15th Century - Century of the Ottomans

>15th Century - Century of the Ottomans
>16th Century - Century of Spain
>17th Century - Century of France
>18th Century - Century of Russia
>19th Century - Century of Britain
>20th Century - Century of USA

Is this correct? Who will the 21st Century be dominated by?

>inb4 China




Islamic China


Islam will conquer Brazil.

The joos

>Russian nuclear war target map, doesn't really include french soil, because no big NATO posts for US military...US nuked, Russia nuked, Germany nuked (NATO silos), UK nuked (see Germany), Italy nuked, China nuked (ally of Russia), Japan + S.Korea nuked (US military presence)......

hence: France - 21st/22nd century

Thats wrong as fuck youre dumb

What's the point of this?

What a retarded pic.

>15th Century - Century of the Ottomans
The Ottomans reached their peak in power during the mid 16th century. They sacked Constantinople in the 15th century, but that was hardly their peak.
>16th Century - Century of Spain
This is kind of correct, but it's more like the century of the Hapsburgs than just Spain itself. I'd say the first half of the 16th century was dominated by the Ottomans, while the second half and beyond was dominated by the Hapsburgs.

I think according to this it will be the Greeks

I want to add these extra candidate countries, which could survive the nuclear holocaust and thus define future centuries: Brazil, Indonesia, possibly Australia (depends on if US survivors settle there)

India - Pakistan, questionable to not fall into the nuclear 'bloodrush' as well
Israel - questionable, but possible if they manage to survive

Possible, if they manage to change their political system in the aftermath completely away from crippling corruption (their debt is practically gone)

Islamic State


> Russia nukes everyone

> Mongols return

Yeah, no.



I'd argue that 18th Century was still the century of France, and that the USA will stay on top during the 21st, for most of it at least.

weve set it up to be USA, or fucking no one.

t. butthurt fifty center


what are the chances of this century being Russian?

The Neo-Mongol Empire.

China or US. In the next 15 to 20 years we are going to hit peak oil, not because we lack reserves but because they will be rendered largely obsolete by renewable energy. The impact of this will be two fold, first is that it will have a tremendously negative impact on the prices that industrial economies can trade their goods for, second there will be a massive flow of immigrants from the 3rd world due to rampant unemployment in their home countries. As of now the US is much better handled to deal with the first problem while China is much better handled to deal with the second. Regardless, China will need to rapidly transition to an information based economy if it hopes to employ its massive population in an automated world.

USA again

people who say "china" betray themselves as ignorant.

None. The age of nation states is over.

It's all about globalization and the New World Order now.

The 21st century will be dominated by the Antichrist, until Jesus returns.


What the fuck are you talking about? China is as, if not more so industrious than the United States was in the early 20th century.

>18th Century - Century of Russia
Britain also had the 18th Century.