Why do Westerners consider racism to be immoral...

Why do Westerners consider racism to be immoral? You'd think it was commandment by God "thy shalt not be racist" the way Westerners shriek at any expression of racialism as if it was a blasphemy against their God.

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>love thy neighbour

>don't associate with foreigners

You can be a racist and love your neighbor.

It's literally because chemical waste in our living environment is messing up our hormonal system and making us irrational cucks.

Because by making the assumption that other races are inferior, it paves the way to unequal treatment.

The idea of racism in itself isn't immoral, but the outcomes almost always are.

Do we have a moral mandate to treat everyone equally?

the concept is pretty recent

nigga, Jesus already said so ages ago. Are you being retarded on purpose?

I didn't mean to project my own morality on to the question, sorry.

But I'd say the western world feels that it does have a moral mandate to treat people equally. And yes it is a pretty recent concept despite being in a long time well respected Jewish book.

>And yes it is a pretty recent concept despite being in a long time well respected Jewish book.
The only form of equality taught in the Bible is equality before Christ. Besides that, the bible is very supportive of class, ethnic and tribal inequality understanding that it is the natural order of the world.

>Jesus already said so ages ago
Jesus never said anything like that. St.Paul did. And yes, it was only a spiritual equlity. St.Paul also encouraged slaves to listen to their masters and general they had a philosophically stoic approach towards ones position in life if they weren't encouraging giving up everything you owned.

People tend to confuse racism and bigotry (meaning: being hateful and unjust). The latter is obviously immoral. It can never be moral to judge someone not for their actions but for something they have no control over and to hate somoeone for no real reason.

Racism in its original meaning ment believing in some kind of """"scientific"""" racial theory. So in theory it's possible to be a racist and not be a bigot. Like, you think that niggers are genetically dumber but you still treat them kindly. The problem is 1. this is almost never the case, modern racist just try to justify their anger at another group 2. these theories are simply wrong.

Btw, the Bible does have an anti-discrimination message, there are passages saying that there are no Jews, Romans etc. before God, he views us all as equals. The Good Samaritan story also argues against prejudices.

Love your neighbor =/= treat everyone equally

His word isn't the Constitution and you can't apply the "living document" liberal treatment to it

>the bible is very supportive of class, ethnic and tribal inequality
Got some quotes for that? I don't disagree, I'm just wondering where it states this.

>it is the natural order of the world
It is in many ways the normal order of the world, however the most successful countries in the world have less rigid class, ethnic and tribal divides.

Obviously 'love your neighbour' doesn't mean treating everyone equally, but it means treating everyone with respect.

That's true, but racism doesn't necessarily entail a lack of respect in some capacity for someone

Do you have to have full respect for a child in order to love them in a Biblical sense?

redditor commie colonist detected

St. Paul in Ephesians 6:5
"Slaves, obey your earthly masters with respect and fear, and with sincerity of heart, just as you would obey Christ."

woman must learn in quietness and full submissiveness. do not permit a woman to teach or exercise authority over a man;b she is to remain quiet. For Adam was formed first, and then Eve. And it was not Adam who was deceived, but the woman who was deceived and fell into transgression. Women, however, will be saved through childbearing, if they continue in faith, love, and holiness, with self-control.

And so fourth. You get the idea, I hope. The OT is filled with quotes discouraging intermarriage (even tribal intermarriage). To find them all would take a while. The biggest take away with is this. The NT (not the old) teaches a universal spiritual equality of people before Christ. This doesn't transcend racial, ethnic, economic or gender differences. People who say otherwise are somewhat projecting secular progressive ideology onto something which is anything but.

You should give full respect to a child, but that doesn't mean you have to treat them as an adult.

All I'm saying is that when false racial theories are applied to people, a lack of respect seems to naturally happen.

It's the same reason why people don't treat animals with the same modicum of respect that they do humans (unless they're strict vegans).

>not being a racist makes you left wing and from /leftypol/

Are white people the only race in history to just abandon their evolutionary self-interest and offer themselves for self destruction?

Nah, plenty of cultures have done this far more than white people.

Why do you think they're so far behind?

St paul did?? but He was saying what Jesus Christ told him

White people are the only race in history to focus so much and to build self-identity based on on skin color.

I find this intriguing, are there any other examples of other groups doing this?

>White people are the only race in history to focus so much and to build self-identity based on on skin color.
What? Every society is fiercely nationalistic and tribal.

Most White people aren't doing this. They are just too apathetic/willfully ignorant or stupid to care. As far as low birth rates? Yes, that's happened before.

Yes, but they usually don't build their us-them dichotomy based on skin color.

You'd be very surprised. Arabs, moors, Egyptians, NE Asians, Italians and others very much did this. Also define "White" in this case as it was very much an American thing.

Even in the context of today, are you kidding me? Everyone else but whites are allowed to build their identity on their skin color.

Well, yeah, you're right, I was speaking about American whites specifically.

You don't get what he meant? Are you really that stupid?

As a white person, you can think that, for example, blacks are intellectually inferior to you and still love them.

Even deeper. Why should you put your family and nation at risk by having hostile aliens around you? That isn't love.

Because over time people develop the principles that immediately assuming prejudice for someone based on their skin colour or heritage (And class, in some places) leads to self satisfaction and the lack of reflection on one's own flaws and turns said races into a scapegoat for problems that stem from themselves, is a bad thing?

>Inb4 'b-but we can't celebrate being white'

You can celebrate being British, or French, or German.

>B-but if I wave a St George's flag and yell about the British Empire people assume I'm a raving lunatic.

That's because there's more to a culture than it's highest point, if your knowledge of British or French history only extends to the colonial period and not to much more interesting (And easily celebrated because it's not so recent) periods such as the Romano-British or romanticised medieval period.

>B-but the blacks can celebrate being bla-

BECAUSE AS FAR AS THEY KNOW THAT'S WHAT THEIR CULTURE IS. For christ's sake, you identify someone as black and not as Jamaican or Nigerian or etc and of course when they get the first chance to celebrate their heritage it'll just be 'black'.

Look at Japan and China, by Western standards of celebrating culture they should be best friends, but since they have a history of enmity then in their home nations they absolutely hate one another.

Because judging people by the color of their skin or genetic makeup is dumb.

Judge people by their individual character, values and personality.

SJWs go way too far and on the other side /pol/ also goes way too far. Both are collectivist and are all about race-baiting.
>Whites are bad! Let Jamal rape your daughter!
>Whites are master race! Kill all niggers!
This is the insanity of identity politics and collectivism.

>Both are collectivis
collectivism is good. Perhaps you mean to say conformist?

No, but if you are racist I don't have a mandate to treat you anything other than what I think you are: an ignorant, hateful scumbag.

As far as things such as employment and government yes, a mandate is necessary because we've seen the human damage caused by institutionalized racism.

>collectivism is good
French Revolution and Russian Revolution say otherwise.

>Whites are bad! Let Jamal rape your daughter!

Said no one ever. Nice try trying to play the middle though with the tired tactic of "the SJW's are just as bad as literal neo-Nazis." Really shows how much of a dumb motherfucker you are. Now kill yourself, you know deep down inside that you are trash and deserve it. It's time to stop suffering. It's time to end it all.

But pre-revolution Russia and France were collectivist as well. Moreso even.

>Said no one ever.
It happens all the time, back in the day a good ol lynching would prevent it from reaching mass levels.

No, nor is it written anywhere that we can't laugh at people who think superficial phenotypical characteristics are a good basis for judging other people's merits.


The American Revolution was the opposite of any of those 2 revolutions.

America's foundation was about individual liberty, freedom of speech, God-given rights. Treat people with respect and dignity.

Dictators that are "for the greater good" end up being the worst tyrannies, and the founding fathers knew this.

Spotted the triggered lefty.

>Why do Westerners consider racism to be immoral?
The "Western" world is philosophically based on human dignity. Racism is a symptom of tribalistic hatred and grudges and the denial of essential humanity to other people.

Not that guy, but that's literally what they say, they give minorities much lesser sentences for sex crimes, to the point of no sentence at all, because they're minorities.

Libtards on quadruple murderer, Stanley "Tookie" Williams:

>"Let him out of jail, he's paid for his crime, he's a good boy now who disavowed gang violence!"

Libtards on people who say mean things about brown people on the internet:

>"Yeah, punch him! Beat the shit out of that guy in public! He deserves it!"

Why is liberalism so riddled with doublethink?

No. Really. Why?

>aren't I so superior because I cuck my own people while literally every other race, ethnicity, tribe and clan practices nepotism for their own kind

Why do white people love to sniff their own farts so much? This is why you are all going to die out and be replaced by brown racists you import.

I forgive you y for ou know not what you say, you are a mindslave to the current meme wave. Purge your brain to be set free.

Do you live under a rock?

There is a definite anti-white agenda going on in the West. It's all about feeling sorry about the past and letting minorities run over you. This is """"social"""" justice, aka the perversion of justice.

Blacks are treated like they are good little boys who dindu nuffin, when statistics say otherwise.

>Nigger beats up someone and steals his money
>no one bats an eye
>White man shoots a nigger in self-defense

I'm not even a /pol/tard but you have to be stupid to deny how terrible political correctness and SJW/radical liberals have gotten in America.


The problem with disavowing racism is that it needs to be reciprocal, you need all sides to equally disavow it or you end up with a situation where one group (whites) plays racial universalist and absorbs the costs of everyone else's racial tribalism.

That's fundamentally the issue here. Look at the strength with which the PRC can increasingly confront the US: The PRC is united like a fist against America. America, by contrast, cannot presume to oppose the PRC with any sort of coherent racial/tribal unity because it isn't really a nation in any meaningful sense anymore to begin with anyway - It's an Empire of competing tribal groups whose conflicts need to be managed and dealt with via politics/money in lieu of actual issues (e.g. aging infrastructure) more and more.

>The "Western" world is philosophically based on human dignity.

Since when?

Never go full buzzword.

Loving your neighbor doesn't mean not taking extra precautions to prevent them stealing from you.

Since Christianity.

How to kill racism:

Stop being obsessed with people's skin colors.
Judge people by their individual character.

Unfortunately the media and liberals love to race-bait, and they make things worse.

>Since Christianity.
Except during the Christian era none of that anti-racist shit flew. Only after Christianity started to loose the culture war in the West (and this goes back to the 1700s) did the West become more cucked.

Everybody is naturally racist anyways. Very few people can honestly say that they think that niggers are as intelligent as whites.

hey reddit

What would you say racists collectively scapegoat blacks for?

As far as I can make out, everything they say about blacks can be affirmed statistically:

>Blacks are more violent

Statistical fact.

>Blacks murder their partners more.

Statistical fact.

>Blacks are more welfare dependent on average

Statistical fact

>Black Male/White Female marriages are significantly more dysfunctional than White Male/White Female marriages

Statistical fact.

>You can celebrate being British, or French, or German.

What's the point? Each of these identities has been reduced to a mere "civic identity" like the American pseudo-identity now anyway. In other words, all Britishness really means is that someone carries a British passport.

There are men fighting for ISIS right now who are, according to the Home Office, just as British as Lord Nelson. Is that really a worthwhile identity?

You can't "kill" racism. At best, you'll direct the tribalism into other things (politics, etc). Whites have NO unity, and Europe is currently being flooded with Muslims, who do act as a group. If whites don't start becoming tribal the Muslims will take over Europe within the century.

>Since Christianity.

What's your scriptural justification for this, and how would you say this invalidates the notion of scientifically demonstrable differences between putative racial groups?

Race isn't merely skin color.

On another note, is it weird how every asian girl I've had sex with has been into hardcore raceplay fetishes?

I shit you not.

There are genetic differences, nobody denies this.

But ideologically anyone can be a good, decent person with morals, values and ethics. It's about what you fill your head with, not what the color of your skin is.

It's the other way around, minorities get heavier sentences for the same crimes as whites.

>good, decent person with morals
*slave morals

Daily reminder:

Neo-liberalism and the anti-racism (for white people, not for non-white people) is a blink of an eye in history. If the neo-liberal state endures for this century, Europeans/Whites will be ethnically cleansed by their wage-labour colonists and Europe, at least Western, will look a lot like North Africa and the Iranian Middle East (that were once very European in racial traits).

If the neo-liberal state collapses and capitalism trips up, well, sorry commies - it's not going to be a commie revolution, it's going to be a white revolution. Mass genocides. You will be thanked for all this, libruls.

Best way to kill racism is to race mix. It's the future of humanity anyway.

This guy gets it. Whites just put themselves at an inherent disadvantage by being racial universalists since it's a game only we play. Notice how much non-white politics in the United States is blatant racial tribalism masquerading behind the language of postmodernism ("social justice", "fairness", "redressing disparate impact" etc). Nobody is ever going to give up their own tribalism and play along with us because...

Why would they? It's not in their interests to do so. Realize that the very notion of whites as some uniquely morally evil group historically came about precisely because whites decided to turn this introspective eye on their own historical practice through the lens of Christian altruism. Did anyone else follow suite? No. The end result has been that white history has been traduced to the point we're considered almost sui generis in how evil we are, whereas nobody else on earth knows the slightest thing about the potential moral infractions of other races (Chinese against the Sogdonians, the Arab Slave Trade etc).

Somebody will respond to this and say "yeah but it's the moral thing to do!"

By what standard? By a religious standard? Who the fuck cares? Do you think when whites are gone non-whites will be like "yeah, those whites sure were kind and deeply Christians!"

Uh, no. You just create a different kind of tribe by the mixing. They will associate with the ethnos of their fathers but be a new development of tribalism. It'll just be racism in a poo colour, like the rest of the world.

>dude let's breed out all unique traits and become a race of sickly mentally ill ugly mongrels

Except race mixing isn't popular and people don't do in very often when they have a choice.

Into the trash he goes.

I can't speak for other blacks, but blacks in America will not roll over and allow whites to genocide them.

Stay buttmad, christfag

>Best way to kill racism is to race mix. It's the future of humanity anyway.

The only countries where mass immigration for the purposes of settlement are happening are western ones, so no, it's not the future. What mass immigration and mixing means is the replacement of whites by other groups, not some global race (that wouldn't happen since it would just lead to ever more sub-types like in India anyway).

Do you think the chinks are going to look at what is going on in Europe and think "they're really smart! We should copy their obviously stellar mass immigration policies and mix with random Ghanaians!"

Liberals occupy a world so detached from reality it almost becomes hard to conceptualize how anyone could become a liberal in the first place. Then I remember I used to be one.

So what? That's part of the plan, dummy.

Daily reminder that /pol is a paranoia echo chamber, frogposter

They have no choice. Niggers are simply too dumb to organize and prevent themselves from being gassed.

Most westerners are racist though. It's not like westerners have a great history of treating non-white races particularly well.

^ This post was brought to you by Reddit

What's wrong, got sand in your vagina?

>The Existential Problem & Religious Solution

>The Laws of Nature

>Mere Christianity

>The Origin (or 1,2,3,4)

>‘Right & Wrong’ – A Clue to the Meaning of the Universe

>The Reality of the Moral Law

>What Lies Behind the Moral Law

>The Poison of Subjectivism

>The Rival Conceptions of God

>The Humanitarian Theory of Punishment

>Why I Am Not a Pacifist

>Bulverism (Foundation of 20th Century Thought)

>The Necessity of Chivalry

>The Three Parts of Morality

>Sexual Morality

>Darwinism's Downfall

>Why Leftists Believe Weird and Immoral Things

>Atheists Don't Exist

If the bulk of the white population were against you, you'd have no chance anyway.

Small white mercenary outfits were able to outmanouevre and destroy entire African divisions in things like the angolan war. Black people make fucking terrible soldiers.

>throws Nietzsche into the trash and praises C. S. Lewis

you might have as well posted a picture of JK Rowling

Because there is a long history of racism leading to various atrocities and injustices which hurt many many people.

Perhaps older generations, but nowadays most young people who are in the majority coupling don't really care.


*ignores every other race following theirs*

Tell us again about how uniquely evil white people are

Not caring is different from actually doing. Most people, even young people, don't race mix nor have the desire to.

Well yeah, since Nietzsche's arguments have been destroyed, there is no reason to hold him in high regard anymore.

The only ones that still hold him on a pedestal are bootyblasted atheists who can't handle reality.

No once capitalism breaks down, we will just get fractured localized systems, it will be like the dark ages again trending into feudalism.

>Because there is a long history of racism leading to various atrocities and injustices which hurt many many people.

This is silly, racism - when using an objective definition of the term like ethnocentrism - is not a moral position to take (or not to take), it simply is. The ethnocentric tendencies of groups wage wars, but they also form advanced societies, help to maintain them and furnish them with new progeny, help to expand and advance and form Empires in turn and so on.

On a very basic level, if we are to assume a very simple truism, like the level of racial diversity in a given place or polity being, ceteris paribus, a function of its level of racial diversity - then the best way to minimize conflict is to create homogeneous nations that correspond to real identities in the first place, rather than Empire-states composed of wildly different tribes at each other's throats, a la the modern United States.

>say that racism is shit in general
>make no statement singling out white racism
>get called out for supposedly hating whites

You people are children, holy shit. That user didn't even say only white people have done terrible things, you're looking for things to be gigantic bitches over.

Let's be honest here, the notion of racism and whiteness being inextricably linked is already fused and here to stay, see:

The very notion of whites and their slave trade as a unique moral evil above all others came about precisely because other groups do not care about the notion of historical moral introspection of anti-racism in the first place.

It is entirely self-defeating for white people to believe in a self-flagellating ideology nobody else cares one fig for.

gonna cwy about it?

Because they're familiar with basic history and know the immense damage that racism has caused and has the potential to cause, because of the way in which it dehumanizes and devalues the lives of one's fellow human beings.

The only countries where mass immigration for the purposes of settlement are happening are western ones, so no, it's not the future. What mass immigration and mixing means is the replacement of whites by other groups, not some global race (that wouldn't happen since it would just lead to ever more sub-types like in India anyway).
We would be dealing with class issues most likely, which is the real problem in the world. Race is a mere distraction by the elites.

>Do you think the chinks are going to look at what is going on in Europe and think "they're really smart! We should copy their obviously stellar mass immigration policies and mix with random Ghanaians!"
They might, you never know.
>Liberals occupy a world so detached from reality it almost becomes hard to conceptualize how anyone could become a liberal in the first place. Then I remember I used to be one.
You still are a liberal, playing identity politics.

Why is dehumanizing and devaluing other human beings a bad thing? Ethnonationalist societies have also been the greatest ones by your standard. Would you have rather, say, Charles Martel have been "progressive" and let all the Muslims into Europe?

>Race is a mere distraction by the elites.

I don't understand people who say this. Virtually every effort imaginable is taken to discourage any sense of white racial identity, especially in the United States and to stigmatize it enormously.

What planet do you live on where western elites actually -encourage- white racial identity?

>They might, you never know.

As a Chinese-speaking westerner, I assure you they won't.

>You still are a liberal, playing identity politics.

Is a tribe fighting for its very survival "identity politics" too?