I've been sexting a Brazillian woman in her late 30's for the last few months, and she's obsessed with me...

I've been sexting a Brazillian woman in her late 30's for the last few months, and she's obsessed with me. She wants me to visit her in Brazil in December, and told me she would send me money to pay for the ticket, round trip.

Should I accept her offer and then just not go? I could really use $1500 right now but I also really don't want to scam some innocent woman.

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go fuck her then get a job you fucking pleb

>should you take someones money by lying to them?
No its bad for your soul.

if you go you'll probably get kidnapped and sold into slavery

Just go don't be a pussy. Get it, user and cash out your crypto in Brazil if they have lax laws about crypto

Just be sure to tell your kidnappers to upload your Liveleak murder video to Veeky Forums once they've finished.

Which state is she from?
Você sabe português?
si sim hesponde em giria p/ prova q n é tradutor

You're getting catfished and will wind up dead in a favela

como assim user ,vem para o brasil meu chapa ,aqui é tudo mo dahora ,é vc ainda vai ganhar dinheiro ,PORRA ,ta reclamando do que

Por onde que eu compro BTC/qualquer outra merda de crypto morando nesse lixo?
Único que me aceitou foi o wesellcrypto e o paypal tá recusando o pagamento.

do it. it's probably your only chance to get rich off crypto.

>innocent woman
a few scenarios as someone in latam (brazil is even more dangerous)

1. she sees you as her ticket out of her shithole, and if she's 40, it's probably her last ticket in life. she's way post-wall so having a family wth her is impossible
2. kidnapping you for american $$$ is way profitable in collapsed economies
3. it's a dude
4. probably will use you to smuggle shit in and out of her shithole

and why would she send you money instead of a plane ticket?

bitcoin in brazil is way more expensive than in burguerland. Bitcoin here is worth almost 3.3 k USD

which is she from, OP?

Take the money, don't go. it will feel bad at first but as you realize you're becoming part of the capitalistic society that will get rich it will feelgoodman.

compra pelo mercado bitcoin ,é mo facil,o problema é que a taxa la come uns 10 ~5 reais seus ,tente ir um pouco alem do minimo permetido

Nossa cara, existem umas 4 ou 5 corretoras de BTC aqui no brasil. A menos ruim nesse momento é a Walltime

Eu compro os meus com um cara do facebook, mais barato e ele transfere n hora que cai a grana, ele é confiável e tem muita gente no grupo Bitcoin Brasil que compra com ele

se quiser, te passo o nome


olha ai o link show ,se quiser me dar uma gorjeta pela dica ,tamos ai

By even considering this, you are a schmuck, OP.

All you're going to get in Brazil is your front teeth kicked in and a tour of the local barrio's ATM machines

>9100 em 1 btc quando o preço não passa de 8500
Fora as taxas e impostos.

Meio off topic, mas tem alguma maneira de "exploitar" o fato de que btc aqui é 5-20% mais caro?Tipo comprar uns dolares com uns reais, e de alguma forma comprar btc em uma corretora gringa, passar pra uma br e lucrar com isso?

sei la ,eu uso por la por que eu compro menos é por conta da segurança tambem ,mas eu nem sei de taxa é imposto ,quando eu comprei não descontou nada ,foi so uns 4 -5 reais de transação mesmo ,mas la pelo menos é um ótimo lugar para vender é dar cash out

I thought this too, fuck that shit lol

Sim, abra uma empresa de venda de bitcoins aqui no Brasil, compre de fora e venda aqui dentro 5-20% mais caro.

> but I also really don't want to scam some innocent woman.

Nigga you are probably going to get kidnapped if you go. Sounds like a scheme.

yep and all body parts sold, 1500 is nothing compared to the 100k they'd get


Her ticket for you to come down is nothing more than an investment. 30 years old dude? Come on! GTFO!

BR here, don't come OP. Think about it, why would a BR woman pay for a round trip just to smell your farts? She may not want your kidney, but you can be sure it`s not your heart she wants either. We have plenty of people rich enough to waste their money on silly gringos, and you could be the one being scammed in the end.

I don't know if everyone is upfront about things over wherever you live, but there is a lot of online scamming going about down here. I'm not saying you should curse her and kick her out of your life, but for fucks sake be careful. Also consider why would she pay for YOUR round trip when she could also go right there to your place (not hard to get documents for international travel in here).