I missed the Bancor ICO because I had an exam this morning. Really regret not buying in...

I missed the Bancor ICO because I had an exam this morning. Really regret not buying in. How much will the tokens cost once they hit the exchange?

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>$150 million into a vaporware project

you dodged a bullet

probs (price_of_eth / 100) * 5 per token

they will crash when they hit the exchanges, you are not too late.

Probably less than 2x

or (price_of_eth / 100) / 10 per token

probably (price_of_eth) / 100 * 100 / 20)

it'll be pegged at 1% the price of eth because you can literally exchange it at that fixed price, it's set up that way. Bancor is set up for failure.
remember DAO? lol

If it's anything like the last big ICO (BAT), it will hit the exchanges and fizzle out over the course of a week or so

Just place a buy @ ICO + 10% once it hits an exchange if you really want to get in. Someone will think 10% is enough and offload on you.


>because I had an exam this morning

This fucking board really is 70% children playing with their lunch money.

Still, good luck. Work a summer job and put it all into crypto. Don't be a lazy pos loser like most adolescents.

With Jews you lose

So what if he had an exam ? Guy is trying to get ahead.

literally impossible cause you can just buy back eth using the token's smart contract

When the fuck is it coming to exchanges faggots?

I had parity set up but it didn't go through don't criticize me for having a plan B when your crypto gains all disappear

Except 20% is backed by ETH reserves, so your 1% is fucktarded.

where the fuck did the last ")" come from?

Literally the complete opposite of vaporware

80 percent actually.

Purposefully fudding or just ignorant?

>300 lines of code on top of ethereum

I have my buy offers on the exchanges at 10 sats.

This isn't BAT. Bancor is the most ground break coin in the history of crypto. It actually deals with the finance and banking issues, not just retarded niche tech coins for hobbiests like GNT, SIA, and BAT.

It is literally one ring the rule them all.

There's no way this isn't going at least 3x

>already 5x on exchanges


Butt it was a rectal exam

lolololol bro in 2 years this things gonna be 800x. Cap this. I'll be here in 2 years.

I actually believe it is, because the biggest problem for ETH has been the case how it is used as money, this fucking solves it.


Anonymouse bitcoin debitcard!

I found it !


which exchange is that?


Lowest bid already 0.0048 btc, kek

HITBTC, only place I see it, I don't know what the other user is talking about

Nope, there is a buywall to support price.

A week.

You idiots know the price will rise from ico point because you can buy with smart contract right? This wont be a high starting unload it will be a pump from ico price and arbitrage trading. You morons dont know shit about this project