Tell me about the Spanish Civil War

Tell me about the Spanish Civil War

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No passaran was a lie.

Anarchist like to jerk off about how great they were during it.
In reality it was just a shitshow.

The Italians played a bigger role than you probably think they did.

Girls with guns are hot

Communist anarchists like the total apes they are started killing priests and raping nuns and then got smacked the fuck down.

It's honestly fucking hilarious.

Just remember kids, the only good Red is a dead Red.

One of the few wars in the last century where the good side won.

Hemingway was a pussy

>communists and catholics butchering eachother
Sounds good

Franco and commies both deserved bullet.

commies vs fascists playground
capitalists won in the long run

Commiefu lived a long and fruitful, rape-free life though.

God, Franco was such a fucking cuck.

As much of a dick move as using Moroccans was, it's a pretty hilarious taste of their globalist medicine.

I don't think every woman that happened to be living in republic territory was actually communist.

It's kind of hot, too.

I thought you were dead, Franco.

Hello /leftypol/ roleplaying as /pol/

It was a shitshow. Franco a shit, anarchists a shit too.

Yea that was definitely a little rude

>their globalist medicine
You're one special kind of faggot.

Does anyone have greentext stories with Moors raping the Republican women? Preferably something where the white Republican "men" have to watch pathetically while their women are defiled by massive, throbbing Moor cocks?

Fuck commies.

Not him but the commies and anartards who fought in the war were definitely internationalists.

What's the thing about Moroccans and rape?

They did the raping in Madrid, during the Italian campaign of World War II, they did a lot of rape after the Battle of Monte Cassino, even in Europe nowadays they are responsible for the majority of incidents of rape involving migrants from the Middle East.

Why did that specific country develop such a rape prone culture?

old-style commie internationalism has very little to do with the present-day concept of globalism, and at many points they're in direct opposition, cf. globalist banking, investment, and so forth

It still asserted the idea that countries, nations and races basically aren't real or shouldn't be real. So just as cucked as globalism.

I'm neither.

I'm ascended radical centrist master-race.


Mussolini and Hitler were radical centrists.

>hurr da Joos
but ignoring that, your infographic has shit-all to do with the topic at hand. "Some shit the Bolsheviks did" is not the same thing as the concept of internationalism, and globalism is not just international banking but specifically involves the promotion of a worldwide interdependence of markets.

Anarchists were actually not internationalists at all, namely due to the fact that was one of the major falling outs they had with the Communists. It's not that they were nationalists or anything either, just focused on local issues and regionalism rather than exporting revolution to every other country on the globe.

Based Castillians BTFO the rest of the country with a smaller population and cleansed all the gypsies from Andalucia that lived in Madrid and made it based again colonizing it with based Castillians and sending all gypsies to Catalonia. Andalucians are starting to flod Madrid again and we will have to BTFO all the weak beta asses of the rest of the people of this cucked Peninsula as we did in the Reconquista,the succesion war,,the French invasion,the Carlist wars and the civil war

Why is Spain such a shithole nowadays then?

Because it's full of people like that guy.

The Levant and the south are garbage. The north and the interior have amongst the highest standards of living in Europe. I earn 4000€ and the m^2 here costs 1 €. No inmigrants and literally 0 crime. I can leave the door of my house wide open during all summer and nothing would fucking happen

How are regions like Catalan and Navare?

Catalonia is decent but flooded with migrants but most jobs available are based arpund tourism and pretty bad. Navarra is a bit expensive but with a huge industry and few migrants. Probably top 3 region to live in the country

Sorry for additional /int/ tier questions, but what are some great historical sites to go visit in Spain? I know of a few pilgrimage sites, but as far as things that deal with the non-church related history, where would be some interesting places?

Well I like the Castile a lot.Some cities like Segovia,Cuenca or Toledo are pretty interesting places.Then Sevilla is a pretty unique city and would always recommend it.Barcelona and Gerona are nice as well for a tourist.Madrid is the perfect location to start any visit here as it is connected everywhere.The high speed trains can leave you in any place in the country in under 2 hours and there are some touristic passes that allows you to take it like 12 times.For example Madrid to Cordoba in the train is like 1 hour and a half ride and you could visit a tiny and beautiful city in under a day and return to Madrid at night

Look up some of the factions that made up the Nationalists, you'll find some crazy shit. See: crazy Catholic fundamentalist monarchists who put priests in the battlefield.és

Read Homage to Catalonia.

Most of the women who were raped were republican soldiers

There are pictures from the Battle of Madrid where women and children in liberated areas could walk around and play outside in safety

You're a nutjob

Nothing crazy about Catholic monarchism.

I belong to a Catholic monarchist organisation, pay the membership fees and everything.

Any one else hear a Latin sounding guitar when they look at this picture?

How so?

(deleted and reposted because of grammar)

>(deleted and reposted because of grammar)
This is Veeky Forums buddy nobody cares

You're crazy because the chances of a Catholic monarchy rising in this day in age are extremely slim.

Who are you trying to get on the throne anyway? You a jacobite?

No on in particular at the moment, it's far too early for that. We're just laying the groundworks.

I'm Polish by the way.

*No one in particular

Honestly that's fucking metal. I hope you succeed in your endavours.

The only other Pole I know absolutely hates the current government. Says it's corrupt, has shitty tax policies, and is controlled by the Catholic church.

she only died in 2014

These guys?

Sure, it's corrupt, nepotistic and incompetent. They're making changes, most of them shitty, some of them good, while the previous government kinda did nothing worthwhile for years. The situation's looking kinda bleak from where I stand - government's pretty shit and no representative of the opposition is charismatic at all. Guess we're stuck with them.

>Polish by the way
Well that makes sense, it's natural to assume we're all American here if you're an American. I was wondering how you'd back a monarch for a throne in the US. I know that theoretically the Pope could create administrative zones to be ruled by monarchs, but who he'd crown is an entirely other question.

Myself, I don't care what form the government takes, so long as the church is still looked to for moral guidance.

>theoretically the Pope could create administrative zones

The Catholic church does have the US split into administrative zones (provinces and dioceses).

One good man tried to save a country and its peoples

He got killed when he was 33 years old


They even have coats of arms.

Commies are inherently globalist you goof

effay as fuck

Good luck bud, you guys actually have some precedent.

Who's claim does your organization support? Or is it just calling for an elective monarchy like before?

Just read Orwell


And this is an important point to make. All civil wars generate regional militias and other irregular military groups, these ones just happened to call themselves anarchists. There are regional militias that have called themselves communists, fascists, moderate catholics, it's just whoever has the most pull in a region gets to take the top billing of militias, even if the rank-and-file have very different goals and aspirations.


the good guys win


>hurr da Joos

Nice strawman

>your infographic has shit-all to do with the topic at hand

You do know the russians played a major role in the war right? You have heard of the Red Scare right? You do know globalism is just the first step to internationalism right?

>implying both sides weren't shit-tier

Why were all the big revolutions/civil wars of the first half of the 20th century so shit? The Chinese Revolution, the Russian Revolution, and the Spanish Civil War were all so shit

I don't know, and I don't want to sound discriminatory or prejudiced or anything but I went to Morocco with a group of 3 girls and got the same vibes. Literally everyone on the street was heckling us, calling me "Ali Baba" and asking me to trade my wives for camels. They called one of the fat girls an "onion" with a "thick double bum" and called my gf "smelly sardine". They also got their hair pulled a lot. A lot of times I had to stand by them if they wanted to buy something because a vendor or something that was a man wouldn't take them seriously if there wasn't a man with them.

And SJWs complain that there's a misogyny problem in the US.

A revolution is not a tea-party

ya hemos pasao

Allowed my grandad to have my mom in Venezuela so I guess it was alright.

it's in their nature.

>Fascist cunt complains about rape
>Fascist cunt vanaglorizes rape
Good thing these opinions never see the public light because fascists are cowards.

>You will never be King of the Houston-Victoria dioceses.

Why live?

Why does the communist side in the war have so much more propaganda posters compared to the nationalists?

>Allowed my grandad to have my mom in Venezuela so I guess it was alright.
How do you wipe your ass?

If you ask me, I'd say it's because communists are always linked to arts in general.

with clean soft toilet paper since we moved back senpai.


Why does anarchist propaganda always bring a light into my chest?

cause deep down you know it's true?

shitlibs got their shit pushed in

Anarchists are incredibly seductive. No Gods, no Kings, the elevation of the individual above all else, freedom from governments having a say in what you do, it's all something that's beautiful until you reach the practical failings of the system.

>individual above all else

u wot


Definitely leftypol, how did you like the latest chapo ep?

>moved back
REEEEEEEE go back you are not welcome here REEEEEEEEE

You'd need a high iq population for it to be even remotely achievable

>spanish CIVIL war
>it's won by foreign powers

>it's won by foreign powers
Nationalist would have won either way.They had a way more capable leadership and more loyal and stable territories

that and removing pretty much all of our most primitive reason
we still have the ape's logic hidden behind our everyday clothes

it's still the us vs them mentality, we still feel endangered by the unknown and we still hoard resources we don't need "just in case"

without this basic survival cornerstones removed we will never be able to achieve an utopia nor follow the next step in our own evolution

of course they would, that's why in desperation they needed to ask for help of the other axis m8s

Not even a high IQ population, but also a very homogenous population as well.

The Catalonian Anarchists organized themselves by unions, and from what I've read seem more like an anarcho-syndicist society if I had to put a label to it. They also had to have their union leaders talk to their men before every political or military action to see if everyone was on board with whatever idea they had, which had practical issues in the sense no one ever did something particularly distasteful, even if it was for the betterment of the anarchist society as a whole.

Any help was good. Still the nationalist forces had alredy surrounded and splitted the republican control territory pretty fast and the italian regiments did jack shit

>Tfw most anarchists I know are studying to become teachers
I can't say I don't respect them.

I'm a reactionary who become a teacher, could I get some respect too? I teach IT though and not history.

It depends. How do you balance your ideology with the subject?

The only cryptonerds that deserve respect in my book are the ones who use those weird email adresses for ultimate privacy, hate big corporations and try to expand the GNU use.

I'm surprising liberal when it comes to speech and information, I think everyone should have access to knowledge to form a better idea of the world and how things work. You can't say you really believe in something until you've confronted other ways of thinking, and at that, I can't stand people who ostracize others because they're studying something they don't like. I see it more as everyone being on a path of ideologies, and by permitting knowledge and learning, we're allowing people to continue on that path, refining, reinforcing, or rejecting their own ideals as they're confronted with others.

That said, I believe in a structured, ordered society where the individual does put practical skills and knowledge first. We all have a place in the world, and without the skills to affect it, you're doing a disservice to yourself and everyone around you. Which is why I don't teach social sciences as my choice of study, they're important, but making sure students are able to develop skills and satisfy their individual, familial, and societal needs is more important.