Leon Trotsky appreciation thread

Leon Trotsky appreciation thread

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He was jewish.

well... at least he was murdered in a cool way

Pic related.

>Lev Bronstein appreciation thread
Leon Trotsky rolls off the tongue. I appreciate that he abandoned his birth name and appropriated one more suitable to the people he intended to infiltrate and destroy.

>pretentious retard
>he would literally be worse than Hitler if he had his way
>got cucked by some georgian peasant yokel
>bitched about how wrong and evil he was, even though they were pretty much after the same exact thing and he was just butthurt he couldnt play the game as well
>gets brutally murdered later on while writing shitty poetry

Any "artistic" leader is a horrible piece of shit

(((Lev Bronsteiiiiiiiiiiin)))

>The most radical version of state communism is Trotskyism, the idea that you have a regime that renews itself through endless and perpetual struggle. “There is no rest!” “there is no motion!” Trotsky wrote endless sentences like this “no love, no serenity, no stillness, no motion, only the struggle!” And of course Stalin took him at his word, which is why he purged them all from the party after 1928.

ok i gotta admit thats very good


So hes literally the bad guy from For Honor.

Also, where did this meme that he was the peacful "good guy" who was robbed by Stalin come from in western leftist?

It doesn't really exist in western leftism.
He was a better guy because of his goals, not so much his methods (though the fact is that he was not as devious and brutal as Stalin towards his comrades).
Leftists are aware that revolution is a violent affair. No one expect it to be peaceful.

>Leftists are aware that revolution is a violent affair. No one expect it to be peaceful.

its not just that, he LITERALLY shilled for an endless world war for communism.

Well he didn't break new ground on that matter.
"Workers of the world, unite !", remember ?

And you seem to imply that he was retarded about it but that's not true : he fir example opposed Lenin's idea to try to conquer the whole of Poland.

>tfw named Leon because mom is trotskist

I appreciate him dying i s horrifically painful death :)
While Stalin was dying from a stroke in his rich dacha for 48 hours and no guard help him :^)
The way of proletarian.

>Leon "Picked by a Spic" Trotsky

>have 0 education on military science
>still beat the white army

splitter deserved it
stalin did nothing wrong

The only people who are Trotskyists are Jews and shabbos goyim.

>pick related


Oliver Cromwell desu.

Read more. The one who killed him not only was a spaniard, it was a catalan.


Same shit, different toilet.


Why did so many Trotskyites turn into neoconservatives?

Good question and an interesting matter of subject. It can be argued that neoconservatives today abstractly follow Trotskyist ideology like internationalism to a certain extent

perpetual butthurt towards the ussr

such a boss

>the people he intended to destroy

Great meme

>if a communist revolution ever happens again it will be led by butthurt ugly Jewish manlets...again

p-please god I don't deserve this punishment

Kristol was a trotskyboo?

Stalin vehemently argued against Stalinist authoritarianism and wanted the workers to play a more active role in their governance.

This aligns with Western liberal and socialist ideals of freedom and democracy in a way that Stalinism doesn't.

Well yeah, he anticipated the Cold War. After the initial failures of revolution in Germany and Hungary, a lot of Bolsheviks started looking inward. Trotsky recognised that the combined forces of capital could overpower and outpace a few isolated socialist states, and lobbied for increased internationalism and heavy support for non-revolutionary socialist movements in the rest of the world.


Throughout the 50s and 60s, the Western left was in total disarray. Socialist radicals, closely aligned with Soviet orthodoxy, were very prominent in both universities and working-class politics until this point. After the war, radical politics became more isolated by the Red Scare, Soviet repressions in Hungary and Czechoslovakia, and revelation of the horrors of Stalinism.

The mid 60s marked an enormous change in leftist politics. Socialism was now much scarier than it used to be, and less popular with students and workers. Popular social movements focused on identity politics took center stage. Leftists generally came to accept liberal capitalism, and funneled their radical energy into other causes.

Neoconservativism is the result of one of many transformations of leftist politics. The socialist internationalism of Trotskyism became a liberal capitalist internationalism that was incredibly compatible with American imperialist foreign policy. These folks were especially horrified by the authoritarianism of the USSR, and found fast friends with the Reagan Administration after the Cold War got warmer.

>posting a modern ice pick

It was an ice axe, retard

Trotsky the GOAT desu

id say inspired by more so than turned into
leo strauss was a zionist jew who believed in revelation ie not very leftist

This can also be thought of as a

"People who have been cucked by Poland thread"

i love how all the modern anti-semites just show their historical ignorance by claiming communism (they really mean leninist bolshevism) is a jewish idea.
jews joined the communist party en masse because the czar and his cronies were blaming them for the shortcomings of the regime and enacting pogroms (or genocides) against them.
Lenin understanding this and that a large number of the jewish population were members of the proletariat made a point of dispelling the ignorant hatred spread by the czar and putting the question into its proper framework, as a question of class not religion.
lrn2history modern alt right

he was a dumbass for deciding to hide at his girlfriends house
thats the first place theyd look!

Trotsky's tactics are god tier and can be applied successfully with any ideology, just look at Saudi Arabia

You mind expanding on this?

The concept of eternal revolution being that once an ideology has overtaken a state, instead of outright conquering others (this would make you an aggressor), you fund and arm rebels dedicated to your cause until they succeed, rinse and repeat until the world is yours

Was he really a genius military strategist and tactician or is that just a meme?

the concept of eternal revolution isnt really his its born in the work of Bakunin who was an anarchist (and the eternal revolution ideal is why marx had him thrown out of the communist party) and used by stalin also

>by stalin also
I thought the whole conflict was because Stalin wanted to build socialism in the USSR first as opposed to funding revolutions elsewhere, and I doubt Trotsky would've handed money over to the KMT

His greatest contribution to the Red Army was organizing it as, well, an army. This isn't a huge achievement, especially when one is organizing former soldiers. In terms of his decisions on the battlefield, he moved between mostly competent and absolutely mediocre. the only thing that kept the red army moving was either the hilarious incompetence of his opponents, or their naivety in the case of the Ukrainian anarchists. Later in the war, when moderate and left SR's were throwing in their lot with the whites, the red army was facing capable opponents, and the only thing that kept trotsky in his position was that most of his contemporaries had joined him on the deep end of wartime insanity.

the eternal revolution part not the funding outside revolutions.I should have been clearer

Honestly, that's pretty decent for a civie compared to other civie leaders that purge generals and make retarded war losing decisions.

Not to mention how absolutely fucking incompetent he was as a military commander.

>For forty-three years of my conscious life I have remained a revolutionist; for forty-two of them I have fought under the banner of Marxism. If I had to begin all over again I would of course try to avoid this or that mistake, but the main course of my life would remain unchanged. I shall die a proletarian revolutionist, a Marxist, a dialectical materialist, and, consequently, an irreconcilable atheist. My faith in the communist future of mankind is not less ardent, indeed it is firmer today, than it was in the days of my youth. Natasha has just come up to the window from the courtyard and opened it wider so that the air may enter more freely into my room. I can see the bright green strip of grass beneath the wall, and the clear blue sky above the wall, and sunlight everywhere. Life is beautiful. Let the future generations cleanse it of all evil, oppression and violence, and enjoy it to the full.

L. Trotsky

27 February 1940

But that's the thing. Had this been any other conflict, a lot of the decisions made by Trotsky and company would have most certainly been war losing decisions. Trotsky was the one who made the red army the stereotypical red army, with barrier troops gunning down anyone retreating and pointless frontal attacks in waves over open ground. This is the stuff Stalin was so fond of in 1941, and it was a disastrous year for him.

wtf i love stalin now

Internationalism and Jewish supremacism.

In the end, they interpreted Trotskyist communism as just a ideology to justify Jewish-led one-world government. When they realize the working class weren't interested, that the Red Army would not bring revolution, they changed their discourse to appeal to business elites and start using the U.S. Army for the sake of world revolution instead.

>when you defend the most brutal system of agricultural and industrial exploitation modelled in the military that even Stalin didn't had the balls to fully adopt but you end up in history as a symbol of freedom because you socialized with left-wing intellectuals in the West

He beat the White Army and fought off a US invasion force

Trotsky is the reason why the Russian revolution didn't end like the Bavarian or Hungarian revolutions happening at the same time

Because he criticized Stalin's Soviet Union. Perhaps a genuine believer who was just naive that his vision of socialism wouldn't have been much better.

He wasn't responsible for millions of deaths and sharply criticized Stalin's brutality.

However, he did some pretty fucked up shit suppressing anarchism in Ukraine. Thousands of anarchist civilians were killed in violence that can be attributed to Trotsky.

What about Kronstadt though?


woha that was powerful