How can you profit off of depression?

How can you profit off of depression?

Selling cyanide

Once you're dead inside the shame of selling your body is numbed.

>Sell your body
>Make $3
>invest it into cpc
>$3 turns into $300

You can't. You can cure depression with Lambos. aka CPC

Sell "diet pills" or weight loss girdles to over weight single women in their 40s
very cruel, but profitable.

profit from CPC no problem. ez.

>buy a life insurance contract that pays out if you commit suicide
>proceed to short your life

at least youll make someone happy

Invest in crypto.

You will either feel nothing and dominated the market, or you will feel something and become alive.

It's a win win.

play the blues in a subway station with a slide guitar faggot

Just buy some CPC and enjoy your trip to the MOON :)

This probably makes a ton of money but I could never bring myself to do this

Start a Patreon

stay poor lol

Suicide boothes im every city, screenshot this, they'll be the new vending machines by 2020

>Here's looking to you, Japan


sue people

You literally can't, it's a killer of profits.
The most profitable course of action is to climb out of the depression.

>climb out of the depression.


>wait 5 years
>start sharing your depression stories on social media
>add a link to your RDD wallet
>collect mad RDD tips

begg for moneis on the interwebs

>greentext sob story

It always sounds like shit at the time but I know you know it's possible to tread water. No one said it was easy

honestly in a decade or two all these middle aged hr careerist women will be a huge market
do something with wine, or something with cats

thats why im balls deep in RDD

Black market desu. Also, selling animals for food. Something cheap like chickens and their eggs, pigs, or goats and goat milk.