What's the role of the West on the rise of theocracies on the Middle East?

What's the role of the West on the rise of theocracies on the Middle East?


Tehran and Kabul, both progressive cities for their time to not represent the country as a whole. If anything, the more conservative rural values were imposed on the city folks, which is usually something that happens the other way around and more peacefully.

In the case of Iran it was a dude named Kermit Roosevelt, Jr.

It's easy to compare the cosmopolitan upper class to random citizens in different time periods.

if you don't think afghanistan and iran looked like that in the 1960s and 70s you're seriously deluded

That's true for nearly all nations, and it's the lack of peace that the West had some hand in that created that reversal.


This is the truth. Also, the communist government in Kabul tried to spread the secularization of Afghanistan to the rural hinterlands which launched the villagers to open revolt.

Nothing. It was the majority of people that hijacked socialist revolutions and coups. The orginal plan for the ayatollah was to make him a shia pope and turn the city of rayy into a shia Vatican

Decisive. Islamic revoulition of Iran was organised by Britain and France, Afghanistan and Pakistan is area of struggle of USA against British Commonwealth.

Afghanistan was always a poor and backward though.

Those ladies were just the rare elite in Kabul.

Well they didn't have to worry about drones and landmines back then though

I wonder what those pajamas feel like.

I assume rough

Bet they're really comfy.

don't understand this whole reddit obsession with Iran before the revolution. Before the revolution maybe 2% of the population lived like in the pics that constantly get posted but the vast majority was conservative. Also, poverty, illiteracy and inequality were insane then. Islamic Iran has way higher literacy and overall quality of life standards for the majority but fucking reddit can't get over " muh sexy dresses"

read up on
Operation Ajax for Iran
Operation Cyclone for Afghanistan

Before the revolution they were under a shitty US/UK-backed government that exploited the people for Iran's petrol.

t bh Arming the Mujahideen was the only "moral" thing that the Americans did in the middle east. No one deserves the fate becoming a Commie satellite and it was pretty awesome to see the Afghan underdogs BTFO the Ruskies.

The US only went wrong in supporting the Northern Alliance in stabilizing the country after the commies pulled out.

This thread proves that all Americans are dindus

yeah. but for some reason most of the LA persiafag diaspora insist that "muh strong Shah" was god's gift to Iran


Correction .. meant * not supporting

Worn them. Extremely comfy and allows maximum ventilation to the crotch without being exposing.

Absolutely harem!

Probably overrated.

Democratization in a backwards country will always lead to religious conservatism becoming a dominant political force. Just look at the history of Europe itself during the XIXth century, when liberals and radicals had to face the strenght of the Catholic Church in electoral politics.

In the end, Christian democracy became an important part of Western liberal democracy. If secular elites in the Middle East didn't chimp out so often and stopped trying to impose secularism at gun point, maybe Islamic democracy could become part of liberal democracy in the Islamic world too.