Where are my XRP hodlers??

Where are my XRP hodlers??
What are we doing boys, should i sell at my 10% loss and invest in something else or should i hodl??
what are the gods saying?

bagholder here
hodl till 1 XRP buys your own bank

Hold through June and you'll be happy.

Sold half at small loss and bought some Decred. Prayin...

I'm holding for 2 years minimum. XRP will see the real gains when the alt bubble pops.

you might as well haver written "hodl until you die". like that is ever going to happen



It's a smart hedge/long term play.

I only invest in legitimate software companies, soon the meme bubble will be over and these will be what stand. For example I hold these coins:

-Bit Bay

I'm sure there are other legitimate ones but given my investment amount that's the best allocation I can do right now

Hodl until you can sell even or at greater value. It is most important to get out of this token especially for short term strategies.

Solid list but why Bitbay?

XRP being added to a Swiss ETF. I'm holding.


what do these lines mean my man

It's going to be above 10k sats this week. I don't know, if it'll go higher though...

Hold until at least end of June

Some people say that u can see the up/down trend because human buying habits. How ever this is crypto and its total bs at this small market.

that lines mean nothing when u are looking at in intraday

Whatever you want them to mean

You should be holding coins for periods like 6 months at a time. If you want to buy a new coin, use money from your job (get a job!) to buy it instead of liquidating the coins you already own.

Bought at 10400 am I good?

Yep. It MAY dip as low as 7000 briefly before the takeoff depending on how greedy the big boys get.
Just hold and relax for a couple months

Sell, people will realize that NEM can do the same but better

Except NEM isnt working with the largest banks in the world. Japan is using xrp and that's where xem was created.


nem doesnt have Ripples connections tho

Not going to happen.
It dipped to 8k only when btc dropped to 1.8k$. Shit is going to be above 10k sats this weekend. Look at those massive buy orders around 9k sats.

just cash out and put the money in eth jesus christ this isnt complicated

I'm too far in the hole to just simply cash out I would be taking a huge loss and I refuse to let go even if it goes back to .02

Fair enough, good luck user. I still got some DGB left over here which I bought at ATH.
Wonder how this dude from Reddit is doing who announced he goes all in on XRP at ATH after “missing out“ on BTC and ETH

Bag dragger here. Bought in at .00000015 or some stupid low shit like that.

HODL. They have about 1/3 of the market cap and MITSUBISHI banking group comes on line June/July along with other top tier Banks in July.

moon missions take time in between each launch.

How much are you holding, user?

isn't XRP going to dubai for some conference?

Is it too late to get in? When would be a good time to buy? Will it dip or should I just buy now?

Buy in right now if you believe in this coin to make a difference in the long run.

If all you want is fast gains, go check out some pump n dump shitcoin.

I believe in the coin, but I only have a small amount to invest, so I want to buy when its at its lowest so that I have a maximum amount of xrp.

Where is the best place to buy some xrp?

Bittrex, GateHub.

Agreed. It's one of the only coins being picked up by real world shit and can't be argued against.

"Hey Banks! Use ripple it will save you billions of USD a year!"
Banks-"saving money is dumb"

See. No argument.

I think it will stay between 20 and 30 for the next couple of months and then pop to 1 dollar.

The wise and safe money is buying in right now.

Only if you want 20-400% gains over the next few months though - I'm sure you're all too smaaaat 4 that.

HOLD until it hits $2100

Had not heard about that

Hodliness = godliness

Still, I worry the enormous circulation of xrp means that individually they'll never be worth that much

Did ripple ever take #2 market cap when it was waaaaay up at 40 something cents?

>Ever hitting $2100
I don't get why people think XRP is that great. It's Ripple technology that is being used by banks not XRP.

It's never going to be $50 much less $2100. At $2100 that means it's market cap has to be 210 Trillion dollars. At $50 the market cap is 5 Trillion.

There are a fucking HUNDRED BILLION COINS AND RIPPLE HAS MOST OF THEM. Ripple technology will be adopted by banks but XRP? It isn't required for it.

>There are a fucking HUNDRED BILLION COINS AND RIPPLE HAS MOST OF THEM. Ripple technology will be adopted by banks but XRP? It isn't required for it.
This is just bullshit. Ripple is has stated already that XRP is it. They aren't making private coins.

20% faster compared to 60% faster with their coins. Seems like an easy reason for banks to use the ripple coins. Sure they don't need it, but its like say would you rather have 20% faster internet or 60% faster internet?

Was a bag holder.

It will not moon by any means. For it to hit $1.00 right now it needs to have $38,000,000,000. That is a lot of fucking money. And down the road it needs to be close to half a trillion dollars once they release all the tolkens. That is so much fucking money. I think the technology is great. But banks do not have to buy a shit ton of XRP to transfer money. That is a myth. That is where I got mislead and sold it all once I figured that out. I think it would be okay to hold on to $15-20 of your profile but you should sell a lot of it and invest in other. Because I was holding my bags. I missed out on May pumps early on because I was holding. I was trying to do the day trading. Lost $2,000 and earned $1,500 back. So only $500 loss out of the $5k I invested. So I said fuck this. All these other coins are mooning this is a bad.

I pulled everything out and during the big dip (first one) I purchased everything Spread my money in various crypto. That is one of the best choices in my life. I am at 7k right now which is amazing. I just recently pulled my 5k out and trying to grow the rest of the 2k money.

XRP is awesome and what they are trying to do. But it is anyone could win. Don't place all your eggs in one basket.

>once they release all the tolkens
"XRP is actually a deflationary cryptocurrency, which means that a tiny amount of XRP is permanently shredded after each transaction. It’s the opposite of unlimited supply. As time goes on, the supply of Bitcoin remains the same while the supply of XRP will actually shrink, making it even more valuable with each passing day."

>As time goes on, the supply of Bitcoin remains the same
This doesn't account for idiots sending it to incorrect/incompatible addresses or being unable to recover it from wallets.

we going up or what?

we going up.

wait til Japan wakes up. They love Ripple.

>wait til Japan wakes up. They love Ripple.
So they've just been sleeping the last few weeks?

When they see this pump they're going to jump in.

>liking ripple

that gave me a hearty lmao thanks

My cryptojew oldfag friends are all saying hold. This is going straight up.

wow. look at that jump.

It actually makes more sense for xrp to be higher since it's deflationary and gets burned.

like jews in a chimney.