Why do humans have an irrational fear of cockroaches?

Why do humans have an irrational fear of cockroaches?

They are not disease-carriers, they don't bite or suck blood (And thus no effective means to spread disease or parasites), the worst case scenario of harm coming from these creatures is food poisoning if they walked over your food. This is a walk in the park compared to things like Malaria or other harmful diseases from Mosquitoos and other insects, yet people don't give a shit about those.

who the fuck is scared of cockroaches

Did you mean disgust instead of fear?

t. urk

Because of irrationality. Also anything with more then 4 legs, is small and could be living in your very walls is just creepy.

>Move fast and erratically
>Many species can fly depending on where you live
>Usually a sign of a larger infestation
>Associated with other pests such as rats and ants
>Can get into food supplies and leave their shit/eggs there
>Breed quickly and are very numerous
>Starting to become resistant to common pesticides via natural selection

Whats not to hate?

Because the psychological reason for why a person fears or otherwise avoids something is not necessarily rooted in a logical pleasure/pain dichotomy. The human mind is not purely rational even most of the time and it contains dimensions that exceed the bounds of the instinctual or pragmatic.

Specifics don't matter, just because your conscious mind recognises the species doesn't mean your unconscious reflexes won't freak the fuck out at the possibility of getting stung.

Also perhaps at one point in history cockroaches did carry a disease that no longer exists.

>>Usually a sign of a larger infestation
it's literally this and anyone saying anything else is a retard

Don't be so certain, nature isn't so single-minded. It's most likely a mish-mash of various traits, probably even some that are unrelated to cockroaches specifically.

They remember the fall of constantinople via genetic memory

>>Many species can fly depending on where you live
Seriously, fuck that shit. Plus their egg laying is just vomit-inducing.

Humans probably evolved to be disgusted by appearance of species who's presence is also indicative of a health hazard.

If you're disgusted by roaches, you'll do the things necessary to keep them away. Those same things also keep an environment sanitary. A sanitary environment is an environment where premature death is less likely to occur.

Just as in the case of the lion in the bush scenario, evolution does not reward absolute rationality. It rewards rationality tempered by aversion and fear of the unknown or alien.

Because you're trained to hate them from early childhood. It's that simple.

It's not that people fear the roach itself, bur rather what it signifies. Roaches thrive in dirty places, so if you find roaches scurrying around in your kitchen, it means your kitchen is unsanitary.

There's nothing irrational about disgust induced by those vermin.

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You don't fear or feel disgust because of ants or mosquitoes as they are much smaller. It's hard to miss the alien and bizarre details of insect anatomy when they are smaller than a pinhead. Cockroaches are large insects, they have a glossy texture that makes them shine even when dry, they have visible little hairs in their legs, they can fly around and are generally associated with nastiness.

Also, instinctual fear of insects and snakes is real, any unindentified animal or object of the certain size required that passes silently enough, quickly enough and close enough to your legs can and will activate a stress response

Cut down the tall trees

first time i laughed irl in weeks

Are culture has taught us cockroaches are dangerous when in fact they are not much different from dogs. We should fund programs to educate kids that these harmless creatures are not in fact dangerous and to ignore the fear mongering campaigns made by capitalists to sell pest control?

I think it's some weird fight or flight trigger, not that cockroaches are dangerous. But it's very weird how the fear has been ingrained in humans and it came to be. Since cockroaches are not historical disease carriers or a threat.

This raises an interesting point though, most central-Asian people from areas like Indonesia and the Philippines aren't as scared of cockroaches, so maybe the "cockroach fear evolutionary trait" only exists in some people, but not all.

>Central Asian

On another note this thread probably belongs on sci not his don't you think?

I forgot to add south to that, but upon checking a map, by the general perception of where "Central Asia" is I would still be wrong anyway, it appears central Asia leans towards the west instead of being in the middle


it's distaste, you don't have to fear something to hate it

He is an american, cut him some slack.
