I cannot stand biz anymore. You might know me as fist nigger, spider nigger, rustle loli, james franco winking...

I cannot stand biz anymore. You might know me as fist nigger, spider nigger, rustle loli, james franco winking, and a DGB fag.

Total, I've netted 500k from crypto in 2 months, I haven't even factored in the massive amount of ETH that I threw into Bancor and Aeternity which is around another 150k.

I love this place but it's become too much. It's now teams of full time shills lying and bullshit with ever increasing ability. There's a difference between shilling DGB, which is a good coin, and some complete scam coin like kids, and you're a fucking faggot if you don't recognize it and you should kill yourself if you engage in shilling coins like kids because you're literally stealing from people.

I'm from an investing background, crypto is a new playing field, certain strategies will still apply. Hopefully you'll take into consideration what I'm about to say and make some very good money.

Here are the ONLY coins that matter.

BTC - obvious reasons. Don't listen to hard fork FUD, this coin is here to stay if you understand block chain tech. BTC and ETH will be enormous.

ETH - same as above

XRP - will eventually be added to coinbase, is not intended to moon but if certain regulations change this will increase by A LOT.

DGB - this is the future day to day currency of crypto.

Bancor - I'll admit, I bought this coin purely because some millionaire tech friends of mine all bought ASSLOADS. These guys have made fortunes from apps, websites, and are moving into VC, so I trust them. I know the basics and think the growth will be exponential, but I invested because of them. They think it's the future.

BAT - as you can tell it's picking up steam already. This could be a flop or an INCREDIBLE moon mission. I own 80k BAT.

Don't invest in coins like SIA and Golem, they are not currency and will never be viable as such. Remember, people want cryptoCURRENCY not hobby coins for niche enthusiasts. I will check in from time to time but not nearly be as active as I was.


Other urls found in this thread:


bump to keep the shills mad

pic related

You actually listed my top 5 coins. Bancor is gonna be huge no doubt.

>There's a difference between shilling DGB, which is a good coin

I see DGB. I upvote.

Yeah. OP is obviously a LARPing shill.


>Starts by blasting shills

>Ends up shilling for dgb


sia and golem should at least have short term (a year or 2) gains potential tho, no?

post blockfolio so we know u aren't bullshitting

>low effort DGB shill
gj, op.

>DGB - this is the future day to day currency of crypto.

You probably look like one of those characters in real life

Well, I don't care what you think. I was fine before crypto and will be fine if everything went to zero right this second. This information is for YOU to make money because you live in your mom's moldy basement. Take it or leave it you fucking faggot.

You can be a retarded faggot or you can be smart and listen to people who know what they're talking about.

>thinks i'm mad

I'm literally about to go on a shopping spree with 5k just for clothing. I took a pretty big instagram model out to a $800 dinner last night and fucked her afterwards. It's true money doesn't buy you happiness, but not having money definitely doesn't make you any happier.

Don't buy retarded coins like Etherum, they have NO value. Fucking use your heads and think about it. I made an assload off biz buy buying MOONCOIN and Doge, so I really appreciate this board. I do not appreciate stupid faggots like you. I'm trying to help.

>post blockfolio so we know u aren't bullshitting
hahaha you know how blockfolio works right?

Masterful shill you are

>DGB - this is the future day to day currency of crypto.

Everyone sage and hide this thread this is all an elaborate shill trying to unload his bags.

>retarded coins like etherum

yep, that was me. I did make an assload off moon coin and I feel kind of bad about it. I bought it for fun at 1 sat and sold at 4 sat. you got me. That Ethereum line is edited by you, I own a lot of ETH.

I confirm this user is truthful, I was the model

lel, I could make a blockfolio right now cherry picking tardcoins and pretending to have had 10000% gains since january

whats your opinion of Booooooooooolberry? aka XBB?

you are like a walking meme

everyone knows ETH and BTC are the kings

xrp will never be on coinbase, EVER

dgb glory days are over, straight up altcoins aren't meant to survive

bancor/bat, kek. these 2 ICOs literally jew'd the entire market like 2 giant middle fingers. people have wised up and you and your friends are going to have a LOT of trouble finding the liquidity to unload your bags.

and some hobby coins will survive. blockchain tech is the future.

>these ass ravaged golem holders


>you are like a walking meme

No, people listen to me and cap me all day long because what I say is truthful and self-evident if you use your fucking head for one second.

Forgot to mention I'm one of the biggest anti-SWT people here. That coin is a pure scam and will NEVER work.

I'll miss you fistnigger, a true voice of reason.

please don't leave us senpai.

>wouldn't buy a dollar fifty for 3 pennies

You've never felt the touch or love of a nubile woman. Keep thinking the way you do and you never will.

I made 11k from digibyte, I thank you for that.

OP why do you copy-paste your previous posts?

because I got tired of re-writing the same shit over and over again.

Another "im not shilling", shill thread. The dumb Jap anime meme gives this one away.. so does the "future day to day" for DGB

couldnt resist laughter when you said DGB had worth.

its not used for literally anything.

Fuck me , I have just started on this website / fucking forum and it's like reading a bunch of scitso , split personality , basket cases . I start reading the original op post and think , nice guy , sounds like a good guy , maybe I should take his advice . Then instantly the tsunami of confusion starts . Who do I trust ? Who do I listen to ?

Only trust yourself, user.

i think what happened to dgb was that there was too much hype for it, which distorted the price, OP isn't a shill

Don't listen to this guy. He's also a shill.

well, I'll let you know that I've got OVER 10 years of experience with technical analysis and by looking at the OP I can immediately tell you that he is a faggot. Like all other faggots he will put all his money in Milocoin

What about Bitbean?

>fuding golem as "hobby coins for niche enthusiasts"
LMAO, Golem has the chance to fucking change the world of CAE. But I bet you don't even know what CAE means.

Also, will mooncoin ever moon and eventually eclipse all other shitcoins and non-shitcoins?

I'm also considering this coinmarketcap.com/currencies/inflationcoin/

>But I bet you don't even know what CAE means
thats his point bud

More confusion

it's the best advice on this board

Dude, how is CAE any of these? It has been a growing industry for years and now is a solid thing. One of the biggest problems of CAE is rendering which requires super computers, lots of electricity and days to render a single simulation.

This guy is a retard and has no credibility, I recognize the filename from really smug bancor posts claiming 0.2 btc start prices and shit like that, being a bancor buyer alone qualifies you as an idiot but being that fucking deluded you have to be mentally handicapped.

He's a moron, user. Nothing else to it.

You four are idiots.

Yes, a major correction after such mooning is to be expected. I've been in DGB since 100 sats, I'd be out LONG ago if I thought it was even remotely going nowhere.

If you're going to ever trust one random stranger on the internet, it's me. I'm under 30 and retired, and I like helping people.

>trust me i'm rich i promise

Digikek is fucking over, there will be hundereds of ICOs with better coins in the future

this isn't "confusion" dumbo, what you're witnessing is people sharing their opinions which leads to disagreements

if you want a unified circlejerk consensus, go back from whence you came

hes saying hes confused you fucking idiot

haha it seems like they both are

I would like someone to trust , none of my friends have anything to do with crypto . Feel like I'm out on my own , trying to figure out what's billshit and what's not :$


he actually didn't, but if you want to be his little editor in chief, suck his dick while you're at it

>Total, I've netted 500k from crypto in 2 months
Keep LARPing faggot

> doesnt mention litecoin and billions from china soon to be poured into ltc market cap

Learn TA and stop reading so much Veeky Forums. 90% is shilling. Your brain will become so full of bullshit info that you'll end up making some really poor decisions.

Normally I'd enjoy this because you faggots anger me with your rampant and unchecked idiocy, but I actually feel sad you're going to miss out on a life changing investment.

>k-keep larping, f-faggot

>any sort of credibility
>"Wtf is a sat?"
I remember you, faggot. Your post is ok but I disagree about Golem and I'm not sold on dgb.

I cannot stand biz anymore. You might know me as Spin nigger, Level2 Jew, Uncle Moshe, and a /rgt/fag

Total, I've netted 500k from crypto in 2 months, I haven't even factored in the massive amount of BTC that I threw into Monero and Ripple which is around another 150k.

I love this place but it's become too much. It's now teams of full time shills lying and bullshit with ever increasing ability. There's a difference between shilling LTC, which is a good coin, and some complete scam coin like DGB, and you're a fucking faggot if you don't recognize it and you should kill yourself if you engage in shilling coins like DGB because you're literally stealing from people.

I'm from an investing background, crypto is a new playing field, certain strategies will still apply. Hopefully you'll take into consideration what I'm about to say and make some very good money.

Here are the ONLY coins that matter.

BTC - obvious reasons. Don't listen to hard fork FUD, this coin is here to stay if you understand block chain tech.

XMR - same as above (but with privacy!)

LTC - this is the future day to day currency of crypto. I bought this coin purely because some millionaire tech friends of mine all bought ASSLOADS. These guys have made fortunes from apps, websites, and are moving into VC, so I trust them. I know the basics and think the growth will be exponential, but I invested because of them. They think it's the future.

XRP - will eventually be added to coinbase, is not intended to moon but if certain regulations change this will increase by A LOT.

Don't invest in coins like DGB and ETH, they are not currency and will never be viable as such. Remember, people want cryptoCURRENCY not hobby coins for niche enthusiasts. I will check in from time to time but not nearly be as active as I was.


You forgot lisk you bumbling idiot

>Writing all of this to pretend to be a millionaire and shill LTC

shush poor faggot. Lisk is a neutral investment, it will never moon too much past it's current state and it's growth will be geometric not logarithmic. I know what you're going to say next-

>muh it's better than stratis

shut the fuck up. Keep your uneducated opinions to yourself you dunce.

>pic is literally you


Lmfao confirmed larping idiot
Lisk is going straight to $100 by December 2017

Cap if you wish

i want pics of the model or i call bullshit

If you're willing to make financial decisions off the advice of a complete stranger just because he "sounds nice" then you need to run far, far away from this board because you ARE going to lose money to the shills.

I have NEVER seen a worse shill attempt
>im better than you guys
>heres the money I made
>Heres what you should buy

Ive been making boatloads off of KMD.

I own lisk too, but I'm really not too concerned
about whether it goes up/down. You seem pretty worried though faggot.
not a shill attempt kys

I'm not concerned about a sure thing, I was questioning your researching ability when you left it out of the OP

How can I tag a post , want to reply to that father fucker who call me a dumbo . Your mother calles me dumbo while I'm banging her with my trunk .

I left it out because it's not a sure thing. I question the blood flow rate to your brain if you think it is.

Please don't go fistnigger, you're the hero Veeky Forums needs but doesn't deserve.

>Your mother calles me dumbo while I'm banging her with my trunk

Best post on Veeky Forums right now.

We will miss ya. Staying to dilute the shill shit would be cool, but i understand entirely.

Do you have a Twitter or something that people who want your advice can see your warnings and shit?

I'm with you user. But I'm afraid this is not the place. It's true Veeky Forums can come in handy if you want to give your portfolio a quick boost, because sometimes you can find posts with real info about shitcoins that are going to moon for a while. But other than that, it's more than 90% people trying to get you to sell low and buy high.

prove that you are who you say you are
give us any meaningful evidence whatsoever
post a pic of your apartment, post your watch, anything
>inb4 muh frugal millionaire meme
prove it


Having fun holding those bags Digibro?

You know its good advice on biz when it immediately = Troll trap

Bitch, DGB have been getting lower ever since I fucking bought the shit.
At this point I'm ready to sell it all and try something else.
Even Sia is giving me more of a damn profit.

Same story as yours OP, recently bought some ETH, BTC, Ripple after the dip.

Just kept some small money on various coins, actually made the most money (200% in 2 days) by investing in a coin some random dude claimed was a iota competitor on twitter, curious what will happen to it

i saw this post some days ago with a picture of a fat girl attached and one of the replies was if he was feeding the girl 800 dollars worth of chicken nuggets. i actually smirked irl.

I'll invest in whatever gets me to the moon, whether or not I can use it doesn't matter. I buy high and sell low, that's my way of the ninja.

>just started on this website
>already namefagging

Nice larp and subtle DGB shilling, you weeb faggot bagholder.

>not vouching on your child's life that bitbean is the only worthy coin
Kys faggot

This, OP is a fucking huge faggot

Yes i am not 13.
Yes i am a billionaire too.
And i've got catzilshilionaire friends too.




Just a man working our of the cave and pit here. Thanks! I agree with many of this statements and feel the same way. And thank you for the perspective and some ideas. HMU on the twitters if ya get bored. I am pretty easy to find. Would love to ask you a few strategy questions if you are down. No expectations of course.

You sound like someone that can see both sides of the field and find a good middle or reality to your perspective.

What's your opinion on Ark, friend?

What advantage does DGB have over Myriad, op?

>$800 to bang a fucking AIDs-ridden whore

Should've reinvested the money instead, dumbass.

lol. Do you even believe yourself when you post anymore? I can literally feel your butthurt FOMO induced FUD through my wifi.
It's called a correction you stupid faggot, you think something just goes up 30x without dipping ever?
Even though you're a retarded fag you're still going to make money if you hold.
you'll make short term gains but you'll miss pluto missions
faggots squared
prove how much I have by giving free shit to you? are you retarded?
I don't really have many strategies, just buy in bulk and hold. That warren buffet quote is cliche but very true. I do day trade for fun though, have made a lot but it's akin to gambling.

Beautiful women are actually more selective than the shamus you bang who will fuck any guy who lets her finish the rest of his drink at a bar. Much less chance of STDS.

Also it's much harder to get AIDs as a guy, FYI. You literally need to have a cut on your dick.