The Boer Wars

Today I learned that the British invented concentration camps

Other urls found in this thread:


>terrorists are attacking and hiding in the civ population
>civilians aid the terrorists
>round up civilians to stop supplies getting to the terrorists

>this is bad somehow


Literally Jews in WW2

You should probably still feed them

>execute partisans
It all depends on who wins the war

It wasn't even your country bong.


to be fair, in the boer war it was an effective strategy against roving bands of guerillas living off the land whereas hitler's concentration camps were just rounding up undesirables based on arbitrary criteria and other times just outright murdering them

>rounding up white people: Okay
>rounding up Jews: EVIL !!!!!
That's how you really feel Nigel, don't hide it

But a lot of the soldiers guarding them starved too

Had to get their food from the prisoners, those poor buggars.


Once more a youth has been driven to anorexia due to the msm standards of beauty.

Like everything in the world
British made, German perfected.

did you read his post, retard? I dont necessarily agree with him but he clearly stated that the british had a strategic reason for concentrating the boers while the Nazis did so for purely ideological reasons (i.e. arbitrary and unrelated to war strategy)

Great Britain dindu nothing, them guards was starving too and they fixed it as soon as they heard about it! (no matter the fact that more women and children died in British camps than in the entire German occupation and "rape of Belgium")

not actually true.

they had already been used by the spanish and americansand the germans in their african colonies, concentration camps were in fact being used by the USA in the phillipines at the same time as the boer camps were in operation with similar results , the boer war was just the first really large scale use, and the first to be widely publicised,

Want my vrou en my kind
LĂȘ in 'n kamp en vergaan
En die Kakies se murg loop oor
'N nasie wat weer op sal staan

De La Rey, De La Rey
Sal jy die Boere kom lei?
De La Rey, De La Rey
Generaal, generaal
Soos een man, sal ons om jou val
Generaal De La Rey


What's the difference between stockades and concentration camps? The inclusion of civilian women and children maybe?

Go home Bok, you're making me patriotic

This is completely wrong.

The Nazi strategy was based on Ludendorff's concept of Total War in which all of social life was subdued to the war effort as well, which meant to remove any element that could be detrimental. And they believed Jews to be detrimental to their war effort.

Hard to do when your supply lines are getting attacked by those very same people.