Why did american pilots have orders to shoot anything that moved in Dresden? (source: Yeager: An Autobiography...

Why did american pilots have orders to shoot anything that moved in Dresden? (source: Yeager: An Autobiography, by american fighter pilot Chuck Yeager)

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Related anecdote: In the village where I lived, low flying Americans slaughtered a cow herd on a nearby meadow with their machine cannons in 1945.

American pilots were flying at 20k feet and were not/could not have been bothered to shoot at anything.

>In the village where I lived, low flying Americans slaughtered a cow herd on a nearby meadow with their machine cannons in 1945.
American aircraft did not have cannons in WW2, only up to 50 cal.

>people still crying at the "inhumanity" of the WAllies when they could've murdered about 70% of Germans with operation Vegetarian
The WAllies were indeed in a morally grey zone, but they never reached the crualty that the Third Reich would've exhibited if it had had the same means as the WAllies.

Vae Victis


He obviously meant machine guns, retard


>says cannons
>obviously meant machine guns
Are you retarded?

>what is context

Exterminate the Aryan race.

>context in which aircraft either had cannons or machine guns
>says cannons
>lol he must of meant cannons even though he said cannons

>people still crying at the "inhumanity" of the WAllies when they could've murdered about 70% of Germans with operation Vegetarian
Just googled it and Jesus, the evil of the anglo truly knows no bounds.

He is talking about ze Bordkanonen man. Give Jerry a break

Exterminate people who use the terms "eternal anglo" and "eternal aryan" unironically tbqh


>a night fighter gunned down a herd of cows with its 20mm cannon

target practice?

>fly in krautland
>start to get tired, need some action to stop yourself from falling asleep
>blow up a herd of cows and continue on your mission


>fly in krautland
>even though your role is interception
>see a herd of cows that shouldn't even be out at night
>also you can't see them because it's night
>lower altitude even though lack of visibility makes that extremely dangerous
>shoot up the nonexistent invisible cows with the ventral 20mm, crash into a hill and die, it was a good day

>in Europe

There are/were explosive rounds made for the .50 BMG.

Do it again Bomber Harris.

>American aircraft did not have cannons in WW2

I googled it as well. Just when I thought the anglos couldn't be more evil. The more I learn about them and their history the more I fear and utterly detest them.

This. Kanone is gun in German.

>American pilots were flying at 20k feet and were not/could not have been bothered to shoot at anything.
This. Highly doubtful that P-51s would descend to straffing height when they have to then regain altitude and fly across all of Germany, then France/Netherlands, then over the Channel. I don't think they had the fuel to do that.

>not having enough fuel

The thing that made the P-51 the P-51 was how well it carried fuel and its enormous operational range.

That being said, it's profoundly stupid of an idea.

>The thing that made the P-51 the P-51 was how well it carried fuel and its enormous operational range.
Yeah and that would allow it to go to Dresden and back. Not sure if that would allow it to go to Dresden, descend to 100 feet altitude, then climb back up to 20,000 feet, then still make it back to base.

A P-51D had an operational range of about 850 miles. That's, 850 out, 850 back. It's about 600 miles from London to Dresden, which gives a fair amount of spare fuel to drop and rise again.

And of course, if you're launching in February of 1945, it's quite possible that you're flying from an airbase a lot close than London. If you're launching from Metz or Strasbourg or somewhere in Belgium or along the Rhine, you'd have easily enough fuel to make it, if you had some insane reason to do it.

>it's quite possible that you're flying from an airbase a lot close than London. If you're launching from Metz or Strasbourg or somewhere in Belgium or along the Rhine
Well you can look it up.
Pro-tip: they didn't.


Flak, nigga

t. eternal teuton and/or eternal anglo trying to protect themselves

Because at this point, they deserved it

The city was empty, there were only G*rms left in it.

Those cows and civilian population all directly contributed to the war output so they were a completely justified target

Geneva Convention says no.


>die from fire
>die from anthrax
what's the difference?

>joking about civilian women and children being bombed to pieces

Nice edge

Noone is saying that the nazis weren't bad. What makes you think we are saying that?

>start a war
>enemy uses every means at their disposal to neutralize your war machine

Do it again Harris.

>sign the Geneva convention
>ignore it when war breaks out

At least the Soviets were perfectly clear that they weren't going to follow it, even before the war.

Daily reminder bomber Harris memes originate from white hating numale cucks from reddit

Do it again lmao.

I thought it was an antifa meme, but both aren't mutually exclusive

Well maybe the Germans deserve it after all...

>only ever talking about Dresden

Literally every city and target of worth was severely bombed, Hamburg and Munster were completely destroyed before Dresden too Berlin had been bombed to hell in 1942, by the spring of 1943 there were no military and transportation or logistics targets of value identified by the LeMay and the British.

The war was basically ended in the sky by 1943 that's why the eastern front buckled so suddenly to the Soviets. In late 1944 LeMay was transferred to the Pacific front to commit more bombing atrocities on the Japanese

If you mean the (((Germans))) then most certainly

Doesn't matter, we've made it our own in the battle against the Eternal Teuton.
do it again bomber harris

t. Hans

>he thinks the Geneva convention has proportionality rules

get it together m9

we're not jack shit leftypol cuck

Nope, from German radical feminists

>calls somebody a cuck
>shills for a government that declared war on country

If I was leftypol I would worship the Germans, no nation has done more to spread communism than the Teuton. The Teutons created communism with Marx, the Teutons established the first communist nation by bringing Lenin to the USSR, and the Teutons lost Eastern Europe to communism, breaking decades where the forces of bolshevism had been held at bay by the alliance system of France.

The Teuton is a menace to the civilized system of western civilization and must be carefully restrained and watched, and if need be destroyed.

what the fuck are you talking about?

Communism was founded by Germans.

The Germans first declared war on Russia, and then sent Lenin over in a sealed train car to finish the job of making it communist.

When Britain and France developed a successful alliance system to contain communism to Russia, Germany declared war on them while simultaneously inviting Russia to invade Eastern Europe.

guess where Marx got his retarded ideas from in the first place

>G*rms literally exterminate as many of their enemies as humanely possible
>Anglos make a plan they never even put in to use to reduce the G*rm infestation in central Europe humanely

You """people""" are no better than a G*rm.

>violate Geneva Convention as thoroughly as possible
>Still expect to be protected by that same convention

Is there anything more stupid, ugly, and hypocritical as a G*rm?

>genocide is wrong
>except when we do it

>women and children

They were only G*rms.

You can only genocide /humans/.

>When Britain and France developed a successful alliance system to contain communism to Russia, Germany declared war on them while simultaneously inviting Russia to invade Eastern Europe.
Wtf are you referring to?



I still can't find the part where Germany declared war on France and Britain and how they teamed up against Russia

>Germany keeps gobbling up countries
>Britain and France sign a peace agreement with Germany to try to avert a war
>Germany breaks the agreement

This, along with the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, is why the Cordon Sanitaire didn't hold the commie fucking shits in their places.

Then Hitler declared war on Russia, just to make sure that they would expand even further west, into Germany itself.

The history of communism on the world stage is inextricably connected with Germans, because they created and propagated communism.

Nevertheless, Britain and France declared war on Germany unprovoked

Also they not only teamed up with Russia, but did their best to spread communism all over Europe on top of that

Good job!


I'm a proud White married oldmale from Usenet and I say; do it again Bomber Harris!

I can't tell if you're shitposting or genuinely stupid

>Germany begins rearming
>fuck it, can't be worse than the reds
>Germany remilitarizes Rhineland
>oh well
>Germany takes Austria
>oh well, we'll let it slide
>Germany takes Czechoslovakia
>we'll sign a treaty
>Germany breaks treaty and invades Poland

G*rms are honestly autistic enough to believe that people should lay down and die if Germans ask them to.

Don't forget the OTHER broken bilateral treaties, such as the Anglo-German naval agreement with those countries specifically, and not "just" their multilateral treaties to the world at large.

These are no legit reasons to declare war tho. Well, at least unless you're an autistic Anglo

>fly in krautland
>see valuable food for the war effot
>destroy it to ensure an allied victory
i see no problems

According to George Webbs youtube series, dresden was the center of german bio weapons and genetic research and they literally were trying to torch any advanced tech or world destroying capabilities the germans had

>genetic research
Wew. They must have been decades ahead of Watson and Crick

>there are still cows left alive
I think there are some holes in this story.

Genetics =/= DNA

Does anyone actuelly believe this?

>t. Lamarck

>being this ignorant

> thinking that genes are encoded by proteins



Do it again Bomber Harris

Who's side were the """"""people"""""" who skin and boil dogs alive on again?

The guy claiming cows got slaughtered in his village never said he lived near Berlin. For all we know he lives near Keulen which is already less than half the distance to Berlin. It's not too crazy to think some allied retard thought it would be funny or entertaining to shoot a bunch of cows. With the hundreds of thousands of troops being deployed in WW2 we can safely assume a few of them made some shitty choices or mistakes.

Source: Fallout New Vegas

We can safely assume that the chances of a cannon-equipped aircraft shooting up some cows in Germany is very low, and the guy either meant machine gun or he's misremembering.

>Germany declared war on them
Check your books again



Germany invaded Poland, which was allied to France and Britain. Remind me again how invading a country doesn't "count as" declaring war on them? I now the G*rm usually prefers to attack by surprise like the cowardly, treacherous creature it is, but seriously even for a subhuman G*rm it's a bit rich to deny an all-out invasion is a war.

I heard stories of my German grandfather of people fleeing the flames getting shot at with machine guns from planes
I really had my doubts those stories, but i've read the same thing in a BBC article and now this
really makes me think

Not to mention you'd be lynched/put on a one way trip to Treblinka if you got shot down and it turned out you were shooting up random pedestrians.

Don't claim it as your own.

>american pilots

I thought Dresden was entirely a British operation after the small USAAF contingent got lost and bombed occupied Prague?

Daily reminder that the Eternal Anglo memes originate from ONE (1) anally blasted Kraut on /pol/ who didn't like how everyone was posting Eternal Kraut images showing how Germany has spent the last century fucking repeatedly destroying Europe.

He literally posted the same image of Mosley about 20 times a day for months so people would stop talking about his country.

Now the embarrasing Wehraboo shit has infected Veeky Forums and every thread is filled with "GERMANY ACTUALLY DN DU NUFFIN, THEY WAS GUD BOIS"