What can Veeky Forums tell me about the Inca's?

What can Veeky Forums tell me about the Inca's?

They're niggers of South America

They had this poem/battle cry thing that they'd recite before fighting. Roughly translated, it goes

"We will drink chicha from your skull,
From your teeth we'll make a necklace,
From your bones, flutes,
From your skin we'll make a drum,
And then we will dance!"

Their writing system was literally knotted string. Apparently it worked something like binary.

>it needs to be alphabetic because i'm white and have a STEM degree, everything else is blue pilled nigger tier

I'm not even looking down on quipus lol
They're pretty cool


When you born in the incan empire you had a piece of land for yourself to work , or rent. After you die, they give that piece of land to another newborn.

That seems woefully inefficient.

They ran the largest empire in the world, at the time, with it.

The Inca's what?
Well, English has one of the most inefficient writing systems in the world and it is still doing alright.

looks comfy

This was some kind of research center to adapt crops to different climates and altitudes.

It actually wasn't. The reason for their design was because they were meant to be carried by runners who would deliver these messages by literally running from city to city across rugged mountain landscapes. Taking this into account, you can see how the knots could be more easily carried in hand relative to something like papyrus.

They could never defeat a bunch of chilean mountain tribesmen niggers armed with sticks and stones and then drew their natural boundary at their river.

I doubt it, 3ft isn't going to make much difference


perspective deceived you.

And It worked , incans had hundreds of potato variaeties for instance.

That's rad.

Quipu is the name of the system and the fabric itself. Apparently, it is so complex they had professionals whose sole purpose is to work the quipu, the monarchs of the inca used them to keep tax records, festivals, astrological records, criminal records, sagas, etc. This shit is so complex it has hundreds of thousands of different ways to function and it serves basically as full script.

The fucking Spanish conquistadors killed the last person who could work the quipu before they took the knowledge from him. Fucking spaniard twats.

I'd join 'em holy shit

Their public works, and organization system was the best in South America but woefully inefficient in all other areas, essentially what happens when you make a fanatically collectivist empire

Theirs is a collection of the andean indians visions and best elements distilled into an empire

I stand corrected, 5 feet is past the required accuracy threshold of the scientific instruments available to the Incas.

It's worth noting that it really wasn't a writing system. It couldn't record or express spoken language. They used it to record lots of different kinds of information, but you couldn't, like, record a sentence or a poem or whatever with quipu.

Correct, it was akin to an abacus with memory, records, sagas, songs and the like were all memorized in oral tradition

>There was no courtship in the Inca Empire.m= Marriages were arranged.
>Once a year, the head of the village or town would line up all the single young men (age 20) and all the single young women (age 16) to pair off.
>If more than one man wanted to marry the same girl, the parents of each son would present reasons why their son should be selected as the husband.
>If a man did not marry by age 20, a wife would be selected for him. That was the law.
>a wife would be selected for him. That was the law.
>That was the law.

Literally state-mandated girlfriends

I have seen worse

The spaniards couldn't either.

There are over 4K varieties of potatoes

mfw have a midterm in this tomorrow

the cool kids list.

Yay the Inca are pretty cool guys, they educate local chieftains sons in the Inca ways to increase their loyalty to the centralized state and doesn't afraid of anything

rather they are bound by law to abide the inca and the inca s bound to give them their due

Loyalty was assured by fear of being replaced by more loyal chieftains and that they can are also bound by familial bonds to give the state its due

Inca women lusted for Spanish dick and betrayed Inca men into an eternal state of cuckness

they always gunna be more loyal to their ayllu than the centralized Inca state, unless the kuraka's son gets educated in Cuzco or the Inca personally help one ayllu crush an enemy ayllu

Sure he may be more loyal but he is still bound to his ayllu and in turn the ethnic tribe he belongs to since like I said the Inca is beholden to them in the end its up to the individual to decide where the loyalties are as there are many factors that can sway them in one direction or another but I think he just has to be loyal enough so the reciprocity bonds are in effect

They made nice objects