If Hitler was a supposed racist like the mainstream Fake News media claims he is...

If Hitler was a supposed racist like the mainstream Fake News media claims he is, then how come he was the only european leader in the world at the time to openly support the plight of Palestinian Arabs under British colonial occupation?


You can be racist of one race and not racist of another. Also, and far more likely, If your going to go to war with somebody, you want to be buddies with people that don't like your enemy.


>play up the appeal to emotion of the brown people you enemy suppresses slightly in order to get the moral high ground while you literally genocide your minority groups

really made me think

It has far more to do with the fact that Hitler was a nationalist and understood nations wanting their own states. He got around this in Eastern Europe by attempting to kill the nations that lived in the conquered states.

Mitteleuropean imperial racism and British imperial racism are a tad bit different sentiments.

Also it was a pragmatic choice, despite his empty words he would consider Arabs lesser people.

>It has far more to do with the fact that Hitler was a nationalist and understood nations wanting their own states.

bullshit, it was just a propaganda thing to point out the hypocrisy of his enemies, give his troops more of a moral highground, and to try and get the arabs on his side to start a rebellion or something to tie up more british troops.


Then why did he do it to his allies as well?

He was an idiot sometimes.

How the fuck he isn't racist? Read Mein Kampf, he says Germany should be a racist state.

Nice argument

a non-argument against non-argument

What does Nazis, Muslims and /pol/ have in common? They all hate jews.

If it was solely propaganda to hurt his enemies, he wouldn't have done it against his allies as well. That's an argument. Your response was not an argument.

everyone hates jews. even jews hate jews.

>he wouldn't have done it against his allies as well.

he didnt.

You need to name the event, if you want it to become an argument.

He hated jews.
Palestinians hated jews

Case closed.

>mfw that grill probably got raped by a Russian




Hey Schlomo. Watcha doing?

"this video is not available in your country"

What is the Holocaust again? Remind me.


>Destruction of Warsaw wasn't genocide
>Operation Tannenberg, Intelligenzaktion, Palmiry massacre, and AB-Aktion weren't genocide
>Babi Yar wasn't genocide
>But the EU importing lots of brown people apparently is genocide
/pol/, everyone

What's the Holocaust?


>Babi Yar wasn't genocide
It was, but it was perpetrated by Ukrainians.

>your enemy surprises slightly
go to bed Churchill

>Destruction of Warsaw wasn't genocide
Shouldn't have revolted if they didn't want harsh treatment :^)