What are some of the saddest moments in history?

What are some of the saddest moments in history?

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inb4 OP's birth

When you got squirted out of your mum's pussy.

2016 trump victory.


That one time some antsy fucking Macedonian dick head collapsed one of the largest empires the world had ever seen just so he could masturbate to the new maps with his name all over them.

>mfw didn't even unite conquered lands into a cohesive empire
>mfw his conquests accomplished nothing but destruction
>mfw he couldn't even stay alive long enough to finish shitting all over everything
>mfw "to the strongest"

Fuck that guy seriously

The holocaust

For the Brasilianer at least.

Didn't realize that happened 25 years ago.

I dont think thats sad, I think it's super funny
>players who think they're hot shit for being rich and fucking hot women get BTFO
>fags who are more active in social media than on the pitch getting BTFO
>media that kept overhyping brazilian football as being the best when it hasn't been in the last 30 years gets BTFO

persiacucks BTFO

I loved it too. But there are hints that some people thought it was a very sad thing.


Princes in the tower desu

Byzaboo detected

More like Euroboo.


Destruction of Alexandria. That library had tons of great shit, like the other 4 books that went with Iliad and Odyssey, shitloads of writings by Ancient Egyptian scientists (they probably got a lot wrong, but it would be interesting to see what they did) shitloads of ancient Egyptian history and myths, all wiped out. I am 1 million percent sure we lost some good shit in there.

>Sack of Rome
You mean practically the tamest sack in all of antiquity where the leader of the invading forces had such a massive boner for Rome that he forced his soldiers to speak Latin and call him by a Latin transliteration of his name

Destruction of mesoamerican books by zealous christian fanatics.

"...as we leave the Moon at Taurus-Littrow, we leave as we came and, God willing, as we shall return: with peace and hope for all mankind. Godspeed the crew of Apollo 17."



146 BC, Romans destroy Carthage and Corinth.
Whatever happened to them afterwards, they had it coming.

Berlin wall coming down

> Destruction of Alexandria.
This, Caesar is a fucking monster.

The expulsion of the Greek communities of Asian Minor.

Sacking of baghdad


Anglo hegemony

Agree 100% user

Based Spaniard disagrees

Newfag its still all out there push for transperwncy and access to information dissemination

Accident lol

That was fucking epic though, and I am one of the only ones in my group of friends who doesn't watch football regularly.

I think that's the worst one, in the grander scale of things.


How is that sad it brought a new mix of east and west into the world which united shitload of different peoples.

States that joined the union as independent countries should have the right to secede

>te kratoi
for someone whose entire success stemmed from his father, he didn't seem to understand or care about the importance of building a dynasty. he should have knocked up roxanne straight away. or at the very least appointed a fucking successor. who am i kidding, there are an awful lot of things he should have done

if you can't enforce your rights you have none, stay cucked

Hitler not promoting rebellions in Islamic British/French protectorates

The American Civil War

French Revolution.

Native American genocide.

When ur mom gave birth

Sandy Hook

7-1 was the defining moment in sports this century.

This. Also, similar destruction of the library at Babylon a few hundred years later.

When's your birthday

Collapse of the Soviet Union

Historical events are supposed to be things that actually happened?

The shot that ended western civilization

We're not supposed to talk about events that happened within the last 25 years guys

Are you sure that's how it happened?

The last 12 years*

Just forced myself through the White Queen, then read the Wikipedia article on this stuff. Richard is even more based than I thought. Shame the Tudors cock blocked him


Armenian genocide.

Yeah what was the point of this again?

>shitty backwards dictatorship collapsing
Should've collapsed in the 20s desu

Burning the Library of Alexandria

Stay mad, bitch

>Hate me cause they ain't me

Yeah, it's really annoying how innocently the Natives are portrayed throughout most texts. Surely, they were wronged in many ways, but let's not forget how absolutely depraved and savage they were. They probably deserved a lot of what came to them.

> How is that sad it brought a new mix of east and west into the world which united shitload of different peoples.

By that you mean it brought destruction and stagnation to the entirety of southeastern Europe that lasts to this day.

Was it filled with the good kind of knowledge or the pagan kind of knowledge?

>muh multiculturalism
seriously kys you subhuman

Dude, it was the muslims.

you would not understand either way

The birth of Muhammed

The event in itself was funny as fuck though
>the assassin tries to kills himself immediately afterwards with a cyanide pill
>lol it's expired
>jumps in the river
>lmao only 4cm deep
>then immediately attacked by an entire crowd

And he wasn't even the only conspirator. Weren't there like three or four others who all failed or pussied out?


Yeah. Most were too young to get executed so they got jailtime instead, but by the end of WW1 all of them were dead because of poor detention conditions

1922 still makes me cry

Greek occupation of Lemnos island, 1912. What was lost then can never be recovered.

Balkans are comfy mate



That time Julius Caesar went full autist and ran into 23 different senator's daggers then blamed Brutus. Classic political set-up for his boy Augustus.

-The Bronze Age Collapse
-The destruction of the Library of Alexandria and the House of Wisdom in Baghdad
-The Roman persecution of Christians
-The persecution and destruction of Roman and Greek Pagans
-Fall of the Western Roman Empire
-The fourth crusade and sack of constantinople
-The turkic and nomandic invasions of Europe, China and India
-The Holocaust
-Assassination of Huey Long
-The overthrow of Mosaddegh
-The communist purges of the 20th century reaching a high point in Cambodia
-The beginning of the war on terror
-The Arab and trans atlantic slave trade

Russian and Chinese revolutions, 50 million dead in a short amount of time.



Knowledge from the past and well documented history would've been exciting but it's only sad for people in the future such as us. The majority of people back in the day probably didn't give two shits about it.

The end of Western Civilization

>when De Gaulle learned that his daughter, who had Down's Syndrome, had passed away, he told his wife "Now she is like all the other girls"
I know this feel way too well.

-oldenbarnevelt getting executed by his countrymen after he faithfully served the dutch republic for thirty years.
-i think the norman conquest was sad because i think anglo-saxon culture was better. the same goes for the near-destruction of the remaining celtic cultures.
-collapse of the ummayad caliphate and the sack of cordoba and the destruction of its great library.
-the plague that wiped out the native americans and then inability to hold out against the spanish. the failure in general of any native americans to establish a modern state.
-dissolution of the ottomans and austo-hungarian empires.
-the soviet subordination of all those distinct cultures in eastern europe, so now we can only but imagine it as a monolithic easter bloc (though thats changing perhaps)
-the descent of the kongo kingdom into civil war
-ali's getting passed over for succession for like three decades after mohammed died when to me it seems like he was the most worthy of leading the muslims (though when he did reign he was a bit like a ned stark, too righteous for his own good). by extension, the betrayal/massacre that was the battle of karbala is also tragic. I'm not even muslim it just seems like the ummayads were downright nepotistic assholes.
-the dissolution of valois burgundy
-failure of the qing to reform themselves, thereby leading to a bloody twentieth century.
-germany not being divided after wwi (don't mean to be edgy but I'd prefer a multitude of german states with distinct cultures)
-czechoslovakia getting sold out to the nazis in munich
-fall of the swedish empire
-hashemites failing to fend off the retarded wahabbis from taking over arabia.
-Iran under the qajars failing to get its shit togetehr
-reza shah getting cucked when he was an very effective statebuilder (he was an idiot for not participating with the allies though). His son was ok too but he's also an idiot for failing to prevent such a big fuck up as the Iranian revolution.
-Saddam Hussein executed

>destroying rome
muh idolatry
muh meme lit
>-The Roman persecution of Christians
>-The persecution and destruction of Roman and Greek Pagans
Does not compute.

There has rarely been a time where Pagans have not deserved what they got, and this definitely is not one of those exceptions.

You forgot WWI and the Armenian genocide.

>-The Roman persecution of Christians
This, which is also why only edgy atheists unironically like emperors like Nero.

Con: Worst possible thing that could have happened to Serbia.
Pro: It ended absolute monarchism in Europe.

Kingdom of Naples failing to fix itself in the 19th century (despite murat showing that it had so much potential) and instead the austrians and the king of naples turned it into a reactionary shithole that collapsed the second garibaldi landed with a tiny force in sicily.
-napoleon's 100 days was dramatic but it ended up fucking over France when in the previous year the bourbons returned to rule with almost no punishment going to france.
-assassination of franz ferdinand
-the awful end to the taiping rebellion
-lincoln's assassination
-the black death, of course, and its decimation of pisa, siena, genoa and a bunch of other cool city-states so they went into permanent decline.
-napoleon's annexation of venice
-failure of the 1848 roman republic
-fall of spanish republic
-the failure of chile's democratic tradition (i'm not gonna say allende was good for that country even though i sympathize with him because the strong reactions that he provoked during a time of ideological tension polarized chile).
-porfirio diaz not stepping down in the early 1900s and fostering a peaceful transition of power, after which he would have gone down as a great leader in the history books.
-a slower transition of brazil from empire to republic
-paraguay cucking itself in the war of the triple alliance, when it could have been a good counterbalance in the region perhaps
-argentina's decline over the 20th century and peron destroying its liberal democratic tradition (i'm not saying these democratic traditions are the be all and end all of history but they're better than dictatorships with succession crises and no rule of law)
-soviet union collapsing as it did instead of gradually reforming itself as china did.
-turkey disowning its ataturk's legacy
-no kurdish, sikh, tibetan or manchurian state (the latter two are unfeasible at this point this they got zerg rushed by han settlers)
-failure of the first chinese republic and yuan shikai throwing a wrench in it

What do you expect from the douche that burned down the most beautiful city in the world at that time, just to piss at his enemies?

Bringing all that Hellenistic culture to the Middle East didn't do jackshit, Persia was already great at that time.

These retards don't realize the fall of Constantinople triggered the Renaissance with all the Greek scholars moving to Europe. Also be careful when talking about Muslims/Jews on Veeky Forums, because /pol/ is always lurking around.

Mine's today. Just turned 20 years old. Don't know how to feel...

>It ended absolute monarchism in Europe.
what a bunch of nonsense. Neither the german empire nor austria hungary nor the ottomans. Russia was maybe more authoritarian but even its system was by no means absolute monarchy, as the tsar didn't actually run the empire all that much nor executed people on a whim. The nazis and the soviets who succeeded these monarchs, though, were pretty fucking arbitrary and more closely resembled the ideal of absolute monarchy, just without the hereditary sovereign.

>Neither the german empire nor austria hungary nor the ottomans
were absolute monarchies*
