
hi gents.

Just letting you know about credits.

It's new, and CPU only mineable.

download the wallet at and open that fucker up.

type setgenerate true *number of cpu cores* to start mining.

it launched literally yesterday and should be on buttrex soon.

free money at this point, literal ground floor.

Other urls found in this thread:

Thank you based user

I can't get it to download can an non send me a windows link please?

Got the wallet, but where the hell do you type commands??

Same problem

Where do I type that?

If you have problems with the website, you can download the wallet here:

make sure you choose the right one for your CPU/OS

What a fucking noob. Never gonna make it.

I should add, you type 'setgenerate true' in the debug console of the wallet.

Typed in command, but no feedback saying it did anything. weird.

in your browser address bar...

Well, I did it in the console window and ain't shit happen
no error though

Physical cores or logical cores? (4 or 8 for an i7?)

type getmininginfo to make sure you are mining. hashpersec should be a number other than 0

There is no feedback as a third party miner shows. Type "getmininginfo" and it'll display your hashespersec. Anything above 0 and you're mining.

I found logical cores worked better for me on ryzen 7

logical cores.

I got a 0. Got the correct version etc. Interesting.

you typed setgenerate true (number of cores) in debug? wierd....

You did say typed in command. I hope you didn't type it in command prompt and you did type it in the "console" tab under "tools" -> "debug console"

what is the difference? I've got a 12 core xenon here

Assuming you're on Windows go to System Information - System Summary - Processor and it'll tell you 12 cores, x logical processors. Mine with the x number of logical processors for most efficient mining.

Can't connect to any peers to get my blockchain up to date.

I don't see it on coinmarketcap etiher, I hope I didn't just download a botnet.

It took me 15 minutes to sync.

I did the right thing dude, just not getting the right responses

thanks user

I downloaded it but i have no idea wat to do
pls help

I'm having trouble syncing and I've already allowed it through my fire wall

When I trype setgenerate I get this:

setgenerate generate ( genproclimit )
Set 'generate' true or false to turn generation on or off.

Generation is limited to 'genproclimit' processors, -1 is unlimited.

See the getgenerate call for the current setting.

1. generate (boolean, required) Set to true to turn on generation, false to turn off.

2. genproclimit (numeric, optional) Set the processor limit for when generation is on. Can be -1 for unlimited.
Set the generation on with a limit of one processor

> credits-cli setgenerate true 1
Check the setting

> credits-cli getgenerate
Turn off generation

> credits-cli setgenerate false
Using json rpc

> curl --user myusername --data-binary '{"jsonrpc": "1.0", "id":"curltest", "method": "setgenerate", "params": [true, 1] }' -H 'content-type: text/plain;'

(code -1)

What do?

Same, eternally connecting to peers, 0% synched.

Interesting. When you type "getmininginfo" is "generate" : true?

If not the full command is "setgenerate true #"

Could try to setgenerate false then try and set it to true again. Also you can type "setgenerate true -1" It's a valid command. Try the slack if none of that worked.

generate is indeed true.

The command I typed is the one you just have.

Tbh i think its time for bed. Ill try again tomorrow. thanks for help.

am i doing it right?

Yo yo bro I figured it out! I hope you're still here.

You need to go into the console and type

"addnode add"

without quotes. You connect to a master node manually and can sync. Happy fucking mining user.

wow the second i typed that in it started synch with the blockchain


Can't mine with out of sync. Leave it open for a few minutes to sync and your hashespersec should go above 0.

I don't remember ever entering a passphrase, yet it wants one?

It worked! Thanks user!

Isn't that going to overclock my shit in order to mine more and damage my cpu?

try out on old pc:

Am i doing it right?

"blocks": 1504,

"currentblocksize": 1000,

"currentblocktx": 0,

"difficulty": 0.196310142166466,

"errors": "",

"genproclimit": 2,

"networkhashps": 3858505.252638577,

"pooledtx": 0,

"testnet": false,

"chain": "main",

"generate": true,

"hashespersec": 5275

cheers dude!

Same, when I click Start All under Mastrnodes.

its stuck at 00.3% for the last ten minutes

Thanks. Sceptical at first for retarded reasons like "an IP with a 'forked' blockchain", but that would be retarded.

Let's see where this takes me.


Fist time mining, what's the timeframe on a payout for something like this? Got it all set up and running, so thanks for that. just trying to determine if it's worth fucking with.

Any answer?
How to see how the ming process is/ how much mined?

oh shit it worked thanks


send credits

It's working properly.

Take your hashespersec / networkhashps to get what % of the network you are. Times that by target blocks per day. That'll give you your estimated blocks per day and you can determine if it's worth.

Guys, why is there a passphrase needing to be entered when I didn't enter one in the first place?

How come when I click 'Start All' under the Masternodes tab and enter my passphrase, the message that pops up is "Successfully Started 0 Masternodes, failed to start 0, total 0"?

does this look right?

do i have to make my own node to mine? Im using what the dude posted above is that going to end up in my wallet?

I think you gotta close it, re-open it and select Encrypt wallet under Settings and enter a pssphrase. Then it will close and you re-open it. However after doing that I'm getting what seems to be a problem here

Yes, looks right.

Did you burn 500 credits to own a masternode? If not you don't need to use that screen.

You don't need a masternode to mine. Just make sure you're wallet is synced and then do the setgenerate command.

so what do i do now? just leave my computer running

Holy shit you guys should read about this mixing thing in the wallet.

Something like mixing funds and making it exponentially harder to determine origin. I'm too tired right now

Also if my post helped you throw some credits my way anons


Oh ok then, but I'm getting (code -1) at the end when I type in setgenerate

Guys, what is your mining progress? How much is mined?

how do you get this information?

Thanks fampai. Think I'll keep at it, if thats the case.


Your post was very helpful and solved many peoples issues in this thread. Great work!

Full command is "setgenerate true -1" If you just use "setgenerate" it gives that error. -1 can be replaced with the number of logical cores you wish to mine with.

1515 blocks mined so far. I've only got 5 blocks with 58khs.

All that information is in the getmininginfo command.

The wallet crashes instantly for me. Win7 on kaby lake though.


I started mining it a few minutes ago and all my 4 CPUs are at 100% use rate. Will it hurt my cpu to do it nonstop?

>"setgenerate true -1"
When I type this in nothing seems to happen. How do I know for sure if I'm mining?

I was having the same problem with 7. 10 works fine for me. Probably doesn't work with win7.

Type "getmininginfo" and if generate : true and hashespersec is greater than 0, you're mining.

That's normal, if you don't want it to peak at 100% you can change the number of CPUs you're mining on to a lesser value down to 1.

Donations always appreciated: CZo5ps3op7ubGMjRwuwb4UNyPJxvfVVFfJ

because you typed it wrong?

this is the info from getmininginfo:
So where here can i see what i have mined?

"blocks": 1517,

"currentblocksize": 1000,

"currentblocktx": 0,

"difficulty": 0.1703836394267768,

"errors": "",

"genproclimit": 2,

"networkhashps": 4129986.673287671,

"pooledtx": 0,

"testnet": false,

"chain": "main",

"generate": true,

"hashespersec": 5017

Well shit. Not doing 10, lol. Back to mining eth.

what is blockreward

Ok, if I type 3(example) it's still going to 100% 3 of my cpus, right?
Aren't they going to get damaged?

when will i start getting credits?

Ok it says generate: true and hashespersec: 1385.

So am I mining?

hell to the yeah


Awesome. Thanks for your help anons

You will not see how many coins you mined there. You'll see it under the Overview tab or Transactions tab in the main wallet. You won't see anything until you find a block though.

10 POW 1 Masternode currently.

Correct, but it'll say 75% since you're only using 3 cores.

Currently you have .48% of the network. Estimated to get 3.24 blocks per day.


Well, when I set it to 3 it started using 80% of each CPU.
Any idea on how much CRDS can I make a day with 10919 hashes per second?
How much is it worth right now?

So it's pooled, or is it luck of the draw? (Obviously new to this)

Just Under 20 coins a day average, but hashrate is increasing every second so it'll be less an hour from now most likely.
It's worth w/e you can sell it for. No exchanges but it's going for around $1 per coin on person to person trades.

For anyone else hashespersec / networkhashps * 625 * 10 = estimated coins per day.

luck, no pools are created yet.


675 not 625

You're the fucking man, user. Saved your address for later.

>Saved your address for later.
me too

ty man

Thank you both

Is this coin doing anything special tech wise?
Most advanced cpu algorithm or something?

OP here, if anyone wants to donate:



also - anonimity

any lightweight wallets for this?

Running this is burning my CPU up at 100C, a dangerous temp for Skylake.

Gaming doesn't have this problem, any way to lower the intensity?

sucks I cant use my 32 bit...I am capable of having a 64 bit but I dont know how to make the switch..any anons can help with this?

bro, your cooler must not be seated properly - skylake should NOT get that hot

this is really dumb, but im mining so far and stuff... but can't find my wallet address lol.

where do i find it?

File - Receiving addresses

daily payout?

to all the retards doing this, enjoy your malware

Mining is practically being part of a botnet anyway.

Why do you say that?