Why is America so religious compared to other first/high tier second world countries?

Why is America so religious compared to other first/high tier second world countries?

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No culture and toxic society->seek refuge in religion

it's impossible to not have a culture user

>no culture
>active religious culture

It's because USAers are stupid.

With no state-sponsored(or at least state approved) church, all sorts of fringe cults get more followers. And as it turns out, mainstream Christianity is pretty good for weaning people out of religion.

America was founded by protestants rather than Catholics. The sect of Protestants who came here first were among the most prudish and uptight protestants to ever live, they literally came to America because they found the morals of Europe too lax for their taste. They wanted to create a new society in a new world more in line with their incredibly strict religious views.

Obviously America is even more degenerate now than Europe was in the 17th century, but there's still that bizarre prudish streak that runs through the country, harkening back to our puritanical roots. And the country is still overwhelmingly protestant to this day, despite the flood of pope worshiping micks and spics.

That was some of the initial colonists, they didn't found the entire country. In fact most of the founding fathers were deists.

Because it's anti-intellectual

They were the seed, the baseline European population that future colonists mixed with. Even though later settlements were made by puritans they were still protestant and relied on earlier puritan settlers' knowledge of the land and territory. Also the founding fathers were a clique of Freemason intellectuals, hardly representative of the general population of the colonies, who were by and large protestant religious and poor (shockingly a description that STILL fits the bulk of America's population, go figure).

In a global context, not at all.

Relative to their peers, they are poor. Global context is essentially irrelevant to any and all discussions of history.

>the beliefs of a small group of extremely wealthy landowners and intellectuals were representative of the religious views of the average colonial American

But the United States ranks 6 in terms of gross median household income.
For some context, the UK ranks 19th and Italy ranks 30th.

Because they fought the cold war against godless commies, increasing the focus on religion at home

Separation of church and state, and the abolishment of all church taxes some time around 1790 made religion in the USA opt in rather than opt out, so people never came to resent it quite so much as they did in Europe.

Not sure what you mean by that, other first world countries are actually becoming more religious, with all their muslim importation and whatnot.

>Why is America so religious

America is not a homogeneous culture, which explains many if it's various apparent contradictions. The parts of America that are super religious are not the same parts that make it a first world country.

>Typical American saw a murder. Typically said >"Oh (this is) Jesus!".
>phrase "America is religious".
>It's like /0

General retardation, somehow, even with all the inmigration the average yank does not have any grasp of any culture different from american culture.
Considering american culture is very prudish while also being degenerate it creates a hypocritical being who goes to mass on sundays and does cocaine and whores every other day.

It was secular from the beginning and has no history of big religious wars so there was never no large public backlash to religion.

Also since workers never had it as shittily as they did in Europe, communism never really took hold in large sectors of society like it did in France, Germany, Italy, etc.

Dumb southerners.

A poor education system and low IQ among the general population.

>nation founded by religious fanatics even if the state wasn't
>no state religion which allowed protestant sects to flourish
>no atheistic commies to demolish established societal religious structures
>in fact, the opposite occurred where established societal religious structures were used as a hedge against atheistic commies
>continued to have religious revivals into the 1980s and is on the verge of another one
Shouldn't take rocket appliances to figure it out


And early American colonists were richer than buck naked pygmies scratching their asses in the jungles of darkest Africa, who the fuck cares the status of people outside of a society are irrelevant in a discussion of the statuses of people within it.


Evangelical Christianity is a cancer that needs to be destroyed.

India and Africa are more religious than Usa.

He said first world and high tier second world, not third world cesspits.

IMO this supposed religousness is superficial. Most people in America go to church on Sundays at best and that's it. Religion plays little role in their lives even if they think they are religious.

>t. Coastal fag
If you lived in the South or in flyover country you'd know just how stupid of a statement that is, but you made it anyways.

Because it's an institution that tells people how to live in an otherwise sociopathic corporate culture.
That is part of the reasons why religous dogma exists in america and has faded in other previously religous places.

The state approves legal tender to buy property with, it's the only value system a true patriot needs to be indoctrinated with.

I do live in the South. I know what i'm talking about. "separation of church and everything else" is part of the American culture in way it isn't in places like Poland or Russia. Even Americans supposedly are more religious in their own minds.

Then you would know that your peers go to church twice a week on average, not just on Sundays. You don't know what you're talking about.

>Then you would know that your peers go to church twice a week on average, not just on Sundays.
How many of these are the elderly?

Let's complete bullshit. It was started by the Puritans and has filtered down to our own day.

Not as many as you think. It's mostly young people. Elderly tend to just go on Sundays. Almost everyone I know goes to church on Sunday mornings and Wednesday nights, though. When I was in school no one had homework on Wednesdays because of church. If you really are a "Southerner" you must live in West Texas, Nova, or South Florida because you don't live in the South.

>is on the verge of another one

What do you mean by this? Christianity is in rapid decline in America.

It's not in the cities, and the peasants have influence because they are rich.

All that land, all those resources, abso-fucking-lutely nothing in the way of culture but the old bible in the covered wagon. Spark, meet petrol.


>Christianity is in rapid decline in America
It's down among Gen X and Millenials, not among teens. We're seeing turnouts among the youth that haven't been seen in a long time. It's usually a sign of another Great Awakening. Also, rapid decline is a meme. The percentage of Americans claiming to be very religious has remained stagnant since at least 2008.


>I am a Marxist and this is where I give you an explanation which is not coherent, it is also semi-contradictory
*tips fedora*
>Christianity makes less Christians
Cathocuck detected
>In fact most of the founding fathers were deists.
Actually most were Bible believe Christian Protestants. The few who were deist lived by the Bible. Thomas Jefferson for instance couldn't part with the good book, he liked it so much that rather than throw it away he made it more deistic.
This as well is important to consider.
>most powerful nation
>deeply religious
Yet religion is somehow bad? A true believer in Evolution should want power, they should want to honestly be religious even if they cant they'd try as if their life depended on it, it actually does.
Atheists, Materialists, Agnostic, they are all so foolish and shortsighted. Whether God be inside or outside doesn't make a difference as to whether he is there. Read more than one book, friendo. I don't think I nor anyone with an IQ above 120 could ever be a serious atheist, it would be like setting up a childhood delusion and then refusing to leave it or even question it, the irony! Religion, Catholicism more specifically encourages, doubt, questioning, skepticism, it is the only institution willing to go with you into the darkest depths of your heart. There is no meaning without God because God is the baseline for all meaning, anything else is a reinterpretation of the sacred and just a re-coloring of one sacred object so that it appears non-sacred yet retains it humanly viewed sentimentality.

USA Christians are complete idiots.

>USA Christians are complete idiots.
Then you should see our atheists lol
They are some of if not THE most unthinking and unironically stupid people on earth. But, if all Americans are stupid then stupidity can not be the reason for Christianity in America if stupidity is also the reason for atheism. Assuming we both accept those were the reasons and there aren't more underlying reasons.

im not explaining its origins, I'm explaining why it has persisted when similar religous cultures have dissolved in contemporary times

Makes no difference to me, I'm just informing you of the fact that USA Christians are stupid. They are just dumb fat ugly people, they believe in impossible retarded things and make horrible decisions that cause suffering to everyone around them.

Trolls need to die a la starvation

>It's mostly young people.
[citation needed]

It's still complete bullshit. Do you think that every single place in America is just teeming with "sociopathic corporate" values?

The most religious places are the ones that are completely removed from any corporate influence at all. You don't know what you're talking about and just use memes about America to formulate your position. You're really, really dumb.

Ha. No. Secular people don't have kids, the devout do. Basic demographics then ensue.

>Makes no difference to me, I'm just informing you of the fact that USA Christians are stupid. They are just dumb fat ugly people, they believe in impossible retarded things and make horrible decisions that cause suffering to everyone around them.
Proofs? Surely your tirade has some substantiated justification to it.
>anyone who disagrees with me is a troll
Well, You're right, no really, you're objectively right about everything. But for a moment perish the ego and pretend you aren't god. Address my post if it really bothers you all that much.

>It's down among Gen X and Millenials, not among teens. We're seeing turnouts among the youth that haven't been seen in a long time.
no we're not. this is second to only "gen z is the most conservative generation in modern american history" as the dumbest belief i consistently see spouted on this site.

>According to the Hispanic Heritage Foundation, members of Generation Z tend to be more conservative than Millennials. According to a survey of 83,298 Gen Z-aged students (defined here as those ages 14 to 18 in 2016) in the United States done by My College Options and the Hispanic Heritage Foundation in September and October 2016, 32% of participants supported Donald Trump, while 22% supported Hillary Clinton with 31% choosing to not vote in the election.[70]
> People who are part of Generation Z are described as fiscally conservative; according to Generation Z Goes to College by Corey Seemiller and Meghan Grace, 84% of Generation Zers identify as fiscally moderate or conservative.[73]
>Business Insider describes Generation Z as more conservative, more money-oriented, more entrepreneurial and pragmatic about money compared to Millennials.[74]
>According to a 2016 survey published from The Gild, a global brand consultancy, British Gen Zers, defined here as those born 2001 and onwards, are more conservative than Millennials, Gen Xers and Baby Boomers with respect to marijuana legalization, transgender issues and same sex marriage.[75]

They are literally more conservative than the last 3 generations on multiple issues and more conservative than millenials and gen xers overall. It isn't just a belief held on this site. It's truth.

Sources are linked in the article.

>Hispanic Heritage Foundation
k dude

>4 sources
>cherry pick one to handwave because it doesn't fit your narrative
k dude

Gen Z is only 50% white. Fuck do I care about their conservatism if they're not even my race? If I wanted a conservative non-white country I would just move to Uganda or Somalia.

>at the most they go to church on Sundays
Which is far more than the average "Christian" in Europe does. Your typical bible belt yokel is practically a clergyman compared to his European counterparts.

kek those surveys mean absolutely fucking nothing. most people don't vote based on LGBT shit or being "entrepreneurial", they vote based on race, and Gen Z is going to be the least white generation in american history. black people are far more conservative on LGBT issues than whites are: which of the two racial groups overwhelmingly vote for the party that supports LGBT causes? it means nothing.

not to mention you omitted a survey that found they supported hillary over trump. get off this board brainlet

it may surprise your deep fried brain to learn that man Americans were catholic from the very beginning of the country

>most cathicuck countries are less developed.

America was founded bey radical puritans as opposed to mainline Protestantism like in Europe.

Business Insider describes Generation Z as more conservative, more money-oriented, more entrepreneurial and pragmatic about money compared to Millennials

We're evloving into the chosen people.

>win both wars
>profit immensely
>no reason to lose faith

>bloodied and ruined by constant war and violence
>generally poorer
>lose all faith

America is so religious precisely because it has many regions which are below 1st world status in living standards.

In areas of developmeny similar to those of Western Europe the population is about as religious.