Wake up

>Wake up
>Nations still exist
>Nationalism still exists

get shit on tubby

>wake up
>the holy roman empire is still dead
>nationalism still exists
>liberlaism still exists

fucking aliens need to hurry up and scare the shit out of us already

>governments are allowed to speak and act for a Nation
>people use the name of the Nation when referring to the Government of the Nation
>because of this, in historical argument people mistakenly blame the Nation for the deeds of a particular Government

Prove this wrong protip: you cannot

>Nations still exist
I know right? having to go through all that lousy border security wherever I go. I SHOULD BE ABLE TO SET FOOT IN WHATEVER COUNTRY I WANT WITHOUT HAVING TO GO THROUGHT ALL THAT BULLSHIT

>wake up
>jews still exist
>communism still exist
>liberalism still exist

The world would be a better place if we got rid of the nation state spook

Regionalism is brainlet tier

>Wake up
>larpers still exist

>"reactionary" being the best thing
Spotted the cryptofascist.

yes. Its not like it's private property, no one "owns" the country

>wake up
>nation states have ceased to exist
>society is divided on the tribal and sectarian level

So do you want world wide ancapistan or a giant shitty beuceacy where literally every city is basically Rio de Janiero?

As long as there are no nations, I don't care. No private property as well ;)

Every open border cuck would be in such a rude awakening so quickly if they their dreams actually came true.

Every -ism is brainlet tier t b h

Seig hoil my non cucked brother

>All eactionarism is fascism

t. commie

>t. NEET

Good thing you're irrelevant

No. Radical traditionalism is the answer. Nation-states and nationalism are a modernist abomination.



Silence, /pol/yp

Not an argument

Hahahaha nigga what the fuck is tradition? Like nigga it doesn't even exist hahaha like stop larping hahaha

No NEET. Stay triggered

KEKd what KEKS I'm KEKKIG at KEKS Hahahaha :))))))))) KEKS

>we will never see a return to this

>being this spooked and triggered

I wonder why only shitposting brainlets believe in this childish drivel ;)

>I've never read stirner

Ay yo real talk

Aliens could come to Earth and we'd all start killing ourselves. Right now, the dumbs have so much power, we are helpless. The whole "humanity finds a common enemy" only works when the people running the world are somewhat rational actors.

Most advanced military on the planet is run by an obese, early-onset Alheizmer's grandpa who can't focus for more than 10 minutes.

The two largest countries are run by the Boy Kings who came to power by weird medieval-court-intrigue-tier systems and by a guy who would be an opium smoking warlord if he didn't run the largest democracy.

The UK is run by a cat lady who only got to power because the other options were fucking weirdos, the EU is an incoherent mess.

We are probably at our weakest moment to get visited. It would be a disaster.

Nationalism is intrinsically tied to liberalism, friend

>Most advanced military on the planet is run by an obese, early-onset Alheizmer's grandpa
The military follows the Constitution, not the president

Sure thing spook.

you are clannish trash go back to rural china you peasant.

thank god

i suppose universal language or translator would be an easier solution

officers follow the constitution, soldiers follow president, but really their officers. Its a weird distinction, but its true.

lol what a chucklefuck post

does this nigga think humanity would maintain ostensibly incompetent leaders in an honest to goodness humanity uniting planetary crisis

lmao wtf am I reading

the moment alien niggers showed every existing power structure would go out the window and humanity would retool bottom up to fight the filthy xenos

haha back to /r/politics pleb

i dunno man, it's about the same plausibility, it's all scifi
>Humans are doomed
or whatever bent you want to sell a book

Borders are open as they need to be if you have access to a passport from a Western democracy, go live in rural Bangladesh for a month and see how much you like it, don't drag the rest of us down with the BARBARITY of the third world because of your Savior complex.

Stopping nationalism is as absurd as stopping humans from killing eachother for fun.

Nations are just collections of very large tribes that trade with other collections of very large tribes.

so you just have to apply a eugenics program that breeds out the idiots?

Worked for the Jews

Not even close, nationalism is a strictly modern phenomenon dating from the French Revolution. It is a symptom of the disease of liberalism, not something inherent to humanity.

>jews implemented a eugenics program

>He thinks stupid people are nationalist
No user smart people are nationalist, notice black people/abos had no nations originally and they are braindead imbeciles.

The absence of nations is a sign that the lifeform is very stupid.

The existence of nations is a very different thing from nationalism, which requires a sense of national consciousness and was born from the spirit of romanticism with some enlightenment-era civic ideas spicing it up.

Nationalism is just tribalism on a larger scale, even thousands of years ago the Greeks would shit talk eachother based on nation.

Both nationalists and open border cucks are to the far left of me.

I was mocking that other user's premise that "stopping nationalism is like stopping people from killing for fun". idiots/the mentally deficient kill for fun


Humans are naturally nationalist as humans are tribal. You cannot stop human tribalism, even you "enlightened " libtards are tribal because your behavior is tribalism.


No user humans are programmed to kill things for fun, only our empathy keeps most of us in check. This programming originated long before we had empathy meaning its impossible to remove just like human tribalism.

Leftists loved nationalism when its mobilization powers were useful to destroy the traditional empires of Europe and its ruling classes, the clergy, the landed aristocracy and the military. Now that left-wing intellectuals have become the ruling class, they fear nationalism and its power and seek to delegitimize it.

Even that's bullshit. Leftists continue to support nationalism wherever they find it in the third world. Look at their support for the Kurds. Some even consider ISIS to be a valid hedge against western imperialism.

Fuck off, I'm a Christian traditionalist, the libtard is you. Nationalism and liberalism are inseparable and part of the same cancer. Both children of the revolution of 1789. Humans are not "naturally nationalist", as you would know if you ever read a book on the history of the subject in your life. Tribalism is indeed ingrained and unstoppable but that is, again, something different from nationalism. Fuck off and come back when your thinking can go beyond spouting memes.

Most humans don't kill for fun, if anything we kill others in self-defense, or due to desperation. A society made of murderers that kill "for the lulz" wouldn't last long. It's more advantageous to one's own survival to get along with your peers and don't stab them in the face

kys christcuck you are a fossilized blight on white people contributing to our demise

>A society made of murderers that kill "for the lulz" wouldn't last long
>What is Sub Saharan Africa

Listen user nature doesnt give a shit what you do as long as you breed, hominids developed pleasure from violence and this went haywire leading to humans like niggers torturing eachother for fun to this day unless the human has empathy to hold back this instinctive savagery.

your example would work, except that sub saharan africa is made up of shithole countries perpetually stuck in poverty, war and disease. Niggers are barely human anyways. Just admit your "humans are predisposed to murder each other" is edgy and falls apart.

>nationalism is natural
>and this is why nationalism only exists for the last 200 years

You leftist sodomites will hang one day.

>Nationalism is just tribalism on a larger scale
Why does Veeky Forums never bother reading actual scholarship about history?

user even we whites use to be like niggers who tortured other tribes or living things for fun.

Any day now, right?

except we moved past that. why do you think crime rates in white communities is lower than in black communities? because we realized that keeping each other alive was more beneficial than murdering everyone else.


Berean Literal Bible
so that your giving may be in secret. And your Father, the One seeing in secret, will reward you.

>“Himself a Jew, Marx has around him, in London and France, but especially in Germany, a multitude of more or less clever, intriguing, mobile, speculating Jews, such as Jews are every where: commercial or banking agents, writers, politicians, correspondents for newspapers of all shades, with one foot in the bank, the other in the socialist movement, and with their behinds sitting on the German daily press — they have taken possession of all the newspapers — and you can imagine what kind of sickening literature they produce. Now, this entire Jewish world, which forms a single profiteering sect, a people of blooksuckers, a single gluttonnous parasite, closely and intimately united not only across national borders but across all differences of political opinion — this Jewish world today stands for the most part at the disposal of Marx and at the same time at the disposal of Rothschild. I am certain that Rothschild for his part greatly values the merits of Marx, and that Marx for his part feels instinctive attraction and great respect for Rothschild."

>"This may seem strange. What can there be in common between Communism and the large banks? Oh! The Communism of Marx seeks enormous centralization in the state, and where such exists, there must inevitably be a central state bank, and where such a bank exists, the parasitic Jewish nation, which. speculates on the work of the people, will always find a way to prevail ....”

wrong thread?

I love how anarchists went from being unironically anti-semetic to becoming Jew puppets.

Get fucked Commie

know that feel right

>humans, who have proven they cannot manage current global crises, could manage even larger crisis

Yeah, sure thing champ. If pretending we don't live in the Stupid Age helps you sleep at night I guess

yeah, the same with libertarians who are now neo-fascists

half of Veeky Forums actually believes that it is wrong for people with a common culture to self determinate and form their own political traditions.

Are you all left anarchists?

I were actually thinking about self identified Nazis rallying around a billionarie zionist

and the other half believes it's wrong for individuals to self determinate

I just don't want to support an ideology spearheaded by liberals to break up the old order

like zionism?

>common culture
Often times invented culture formed through purposefully neglecting parts of history, and glorifying and romanticizing the rest, in order to mobilize the populace in defense of the nation.
>and form their own political traditions.
And be controlled by an elite faction of society that regulates their own vision of the nation.

>people should pridefully 'self-determinate" and will their own traditions into being
>not rely on the will of God

whatever floats your boat ma

>self determination
Literally "muh freedums": the argument. Liberalism was a mistake.

He's right. Nationalism completely fucked Europe up the ass, it's only been going downhill since then.

>Europe before nationalism: strong, Christian empires
>Europe during nationalism: world wars, millions of pointless deaths
>Europe after nationalism: deracinated shitholes cucked to oblivion and anal slaves of the USA

You could actually easily make the argument that nationalism inevitably leads to internationalism/globalism, it's a slippery slope.

>when I can't attack people for wanting to unite under common bonds I'll delegitimize the bonds as mercurial and irrelevant! that's a good trick!

there was wars in europe when everybody was christian though

just not world wards

>Nationalism got a history of breaking up religious bonds, family bonds and regional bonds to create its liberal centralized super state
>it's the anti nationalists who are breaking up bonds!
children of the engligthement all of you!

The existence of the nation to begin with implies that said group is culturally distinct from the people around them. If people have a will to defend this why not let them?

>And be controlled by an elite faction of society that regulates their own vision of the nation.

Hierarchies exist in every state, but not to the same degrees. I am not an apologist for all political orders for that reason.

>The existence of the nation to begin with implies that said group is culturally distinct from the people around them.
no it doesn't imply that

There's a difference between simply wars and the world wars which completely cucked Europe out of the world stage.
Anyway, can someone unironically claim that nationalism made Europe better? That independent, irrelevant and weak Estonia or Slovakia are somehow preferable to strong empires? Imagine if every ethnicity in Britain today (English, Scottish, Welsh, Irish, Cornish) declared their own independent nation state tomorrow, all of British relevance would vanish overnight.

>all of British relevance would vanish overnight
That isn't true at all

What orders are you all referring to? People organized under patterns of association and disassociation before liberalism was ever a thing.

If a culture is christian, shouldn't that group be able to create a society that is defined in part by their faith?

europe doesn't need to be one country/empire to be relevant right now

nationalism times had their bad sides, but i don't really think it was mostly nationalism that caused the world wars, not the 1st one anyway

It doesn't need to be a one state. It should go to pre-WW1 borders however.


why are YOU championing a liberal cause? are you some kind of sjw tumblrite?

like said, a lot of people here (for various reasons) think nation to be a silly and arbitrary unit for humans to be divided into.

Independent irrelevant weak Slovakia and Estonia enjoy much better quality of life than they had under Russian or Magyar boot.