What are the implications of ever increasing levels of automation?

What are the implications of ever increasing levels of automation?

Will society have to reconcile that not everyone has to work for a living because we're going to amazingly productive?

half the population will be out of a job and liberitardian philosophy will be forever defunct.

No, we'll just transition to a service-based economy where even the middle classes (including the people who take care of those machines) have live-in servants.

Pretty much the same thing that happened in Singapore.

Makes no difference to me personally.

You have to keep the population occupied. Or what they find to occupy their time will horrify you.

capitalist economic principles will no longer be tenable
fully automated luxury communism will become the new norm


All you will see is a rise in illicit forms of capitalism. If the State will not allow the people forms of economic expansion the people will over run the barriers of the state.

Mankind will never be satisfied with having just what his neighbor has and no more

that's why we gotta put drugs in the soft drinks to make these violent faggots docile

We've been doing that. It backfired. Now no one is having kids.

Which might ultimately solve the problem

Unless you're in like Sweden or something, it's probably a good idea to get a job.

Society will either have to make laws stating certain jobs cannot be automated, or risk having over half their population unemployed.

Capitalism is, itself, giving all the reasons as to why it needs to go.

Careful OP, I heard Marx started to think up the same thing.

Huxley pls

Why? To buy more garbage and line people's pockets?

Hehehehe no

>Mankind will never be satisfied with having just what his neighbor has and no more

correction: you won't be satisfied

i am perfectly satisfied with that arrangement

>not everyone has to work for a living because we're going to amazingly productive?

You are using "work" very liberally.

Very few people today work like their grandparents did. Work had become much easier, and will continue to become easier with automation.


It will be your job to watch netflix.

Go to bed grandpa.

That's cause you're a weak cuckold with no drive to do anything better with your life.

More likely the population will shrink dramatically.