What are some books everyone on Veeky Forums should read?

What are some books everyone on Veeky Forums should read?

Its pretty good

I think the only acceptable answer is this version, at least for this board. Other than that there really is no book EVERYONE should read

>basis behind multiple culture's and an integral part of history
Prove me wrong.

The Bible

They should read it. I'm not a believer and even I've read various religious texts. Even people who hate Islam need to read it if for no other reason than "know thy enemy".

Pic related.

>Even people who hate Islam need to read it if for no other reason than "know thy enemy".

Posts like these are why everyone on here should read Art of War.

If you're going to take a realist view of politics, Uncle Nick is a good place to start.

The Social Contract by Jean-Jacques Rousseau

But that book is crap. It's not even a history book, really. It's more a journalism piece on what was then the recent past.

>The Holocaust happened because Germans are special and stupid and autistic and need to slavishly obey an authority figure. This is a trait to be found nowhere else, which is why they and only they became under the control of a totalitarian regime and I will shut my eyes and cry real loudly if anyone shows me any counter-evidence.

Inside the Third Reich by Albert Speer is objectively better.

Unironically The Communist Manifesto

Yeah I've read that one. Whenever I get back into old history I'm definitely reading some Thucydides.

Considering the level of historical, theological, and economic analysis, The Wealth of Nations by Adam Smith.

Other than that, Progress and Poverty was a pivotal book that laymen could understand. Widely popular in the 20th century as well.


an extremely short book w/ big print so niggers might read it that is a better depiction of what went "wrong" with africa imo than any other book I've read on the subject.

people will ofc shit on historical fiction, but I think there's a lot to learn from reading depictions of a first-person perspective of people in various cultures in history, one huge thing is the realization that people raised in other cultures have a different perception of existence, which will seem obvious to a lot of people here but is some huge news for many people brought up in america's education system.

this was required reading in my freshman year of high school but I was a fag back then so I only remember parts of it

wasn't it something along the lines of
>big nig in charge good at kill other nigs
>christian missionaries come and start converting people
>big nig starts chimping out and killing all the converts
>big nig kills some whites
>whites come to arrest him
>big nig kills himself


not exactly what happened but yeah some details. the main idea of the book is people like the main character embodied and perpetuated their traditional cultures that over millennia had developed to function within their environments, and that people who readily converted or found assistance with colonizers were the people who were weakest/most desperate/most ridiculed within those societies, while the strongest people clung to their traditions, many of whom perished in the process. created a situation where the weakest and most sinister people became the most powerful, and won out in raising further generations. it also explains things like alternative views of morality from an inside perspective, i.e. burying twins because they are possessed by spirits, which people in other cultures sometimes don't understand even though they do similarly strange things. lots of stuff.

I'm not attacking or defending colonization, I don't really care, I just find that this book stands out as something that had an impact and changed my perspective on a lot of things when I was younger.

In the original Latin, should your microcephaly permit.

The Three Strategies of Huang Shigong

>tfw too intelligent not to see the flaws in all these great works besides Basic Economics by Thomas Sowell

Had to read this for history in college 4 times. Fucking sick of it.