ITT: people who did nothing wrong

ITT: people who did nothing wrong

He was Lenin of France

Robespierre had been known for long as a good man. He had reason to behead those people.

>He had reason to behead those people.
Twittle-twattle and crop failure in France, I guess.



Lincoln. Modalous if I'm honest

Fuck he looks like adolf

The only thing he did wrong was allow himself to get beheaded





try to prove me wrong, protip: you can't


Uh, he turned Cuba into a third world country under his muderous rule.

He got beheaded by his own people. That speaks volume on what he did. What a retard in the end.

He made Cuba's healthcare system world-class
He instituted mass literacy programs to help educate the poor
It scores very highly on the HDI
It did all of this while resisting capitalist imperialism and hegemony and acting as a beacon of hope for the exploited

I fail to see the problem.

I was already a third world country you dipshit.

You're right. It should have stayed a dictator ruled, American tax haven/resort/mob headquarters, that exploited its people for cheap exports, while for real being a 3rd world country.

Also didnt castro technically turn it into a 2nd world country. Wasnt the terminology that the Soviet bloc and its commie allies were "2nd world," the west were "1st world" and the rest of the world fodder were "3rd world"

By that logic everyone who got beheaded during the terror was a retard.

He killed nobles and innocent people.

Qu'il aille au diable

"I prefer leader who didn't get beheaded"


Robespierre did things wrong. He had a philosophical ideal that was admirable, but he did institute a government that lead to the deaths of innocents. It was his political leadership that lead to numerous purges. He may have had Rousseau in his front pocket for the entire time, and may have thought he was pushing for a virtuous state, but by the end he was delusional.

Your thinking is incoherent. Universal principles always justify terror and totalitarianism as means.

Those demon worshipers deserved it desu


the people are poor as shit
they don't have access to the free market where they can purchase what they'd like

sure castro did some good for cuba, but they are behind where they'd be, in regards to the consumption of the average citizen, than if they were capitalist. That is a fact. Go ahead and argue about literacy and health care but that comes at the cost of liberty at which point it becomes a philosophical argument without an objective right or wrong answer.


He's even more to blame for WW1 than Hitler is for WW2 as far as I am concerned.

It is a philosophical argument, that's the whole point.

Also, the country being poor can easily be rationalized by it having almost the entirety of the world's economic superpowers against it, and trying to undermine it.


>Also, the country being poor can easily be rationalized by it having almost the entirety of the world's economic superpowers against it, and trying to undermine it.
No, it is poor because it failed to institute policies that encourage competition and markets. If they had done so, then there would be literally no reason for other countries to 'undermine' them.

Search your soul, you know it to be true. He did not a thing wrong, yet his people forced him into signing the most treacherous man kind has ever seen.


>if they were capitalists, their would be no point in other countries undermining it

Exactly, you moron.


You're making the point that they are poor because they are 'undermined'

The reality is that they are 'undermined' because their economic system is not in accord with what is the status quo in the rest of the world. In actuality, they aren't undermined but rather it is simply a result of their political/economic system.

Put it this way: you are walking down the street and a drunkard is passed out with a $100 bill by his side. You're gonna take that money because you can. In a similar vein, cuba remains poor because literally the rest of the world understands that the free market enables them to produce and consume goods that the people demand while communist shit holes attempt to force products on their people. It is not a case of the world exploiting cuba but rather cuba being inefficient and, as a result, stuck behind the rest of the world in terms of per capita consumption/well-being. but, hey, at least everyone can read, right?

>Put it this way: you are walking down the street and a drunkard is passed out with a $100 bill by his side. You're gonna take that money because you can.

Maybe in a capitalist world. In a socialist world, people wouldn't have to steal.

did you mean templars?

That's the German Kaiser you nitwit. The British are to blame for WW1.