Is it even possible to escape the cave?

Is it even possible to escape the cave?

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A modern understanding of sense-experience and knowledge says no, but we should keep trying.

It actually says "I don't know."
The modern understanding will never escape because it can not truly ask a question because it will not allow itself to accept any answer.
If we are to ascend beyond the wretched part of humanity that even the moderns do not tolerate, we must ascend beyond the modern.
Leave it behind.
To Christvs and Wotan

even if you faggots got out you'd just sail to the land of lotus eaters to feel happy again

Sorry, the can of worms has been opened. We aint getting them back in there. Descartes started it (technically skepticism is older than him but he's where the modern tradition of it got started and where we really started to ask the hard epistemological questions) and there's no going back.


you are the cave

Get your surface buddies to dig a hole through the roof of the cave and lower down a rope to the cavedwellers.

A better question is, who are these fucking druids who keep kidnapping people to force them to watch their stupid shadow puppet shows?

>wanting to leave the cave
Sounds like elf talk to me.

But what if that cave is actually inside another cave?

well the irony of the allegory of the cave is that the allegory itself is just a thought picture representing something else and not the real idea in its totality - to understand the allegory of the cave you must understand a notion of an outside of the cave, and a notion of "shadows".

The cave dweller therefore cannot concieve of the allegory of the cave, nor understand it even if it was presented to him in shadowform on the cave wall.

>A better question is, who are these fucking druids who keep kidnapping people to force them to watch their stupid shadow puppet shows?
Well, you know what our inbred retarded cousins at /pol/ would say...

Climb over the wall, climb onto the big fucking rock with the fire on it, then climb out

Depends on what scale. The ultimate cave is a complete knowledge of the universe and what rules where written. Sadly, that might be one cave we can't escape, since we can only determine the rules *inside* the universe, and not where they come from or anything outside of it.


How will you know if you REALLY escaped.

Wht if the cave is within just a bigger and nicer cave...?

It's not, that's the point.

In this world you can only get a distorted glimpse at what true "reality" is like according to Plato. And the job of philosophers is to interpret that glimpse as best they can.

Religion and ideologies as well.

this too lol



Missed the point.



Missed the point. Slightly retard.


Missed the point.

Missed the point. Slightly retard.

Acceptable, considering the level of this board.

>reddit replying

what makes you an authority
you arent even arguing against these people

>Think you escape the cave
>It's actually just a bigger cave with an even bigger light with bigger shadows.

What happens when it rains?

It pours.


Plato was projecting hard with this

>plato talks of forms while ancient greece is discovering the world
>say ancient greeks are in a cave taking forms for real things


I hate people who do this. It's just terrible. Your actions are terrible.

I read this as zizek advocating the use of ideology (reduction of truth to our comprehension) for giving a framework for pleasure - otherwise something like sex would be only physically pleasurable but not meaningful. Zizek's third pill isnt an escape of the cave but using natural light to cast the shadows.