What the FUCK was his problem?

What the FUCK was his problem?

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The Catholic church was beyond corrupt and was an autist who sperged out over it

>you gotta pay us this many shekels if you don't want to burn in purgatory for eternity
t. catholic church

It's complicated. On one hand he triggered the Counter reformation which arguably saved Catholicism. On the other hand his rebellion caused death and divide to sweep Europe and cause centuries of strife.


He had a few beefs (99) with the Papacy but he had no idea about how the printing press was going to change the world. Also, he never got to witness this delicious trips.

Luther's main concern wasn't actually the corruption, but that the Catholic Church had, in his mind, become too progressive.

Mind elaborating?

He literally pounded his problems onto a church door.

And for all the problems of Protestantism, he and others were right to be pissed.

The popes of that era and the catholic church was decadent hypocrites. Levying Heaven tickets in order to fund wars and sex parties. Luther never even wanted a new church at the start.

It's easy to dismiss Catholics as pathetic delusional cuck morons, but there was a time when these """people""" had real power, which they abused constantly to rob and oppress everyone they could. Luther was a pedophile, a retard, a moral cripple, and a G*rm, but incredibly enough he was the GOOD guy in this shitshow.

New International Version
Don't we have the right to take a believing wife along with us, as do the other apostles and the Lord's brothers and Cephas?

He was also chronically costive if you believe the media.

If the orthodox church is so-called unchanged...

then how you do explain the proliferation of Russian, Greek, Serbian, Albanian, and dozens more Orthodox Churchs???

>hurr durr muh corruption
and yet Luther harmed the Church and the Faith more than any corrupt Pope or clergy has ever done in 2 millennia of history. Good fucking job. Many millions of souls in hell have his signature.

I believe in the Holy Spirit,
>the holy catholic Church,
the communion of saints,
the forgiveness of sins,
the resurrection of the body,
and the life everlasting. Amen.


Why would you knowingly use a version of the Bible that has been edited? Are you THAT stupid? Do you not realise you can get perfectly accurate interlinear versions?

These are the secret sayings that the living Jesus spoke and Didymos Judas Thomas recorded.

1. And he said, "Whoever discovers the interpretation of these sayings will not taste death."

The corruption of the church is what produced Luther and the other denominations. Perpetual corruption and pettiness would have produced a split at some point in time.

Martin Luther was a fat incel with a bad haircut that was mad that the high clergy got to fuck, make tons of money, have nice hair, and wear cool hats.

The only "perfectly accurate" version is the untranslated one. Any translation, no matter how good, introduces alterations to the meaning.

Among other things, the Catholic Church at the time comissioned a whole lot art with lewd and heathen undertones. But what really grinded Luther's gears was how they interpretated the Bible figuratively and had a whole bunch of other holy texts besides the Bible.

The whole foundation of Protestantism is, after all, that the Bible -- and only the Bible -- must be read as literally as possible.

>The corruption of the church is what produced Luther and the other denominations
No, all denominations were produced by personal pride and demonic suggestion
>Perpetual corruption and pettiness would have produced a split at some point in time.
no such thing as perpetual corruption and pettiness.
Whoever splits himself from the Church gives up eternal life. The single, personal actions of some membes of the Church =/= the Church.

In City of God, Augustine rejected both the immortality of the human race proposed by pagans, and contemporary ideas of ages (such as those of certain Greeks and Egyptians) that differed from the Church's sacred writings.[86] In The Literal Interpretation of Genesis, Augustine took the view that everything in the universe was created simultaneously by God, and not in seven calendar days like a literal interpretation of Genesis would require. He argued that the six-day structure of creation presented in the Book of Genesis represents a logical framework, rather than the passage of time in a physical way – it would bear a spiritual, rather than physical, meaning, which is no less literal. One reason for this interpretation is the passage in Sirach 18:1, creavit omnia simul ("He created all things at once"), which Augustine took as proof that the days of Genesis 1 had to be taken non-literally.[87] Augustine also does not envision original sin as causing structural changes in the universe, and even suggests that the bodies of Adam and Eve were already created mortal before the Fall.[88] Apart from his specific views, Augustine recognizes that the interpretation of the creation story is difficult, and remarks that we should be willing to change our mind about it as new information comes up.[89]


>and wear cool hats.

with ya, bro

can you stop with this everyone who's not a dumb normie is autistic meme its nauseatingly oversaturated
you must think autism=not dumb

>demonic suggestion

t. autist

pic related [spoiler]you[/spoiler]

My church banned the NIV and now exclusively uses the ESV because they changed the gender (???) of some pronouns and they got their panties all in a twist? I have no idea what was up but I was pissed I had to get a new Bible so I got the KJV so I'd stopped getting called on for small group.

t. Papist heathen

Only if the wife has a tight boipussy

His problem was he didn't go far enough and actually had the audacity to bitch about the German Peasants/Knights Revolt and fellating the princes.

yeah i have autism but thats purely coincedental

Justification is by faith alone

German autism + Pagan corrupt Catholics

He was just mad that the College of Wittemburg closed a theology class to teach MORE Aristotle and pure logic and this got him hating all the invested "noble pagan" themes in Catholicism. Then the the "Curb your Enthusiasm" theme played, his stance was blown out of proportion in a 'H'"R''E' waiting to burst with economic and political tension and used to justify the aggression of several princes aching for relief from princely bishops and papal levees.

((( ____ )))

He had a wife and children, can't say the same about Catholic priests who bummed little boys at best.

>The Avignon papacy
>Great papal schism
>Pseudo-isidorian decretals
>Popes kept having sexual scandals and illegitimate children.
>The Italian Renaissance is the new thing
I could go on and on. But here's the bigger question, if Luther only requested that he could be proven wrong through the scriptures or evident reason then he'd be willing to recant, why didn't Rome simply do it? Because they can't. Maccabees don't support purgatory, Matthew don't support papal supremacy, Romans states that Christian are justified by faith, and etc.
The whole papist religion can operate under an iron fist, not logos, and the logos was God.

>INB4 random quotes from the early church father about tradition, but once read in context of the passage, has nothing to do being a papist.

Where are the Protestant miracles, in that case? Surely if God is with them they can do his holy works on Earth.

You are God's miracle to me, mate.

Well, gee, user, that's very nice of you to say. I think you're a miracle of God, too. Insofar as miracles are merely God's operations in the world, every human being is a miracle. Praise be to God.

This "argument" is so old it's mentioned mockingly in the preface to the king of Calvin's Institutes

He had 95 to be exact

>no such thing as perpetual corruption and pettiness.

Pope Stephen VI

Wow I disproved your argument.

Luther didn't want to start a new church at the beginning. But every attempt of discussion was refused.
He only started opposing the pope after his excommunication


Well meme'd my friend