Since 1789; America has had one republic, and one secession crisis

>Since 1789; America has had one republic, and one secession crisis
>Since 1789; France has had 3 monarchies, 2 dictatorships, 5 republics, 3 German occupations, 1 fascist puppet state, and 1 government in exile
Why're anglos so much better at stable government?

Because Anglos are ginormous cucks who can't into questioning authority.

are you counting the EU as a german occupation?

or the first defeat of napoleon's regime?

Franco-Prussian war, WWI, and WWII; although I guess the defeat of France at the end of the napolenic war could count also

>inb4 WWI doesn't count because they merely occupied the eastern third of France for four years, instead of the whole thing

They aren't in continental Europe?

They're a Godly Monarchy and not a socialist republicuck unlike France

It helps when you have no serious threats around you

Americans are, for the most part, not Anglos.

They are way more German.


But didn't they have a civil war in rejecting the highest authority?

Didn't they force their king to sign a treaty giving them rights in the 13th century?

American Revolution: Moral reasoning.

French Revolution: Rational reasoning.

Moral reasoning is steady and true; rational reasoning changes with the wind.

Well for a start,they are on a continent half a world away from any enemies.
Also they have existed for like 200-300 years.

>wanting a full on 2-party system

That may be true in lineage for many of them, however, the forbears of those particular Americans inherited a superior code of ethics directing their growth and governance than those they knew in their fatherland.

>3 German occupations

Are you unironically counting WW1?
It was a frontline and had nothing to do with the government (unlike the WW2 one)

I also want to ask what are you counting as the dictatorships? Also what are you including in the monarchies? The bourbon monarchy before the revolution, the restoration, the switch to the house of Orleans, napoleon, napoleon III? The others are self explanatory so I don't need clarification on it.

>American Revolution
>Moral reasoning
You fool! Also how is morality more steady than rationality?

it is a truer pathway to egalitarian and just pursuits

Okay but how? All you're doing is making a statement

It has a divine objective basis that does not change over time.

Franco-Prussian war, WW2 and European Union

Morality is a version of rationality

Weird how it's changed over time then.

I'm a burglo (Anglo burger) but what about the civil w...oh, secession crisis. Thought it said succession desu.


WW1 doesn't count because only a small portion of France was occupied and France won the war and retook the territory
One might as well as say that the US was occupied by Japan because the Japan took some of our territories in the Pacific.

>European Union
occupied by Ibns and Mohammeds, that's who.

While I disagree with describing WW1 as an occupation of France the Japanese occupation of some American territories in the pacific is not comparable to the German proximity to Paris and occupation of significant French industrial areas and resources.

Its the same in essence, of course the German occupation was much larger in France, but if one claims that represents an occupation of France the same logic can be used to say that the US was occupied.

America exists in a place where it doesn't have enemies who are equal to it.

Meanwhile France gets to live in Europe where everyone fucks each others' shit up.

This post made me realize we are long overdue for some inter Europe turmoil.

Next Reich when?

you really think there were no enemies imperiling the United States?

there was the constant presence of the savage, imperialist ambitions of formerly spanish dictatorships, and of course the British

>there was the constant presence of the savage, imperialist ambitions of formerly spanish dictatorships, and of course the British

The moral basis has not changed.

We have strayed from it. The "living Constitution" people say that in order to bleed it out.

anglos dont even have an english phrase to describe a coup d' etat or a putsch

I feel like it's going to kick off once Brexit is formally triggered. If there's one thing England loves, it's causing chaos on the continent.


Because American have always been conservative liberals, if that makes any sense.

The French Revolution had a lot of great ideas, but they tried to enact them too fast. As a result they didn't work out. On top of that they were seen as radicals by their neighbors who did everything they could to put them down.

conservative liberals aka anglos

Because we live much further away from the perfidious ones.

laughable enemies doesn't mean there is a dearth of enemies :)

What the hell is the "moral basis". If people can have differing opinions on morality it's not objective.

Enlightenment Europe was a thousand ideas with no authority to enforce them. When the peasants and the philosophers finally did have authority to enforce them, they splintered into warring factions that cared for their own muh ideals over the big picture. Same thing happens with modern socialism, monkeys warring about their slight variation on this theory or that theory or what Marx said in this post-humorous work. You can't build a movement with solid foundations by flinging shit at each other, which is how France fell quickly under despotism once again. Someone will stand up and fill the vacuum with authoritarianism of various forms.

The one thing you could never say about the Founding Fathers is that they disregarded the big picture, slavery aside. They worked hard to settle their disagreements and provide for the future nation.

Because theyre so much better at propaganda.

Seriously though, the reason is because they arent opposed by anyone ideologically. Everyone who didnt like America didnt change it, they simply left or were incarcerated.

Political Science student here

fifth republic is likely going to be the final form of france for a very, very long time (aside from meme scenarios like race wars and jihads and shit, it is constitutionaly and institutionaly the most fit for french political culture and mindset)

cheer up frogs you might get your stability at last

t. reddit

>NOW it's gonna work, I swear

There's more than that m9. The underlying reason for the instability of french governmental systems was the issue of authority, legitimacy and power. Aside from failures caused by military defeat, all systems fell because of that. Fourth Republic had too powerful parliament for example.

In fifth republic, Cohabitation and other principles fixes that somehow. Constitutionally, french president is essentailly more powerful than the american one. But realistically, he is muh weaker.

I just think that the current system will work for couple more decades.

If the Japs were only a few miles from Washington, only then would your analogy be apt

No, those are all things the French nobility ruling over the Anglo peasantry did, as part of their struggle against the monarchy. The people played no part in that.