Robespierre did literally nothing wrong

Robespierre did literally nothing wrong

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Killing people isn't very virtuous...

>persecute based Danton
>set up bizarre quasi-religion in order to cosplay as some enlightenment pontifex maximus
>manage to indiscriminately kill fucking everyone but botch your own suicide

Robespierre was undoubtedly one of history's biggest cucks

depends on who one is killing

Killing the enemies of the Nation is virtuous as fuck you reactionary shit.

lol statist as fuck
you are not a man, you are a dog

Don't you have some aristocrat's dick to suck you cuck?

The revolution consists of the extermination of all who oppose it.

We can definitely conclude that after his death the revolution was not fun anymore.

Danton was a corrupt faggot who would have killed Robespierre's faction if he didn't get beaten to the punch. The Cult of the Supreme Being was a misguided attempt at uniting the secular and religious French and he never liked violence so the idea of him not being good with a gun makes sense.

He was a good man.

Really made me think

>not being a statist
How's middle school going?

>persecute based Danton
Now Danton is the one who could totally be a tyrant unlike Robespierre

>This maims the Robespierre

Says the guy worshipping the aristocratic robbespierre...

Robespierre wasn't aristocratic you halfwit.

>aristocratic robbespierre
Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwwwwww lad


French revolution - Russian revolution
Jacobin dictatorship - USSR
Thermidorian reaction - Eltzin's Russia
Consul Bonaparte - Putin
Emperor Napoleon -

>Jacobin dictatorship
weeeeeeeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwww lad

>being a statist
How's life in the cuckshed going?