Why does Europe always have to apologize for Imperialism

are the Mongols always forced to apologize for Genghis Khan

do the Islamic Empires have to apologize constantly

hell the Ottomans were more ruthless than any European empire

Is it simply White/Western Guilt complex

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White people are weak and have no will to power. Even when they conquered they fooled themselves into thinking they were helping people and taking on the "white man's burden." Once they realized it was bullshit they could do nothing but give up and apologize.

>are the Mongols always forced to apologize for Genghis Khan
They have mongolism, they can't be held responsible
>do the Islamic Empires have to apologize constantly
Islam is THE religion of peace
>hell the Ottomans were more ruthless than any European empire
Do you see any Ottoman around?

>Do you see any Ottoman around

What is Turkey?


how is this a /pol/ question?

to be honest its quite a legitimate historical question, why it seems like Europe is always pressured to apologize for its imperialistic past compared to other civilizations with similar track records

Do you see the mongols and turks in power from their conquests any more? No. Besides, it's an obvious /pol/ bait post.

>in power

Ahmed its not 1914 anymore

Europe pressured itself, other peoples dont do that

A blight upon the Earth


>explanation doesn't fall into my racial ideology
>Haha 'no it isn't brown man' XDDD
Great talk.

not how it goes

it is my understanding many asians are butthurt about it though

"it" meaning mongols, forgot to specify

Because white people are weak milquetoast pussies.

But it just isnt true what you said, Shlomo

Europeans havent been in charge for decades.

>european is racist for defending himself and his people

Top kek, Jamal Ahmed Shlomo

Those who participated in colonization are still the world's leading countries economically, politically, and culturally. You are retarded.
>Defending himself
If you think the imperial period was self defense then you are indeed retarded.

>THE religion of peace

>Do you see the mongols and turks in power from their conquests any more?

>What is Turkey?
>What is Mongolia?

>Those who participated in colonization are still the world's leading countries economically, politically, and culturally.

Protip: They were the world's leading countries BEFORE participating in colonization too. Hence how they were able to colonize other regions.

Turks are still pretty much in power due from their conquest

>Europeans havent been in charge for decades.
>european is racist for defending himself and his people
Such mental gymnastics are not available to mortal men, this one is chosen by Odin

European imperialism still goes on to this day in the form of American foreign military adventures.

Why do you think you never hear a word out of the leaders of Western European cunts that actively condemns US invasions the same way you hear it for Russia or China? Why do you think they almost always tag along on said adventures? Why do you think the US hasnt been sanctioned by the UN?

Actually they generally weren't. The Ottoman Empire and China held more wealth than any single European state before the discovery of the Americas

The Ottomans were a colonizing nation. Egypt, Arabia, the levant were all little more than sources of income. China is an exception in every sense of the word given its size, age, and population but if you compare the average wealth of a person in China to the average person in Europe you will find Europe to be much higher.

Actually a lot of people want to force the Turks to apologize for the Armenian holocaust, and for Japan to apologize for all their WW2 atrocities. The difference is that the Europeans are the only ones cucked enough to actually give in.

I don't remember having to apologize for anything. What instances of apologizing specifically are you referring to OP?

How many turks and mongols form the ruling class in the americas? Stop playing the victim. Whites have been in power for centuries and still are today.

The contexts are different. Mongolia in no way made (and continues to make) long-term profit off colonial and imperialistic gains. The Mongol empire faced collapse as soon as Genghis died so the Mongolian state itself can't be held accountable. The institutions set up by the West still exist and were the same institutions that executed and profited from imperialism.

Also it looks like the world asks us for apologies because European expansion literally affected the whole world. I'm sure Turkey gets calls for reparation (or at least acknowledgement for certain genocides) but you don't read Turkish news, or you're not sensitive to the minorities in and around Turkey. The same for other Muslim countries.

And it's other white people who also call for reparations. A culture sorting through its own shit. By the way, no one 'forces' Western nations to apologise. More often than not it makes no apologies.

This. The US still doesn't acknowledge it's genocide against the natives. The same is true in some latin american countries towards their native people. Japan continues to get heckled over their comfort women by koreans. So it happens to other nonwestern countries but since the effects are regional you likely don't hear about it. Western countries on the other hand effected the whole world and the way it's run today is a result of their imperialism in the past. Though some continue soft forms of colonialism in the present, such as France in Africa.


Europe aint apologizing for shit.

Whites(millennials) hate their western culture that sparked by the reformation, so to force it upon generations across the globe is a grave sin.

Why would you want to force things on others?

>the Ottomans were more ruthless than any European empire
