At what point in history did Leftism begin to openly detest the working classes?

At what point in history did Leftism begin to openly detest the working classes?

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Forever. Even Marx hated the shit out of the working class despite his ideology supposedly being the paradise of the working class.

When they didn't all mindlessly jump in line and support Red terror and revolution like all the filthy Commies wanted.

These aren't the leftists that advocate for the working class. It's American liberalism, they're just not socialists and never have been. At most they are center-left.

Even the leftists that advocate for the working class hate the working class, user.

American leftist hate the working class because it is white, just look at the article

Since when are liberals leftists? Progressivism doesn't make you a lefty, just as you can be a conservative radical lefty like Orwell

Pretty much this: Its taken as gospel that the working class vote against their interests, which of course begs the question. And the reasons for this the left has identified are religion and racism .

When the New Left was created.

Elites often don't value the working class, true. However that doesn't mean the Elites can't or won't support with them, allowing them privileges for mutual political benefit, just as they may with any other group. In this case, American Elites don't necessarily need the white working class. So on top of being Elitist there is no reason to protect them.

Our two posts aren't mutually exclusive.

Same reason they import all those refugees, while painting off the working class as 'angry white men'. They have/had a romanticized idea of what the working class was and now they are doing the same with muslim inmigrants.

When the term ceased being a term used to describe a persons relation to the production and consumption of resources and a source of higher appeal and ethical justification. Which has pretty nasty consequences as it mandates the subjugation of working class people.

>You love man, therefore you torture the individual man, the egoist; your philanthropy (love of men) is the tormenting of men.

Read this quote in connection with , yes mass migration causes big problems for members of the working class however it serves the Working Class by maintaining ideological purity as to do other wise would mean challenging the supremacy of the idea (that being that Muslim working class people have interests different to Western working class people.

It's almost as if he had bracketed motives ( ((())) ).

>btw we're going to have to kill like 90... 95% of you
>nothing personell goy, I mean guys.

When the CIA realised they could use Marxism against anti-Semitism and traditional European culture, redirecting revolutionary energy towards clearing the way for American culturo-political dominance. You got KWANED

But these are NICE PEOPLE user. Hillary Clinton is a nice person. The people who go to uni to help minorities from being oppressed are good.

They fell for the intersectionality meme.

If you're a white male and you've failed at life in America it's literally your fault and your fault alone, almost as embarrassing as being a poor Boer

Don't the working class need to be subjugated in at least some sense to actually be the working class? People don't work for fun

>If you're a white male and you've failed at life in America it's literally your fault
I wish I knew how people became this disconnected from reality.

>Take friend out for pizza.
>Strip mall has a 99 cent store and an E-buy-Gold.
>"What third world country have you dragged me into!?"
>Enter pizza place.
>All white people.
>"Let's go for candy."
>Head to the 99 cent store, the cornucopia of all past due retro-candy.
>White people, white people everywhere.

These are the same people who voted in the largest masses for that guy I can't mention due to it having happened less than 25 years ago, mind you. And he's so elite - he eats pizza with a fork.

The sad truth is, while the minorities generally have the majority of their population in the lower classes - white people are still a majority in the lower class. Otherwise, fork-pizza guy never would have won.

Unless, you know, you're mentally unsound and/or lack any support system. Though I suppose that's beside the point

Well I wasn't really trying to make a point or anything. It's not a matter of nice or mean, it's a matter of usefulness. The white working class, typically understood as essentially just more expensive manual labor, isn't particularly useful. There are cheaper alternatives for the same job done just as well nowadays. Long term, it's more feasible for the working class to adapt to the economy than the economy to adapt to the working class.

>or lack any support system
This is literally impossible for a white male to lack in America unless you're living innawoods

>being a member of the dominant race in the greatest country the world has ever known
>Can't get it to work

this is how you know you should kill yourself. If youre in a society where literally everything is set up to benefit you and you still crap out, you have zero worth.

This. The left screams that pizza forker got in because racism. They're right, in part, but not in the way they meant.

what were leftists politics like before marx? or was the idea not even a thing yet?

If they were smart they'd know that pizza forker at least in theory has a plan for the rural America to prosper. Assuming there was a way to make the neoliberal economic order actually work for every demographic in America they wouldn't be in this situation, they're fucking lazy.

Liberals and republicans, that's pretty much it

What the fuck
This sounds like something I wrote for SPLINTER (crowd-sourced COINTELPRO).

>Nielson Mandela

The issue is that working class turns from a label that describes a subjugated people to becoming an idea that subjugates already subjugated people.

It goes from describing reality to being treated as reality as if the map were the territory

"But user, we just need to execute more traitors. After the revolution, there'll be no more disease. The rich get sick because they eat too much, the poor because their life is hard. Etc etc "

Did he mean social disease or literal disease?

I wasn't either. I was just shitposting and saying that being "moral" according to the crumbling liberal elite is not the same as caring about people.

Really? Does the united states have some sort of whites only-welfair and jobs-institute?

The working class just a category of people working certain jobs and being within a certain income range, no? It's unnecessary to classify them as anything else.

I don't know if it was him specifically, but I did read in a book summarising Foucault that that was a French revolutionary theory (I think it was both).

Hard to speak for Leftism as a whole, but the in particular groups it seems to be quite an old affliction.

Read Orwell's "The Road to Wigan Pier" where he condemns the bulk of middle class socialists as such.

actually it should be "if you're a jew and you've failed". america is built to cater to jews.


No, but they do have a government that can be expected reasonably to represent them and their interests. The African American Republic needs to happen if the black community ever wants substantive change for itself.

European Jews aren't Jews

How aren't they Jews?

>her hope and optimism, gone

>And he's so elite - he eats pizza with a fork.

I eat my pizza with a knife and fork.

I also eat bananas and other fruit with a (fruit) knife and fork which seems more shocking to other people.

Because actual Jews hail from Ethiopia

>The Road to Wigan Pier

Part two is some of the most leftist-triggering material of the 1930s.

Just read contemporary reviews and comments, they were literally shaking and couldn't even.

Too stupid for words...

>Scratch a liberal and find a closet aristocrat

Is this sarcasm?

[citation needed]

>dominant race
>everything is set to benefit you
Where do you get such moronic ideas as these?


>but they have my conspiracy theory
What a stirring argument without proof.

>In addition to this there is the horrible — the really disquieting — prevalence of cranks wherever Socialists are gathered together. One sometimes gets the impression that the mere words "Socialism" and "Communism" draw towards them with magnetic force every fruit-juice drinker, nudist, sandal-wearer, sex-maniac, Quaker, "Nature Cure" quack, pacifist, and feminist in England.

This is what "progressives" actually believe.

And this is also why nobody votes for them any more. The white man has come to the realisation that the political left cares more about identity politics than left-wing economics. Progressives made their peace with the establishment and don't want to change the system - all they want is lobby for women, people of colour, transgenders and other people they believe to be underprivileged to get their chance to partake in the Capitalist scheme of exploitation. Class does not matter to them, which is why the female CEO is closer to them than the white assembly-line worker.


It's literally polbait. Either they read one of my baitpost plans or came up with it themselves. Gud bait for Reddit though.

And it's got us agreeing that being a white minority can be bad.

How do you even define fault? Would you say that of an autist can't get a job it's his fault? If you say no, then you can't say anyone is at fault for beimg poor, because their combination of traits they were born with resulted in them being poor. If you say yes, then you'd have to blame minorities as well, because they were born black just as some are born autistic. Furthermore, do you think social security should be only for those who are poor, but not at fault for it?

>Sometimes when I listen to these people talking, and still more when I read their books, I get the impression that, to them, the whole Socialist movement is no more than a kind of exciting heresy-hunt — a leaping to and fro of frenzied witch-doctors to the beat of tom-toms and the tune of "Fee fi, fo, fum, I smell the blood of a right-wing deviationist!"

literally all just white guilt+horse blinder tier view of class.

these are stupid upper middle class white goobers who feel guilty ever since state enforced diversity training since childhood and their only contact with minorities is only ever with the help or the few rich minority kids who they think are cool just because they think they need a minority friend in the same way a business needs to fill a quota.

The other side of this is that as a rich white kid, they project their position onto all other whites. So they think all white people are just like them and dont understand that its all different.

This is where "white privilege" comes from. They had to make up some phantom meme because theres no actual laws anymore that enforce racism like in Jim Crow, and they cant bear their own bullshit cross of white guilt, so they project it onto all others.

would you rather be some rich black kid or be some poor white trash kid who lives in a trailer park with his two meth head parents?

>It would help enormously, for instance, if the smell of crankishness which still clings to the Socialist movement could be dispelled. If only the sandals and the pistachio-coloured shirts could be put in a pile and burnt, and every vegetarian, teetotaller, and creeping Jesus sent home to Welwyn Garden City to do his yoga exercises quietly! But that, I am afraid, is not going to happen.

The answer to any question regarding American liberalism and leftism and western culture is gonna be the Frankfurt School.

In this case, that Frankfurt school was the Marxist pivot to cultural matters when the communist revolution took place in feudal Russia, and not America and Western Europe where they expected and wanted.

The anarcho-socialists of the early 1900's couldn't make the economic case to turn the workers against the employers, so the Frankfurt tried making the identarian case to turn non-whites and woman against white men.

The major targets of this subversion were college campus' and Hollywood; In other words, well to do white people. These white people are pretty much never in proximity to their working poor and lower-middle class counterpart, so over the years their has been a increasingly disconnect between these two groups.

As the Cold War came to a close, The Frankfurt School of thought was ironically appropriated by internationalist neo-liberals, because cultural marxism's subversive elements coincided with the globalist agenda of dismantling ethno-cultural and civic identity. Less God, King and Country and more Sports team, video game console and cinematic universe.

In short, over-privileged white people brainwashed by corporatists using Marxist propaganda tend to scapegoat their underprivileged counterparts.

To be fair, that pizza was from a chain restaurant, therefore deserving no such decorum as the bare fingers.

>as a rich white kid, they project their position onto all other whites

In particular when they claim how "we" are responsible for the shitty state of the world due to "exploiting" poorer countries.

It is utterly disgusting how some these rich upper class kids try to group everyone - no matter how shitty their lives, no matter how little they've personally seen of the "wealth" of the first world country they're living in - with them, simply for sharing the same skin colour.

>hippies already exist

You are like stormfag but in reverse, so you must be leftipol. In both case you should either go away to shitpost your over simplified generalizations about things you don't have any personal experience with and/or not even bothered to research.
This is really the last board that values actual non meming discussions. You have your /pol/ and /int/ go there.

>complex cultural processes having to do with advancing technology, economic prosperity and cultural change are a subversive plot
Fucking simpleton

Advancing technology, economic prosperity, and cultural change are all Luciferian plots to distract us from Jesus.

>It's unnecessary to classify them as anything else

Which is the point and why its become so destructive

Your mom fucking every guy on the block is a Luciferian plot to distract us from Jesus

I know that guy is retarded but please leave leftypol out of this, they are nothing like a left stormfront and they are pro-working class white man. Views like that not dominant there at all

Kill yourself, /leftyshill/

>white man

Oh god, it's a Nazbol too. How do creatures like you process oxygen?

*views like the guy you responded to

I said with tongue in cheek, besides it was relevant to this discussion anyway. You assume a lot about other people guy, I'm merely correcting you.

I'm not a Bolshevik either, faggot

Lets make it clear:
/pol/ - imbreds infected with severe case of "ideology". If they all die tomorrow world's IQ average is raises by 10 points
/int/-we wuzzing banter were non anglo college students practice their english
Veeky Forums - deconstructing media and ideological noise by understanding complexity and using history as reference to gain a little bit more understanding while knowing we still don't know

No. This is how it is.

A bunch of redditors who think Veeky Forums is "le edgy nazi satire website" with a couple of actual fascists there (they are the ones who I have no problems with).
Memeing faggots who have no idea about anything concerning politics or history.
>Veeky Forums
Memeing faggots of which some know a little about politics, history or philosophy.

/leftypol/ morons get out

Leftist always hated the Working class cause they can't managed as slaves unlike the shitskins who lives of gibs.

The left need slaves not decent human being.

>Working class cause they can't managed as slaves unlike the shitskins who lives of gibs
Mideastern populations are the least manageable. They do not work and have a violent culture. They don;t integrate and have their own value systems and opinion leaders inside their communities.

Not an argument, sorry kid

When retards still insist liberals are leftists. And looking at this thread, this retardation isn't ending anytime soon

What are they then?

Right wingers with a human face

Leftypol LITERALLY has an anti white and a black supremacist thread up now

The Left is disgusting by the working class.

The Right is too busy manipulating the working class to actually give a fuck about them.

Has anyone ever liked the working class?

Regarding your picrelated
>think of an idea
>make it happen trough working for fee while nowone but youbelive in it
>take risks crazy risks that don't let yopu sleep at night
>hire some retards to do exactly what they are told while enjoying financial security
>you are now one of the few who succeded against the odds
>the retards think that you are the parasite and they are the true value creators
I'm not saying that this is the case in every company but it is in some. This pic is shear idiocy from lazy entitled fucks

Liberals are the definition of economic centrists, you retards.

IWW is leftist organization for factory workers in the early 1900s and now for white collar workers so your greentext stories don't count for shit. IWW was and is still a American leftist organization is for and by the working class

Social democrats are the centrist senpai

I can't see it on leftypol .net, are you sure you weren't on the dead .pl one that literally only angry /pol/ posters go in to shitpost?

This. The fact that the phrase "lumpenproletariat" even exists should be a clue as to what their motivations are.

Rather than living up to their ideals and lifting these most vulnerable of people up, they cast them aside because they're not politically useful.


Stop lying, leftypol


Kek why do the lefty/pol/ neckbeards pretend to be redpilled?

>Social democrats are the centrist senpai

Social democrats are pretty much the ssme thing nowadays. Just to clarify, I'm not talking about classical liberalism, which is of course right-wing.

Not an arguement senpai

Why are lefty/pol/ neckbeards such cretins? The economy is not a zero sum game If I invent a new method that makes industry more efficient and sell it to someone for a profit we are both better off in the end.

I know lefty/pol/ is satire but come on nobody can be that stupid and cringy