What if Veeky Forums chose a small worthless coin, bought hundreds of thousands...

What if Veeky Forums chose a small worthless coin, bought hundreds of thousands, and then got all of Veeky Forums to hype it up?

Is it illegal? would it ever work?
Imagine buying 100,000 coins for only 100 dollars and then jacking the price of them up to a dollar, it would literally make millionaires.

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you must be new here

This was more or less what happened with doge.

Huge wave of Veeky Forums hype, get it traded with BTC, easy mining

this is what whale teams did with dgb ltierally last week

You are talking about a Veeky Forums organize pump and dump. There have been discussions on the idea in the past. We were never able to figure out a way to do it without the risk of screwing each other over before we even started selling to normies.

just wait for the end of the week for the weekly Veeky Forums shitcoin tardpump. This week was niggercoin. Just wait for a thread to pop up. If the price already tripled, you are too late.

Mooncoin? Oh wait, you said worthless.

oh my god, it's a problem solving challenge... let me sleep over this

Imagine a system that locks anonymous participants into a pump and dump scheme, where they can see each others trade positions and vote for the cumulative staggered exit sell. If we could develop something like this we could all be rich as fuck.

time to go to and get some programmers

we would need to pool our money first and put it in a smart contract with a donation deadline, then pump it, sell it after a certain parameter is reached then distribute gains according to the original contributions. It could work I think

Funny thing is most of these coins are just a repeat of the HYIP of the 2000's.

Only thing is, we either promote it outside of Veeky Forums or just live with ourselves after we shill it to other Veeky Forumstards who aren't in on it

100,000 x $1 = millionaires???

Collectively we could be our own whale if we could pool our resources and have a smart contract do our investing

You could create a website that does all of this rather easily, but the problem will be that buying the next shitcoin usually happens on different niche exchanges, so there would be API adjustments every time a new project is taken on. Or is there a large exchange that allows to buy any potential shitcoins?
If yes we would need
>exchange API integration
>the blood pact logic that is bulletproof and allows for either paramter, time or vote based sells
>a wallet to pool the money and pay out afterwards

Would probably be quite a bit of work but its managable. Thing is, most people here can't program, and /g/ wont give a shit. I would be in though.

I can't program worth a damn but since we are thrown around by whales, it would be nice if we could make a few waves ourselves and stick it in their blowholes

How far do smart contracts go? Is there even anything missing there, could we start with that right away?

That's called market manipulation and yes it's illigal. But since this is Veeky Forums and everyone is anonymous I say go for it ;) let's all go to lambo land together. Last one to sell loses.

Bumping this thread because I want this to happen and I have an idea how it could. We need to create a list of eligible coins, perhaps nail it down to 10 different candidates that are very low market cap and volume with a low enough price to buy in a shit ton of coins even just with a couple hundred bucks. Then once that is done we would make a new thread with a picture that's a list of coins 1-10 and whoever rolls trips or quads corresponding to the list picks the coin we pump.
The only downside I see is someone with a get script ruining it.

I don't know it well enough but it seems to me that smart contrats solve the very problem of lack of trust and screw your neighbour that would keep us from acting as an amalgam

Would it be anything different from what any other capital pool like a hedge fund does?

we could make Veeky Forumstokens with Bancor, offer them on a private exchange, someone would write the smart contract and then you get paid in Veeky Forumstokens and keep your tokens or convert to whatever you want

There is of course still the problem of someone pre-timing the pump. The information of a planned pump would be out in the open by nature of imageboards. Im not sure if we could fix this.

maybe you have to be locked into the scheme with a set amount of invested BTC to even start the vote and know about the chosen shitcoin

unless we make it a condition of the contract that it only starts if the price is at 1 sat

Just make a xat chat room that isn't public or even a discord and all pump would be discussed in there.

And kids

Let's fucking do it, im in.

could we ensure that we keep real whales out?

I can program super well. My main business is programming, but there's a problem. The person who wrote the software would have to be trusted, even if it's open source.

Maybe we'd have to make some sort of blockchain escrow system...

anyone got a discord we can conspire in?

I got a discord server set up. I don't want to openly share the invite though because whales might swim in.

Someone make a discord... Let's pump GNT, cheap as fuck and it looks realistic

Im a full time programmer as well, i would have full trust as long as i can see the code or participate.

How else do we enter the Discord though? Post it now, then quickly close up the invitation? Can you do that with discord invitations?

Bitbean can be this

>fits with pepe
>tons of memes
>low market cap
>faster than doge
>Can gain interest through sprouting
>will be releasing atms, so normies can buy in easily.

Whale here. You can use the openzepplin team to do a code audit of your smart contract to ensure that no one is getting fuhkkd. I'd be happy to help you plan this out, ask away.

Also, if you guys really want an actual idea, I have a freebie for you.

Go ahead mate, tell us


Tell us.

Please include me on this shit

If someone were to start a project similar to RarePepe but for RarePorn it would be 50 million cap easily.


DIME is at 1 sat now and has been for a while. all honesty though i own 100k