So today was a perfect example of a good Veeky Forums tip, ANS, and a pajeet scam, CPC

so today was a perfect example of a good Veeky Forums tip, ANS, and a pajeet scam, CPC

who made the right call? who got shilled?

Picked up 100 ans haven't even checked what its at yet I'll see in the morning

whats your email can you email me the good tips

I made a good call with Patientory. It was obvious that CapriCoin was being deliberately shilled by a group.

Anyone who wasn't retarded could easily do the right calls. Like me.
Profited from ANS and didn't jump on CPC because I'm not retarded.
Today was a easy fucking day and some dumb fucks still find a way to lose money.

Tfw you profit both

i've got a tip i can e-mail to you ;-)

Not a bad day.

yeah yeah you got lucky good for you guys

Bought ans yesterday, conservatively day traded a bit and increased my ans holdings by 15 ish percent. I'd recommend people look up ubiq. Tomorrow watch out for Siacoin being maybe p-n-d'd. Keep watching ans, find a good source of translated news and beware Thursday.

Good day today for everyone I hope. We can all make money together :)


Buy some Patientory.

Not my fault you reddit niggers are as dumb as a rock.
Also, please leave Veeky Forums it only makes you lose money

I lost $7 on Caprishit that I bought yesterday and sold today after realizing the shill.

Also bought 100 ANS at 196k earlier today

Biz is a valuable tool if you use it right. I would probably have 20% less gains easy without biz. As hard as I try to find a better place to learn about the newest coins, biz always seems to be the first to introduce me. Plus you can see how stupid the average investor is here. Valuable lessons everywhere

is ant still worth buying?

made 100% on ANS, 50% on PATIENTORY, and got 3% out of the pumping pajeets.

Yeah I know but some retards still find a way to lose money and blame it on Veeky Forums and say that people who aren't as dumb as them are "lucky".
There are many people that know way more than I do but God there are so many dumb people

bought ANT and patientory.

sold ANT already, ... will hold to patientory.
May buy into ANT again, when the dust settles.

PTNY ouhooooooo!

oh, sorry, PTOY, not ptny... -.-

Did you mean Aragon (ANT) or Antshares (ANS)

ANT is the worst fucking coin ever. It never dips so you're forced to just hope it doesn't drop 50% in 5 minutes.

luck has fuck all to do with it m8, all it takes it a cursory google search before blindly buying in and you'd notice the devs of the CPC shitcoin haven't given an update since October. obvious dead shill coin

whats going down on thursday?

dees nuts

Antshares has a big important conference

I made $25 from CPC today