be sonderkommando
>have to lie to women, old men and children telling them they are going to take a nice shower when instead they are going to die
>have to hear the screaming from start to end
>pile up the corpses
>find your mom among them
>have to keep still and a poker face
>put her on top of corpse pile
>pretend you are investigating her mouth for gold teeth
>have a final moment
>"oh mom...."
>her lifeless eyes look at you, the face is half smashed because some fat man stomped on her as he too was struggling to find breath
>you close them
>open oven muffle
>insert her, carefully, respectfully, knowing that this will earn you at most a baton beating from an SS man, but it will be worth it
>goodbye, mom, and I'm sorry


Well, Poland is warmer than Siberia. And the Nazis will fall earlier than the Soviets.

Food is more likely, less exposure to climate and I don't have to deal with fucking communists.
Also, gas chambers may be a fun way to go and I may get a nice ceremony in Israel if I help enough jews

why not both

dude, sonderkomandos were completely dehumanised by their job.Read "This Way for the Gas, Ladies and Gentlemen". written by
of one of them, Tadeusz Borowski. Guy and his friends from the unit got used to their camp job so much they couldn't care even if they led their family to gas

Slovaks did.