This is your country on globalism

This is your country on globalism

I suppose you're trying to imply there is something wrong with that?

Anyone else feels great watching the """working class""" going out of work? I love neo-liberalism.

inevitable due to automation technology anyway. in my opinion, desirable. I'd rather not have to work.

>gee, i wonder why russians hate free-market capitalism and political liberalism

>Muh 90s abloobloo

Nineties completely sucked in the entire eastern Europe. Poverty, gangs you name it. It's just that only russians needed to revert to being a dictatorship instead of toughing it out like everyone else.

Russia is much larger than other Eastern Euro countries. It also has more nationalities inside it than other eastern euro countries. Its not fair to compare the two.

Without dictatorship it wouldn't be as large as it is today.

>USA is much larger than other Eastern Euro countries. It also has more nationalities inside it than other eastern euro countries. Its not fair to compare the two.

>Without dictatorship it wouldn't be as large as it is today.

Amerifats import the entirety of the world's physical wealth via the military backed petrodollar while growing enough food to feed your entire pop twice over I don't think any of you realize how good you really have it.

I do!

most of them don't, though

>try holding onto absolute monarchy when everyone else is trying constitutions and parliament
>it only ends when there's a revolution
>try communism for 70 years
>only give up when the state is literally collapsing
>try democracy (kind of) for ten years
>there are problems
>give up, swear to never do it again

The fundamental issue is capitalism and the separation between wage-labor and capital owners. Globalism just makes is more apparent since there are places with cheaper labor and lack of capital.

That only applies if you're a capitalist that owns the robots.

None of that shit really matters on an individual level, sure it may look good from a "structural" standpoint but none of it matters when the average American goes $100k of petrodollary doos debt for a college degree, greedy landlords suck half of our income, buying a five year used car is considered a luxury and the prospect of buying a home is but a fantasy.

>suck it up faggots, contribute more to society or languish

that was working women, mass immigration and free trade making a race to the bottom for wages.

Too low wages make people lose enthusiasm and strike and destroy equipment and property.
Too high wages make people work less.
What is known is that people will only work if they need too.

This is what happens when you have entire industries based on advancing people into a leisure class.

USA is not a Eastern Euro country. There is only one nationality among legals in USA.

So are "liberal" faggots finally starting to realize "open boarders" and diversity is just state produced propaganda so plebs cheer on as their wages and job security and job prospects are all gutted?

I GUARANTEE that as automation advances and as robots take more and more jobs, the new thing for SJW types will be about "robot rights" and will start calling people robophobs when they bitch because they were fired so their boss can just hire a robot slave.

I think you mean globalization? Which, in my opinion, should be called Americanization.


So we should pay CEOs less to make them work more?

not an argument

>The rise of automation erodes jobs and worker bargaining power over decades.
>Economy turns to shit.
>Lets see if we can find a way to blame this on liberals and minorities.

Minorities, no, but it can absolutely be blamed on the liberalisation of the markets.