In the 1900's, Napoleon was seen as the archetypical evil tyrannical conqueror of Europe...

In the 1900's, Napoleon was seen as the archetypical evil tyrannical conqueror of Europe, he was pretty much viewed how we view Hitler now.. Do you think in a 100 years time we'll have a much more sanitised view of Adolf Hitler similar to how we view Napoleon now?

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No, because Napoleon was actually a competent leader.

The Holocaust gets in the way of this. More like 300 years or so.

>it's another Hitler thread

>people will just forget about a dictator who genocided Slavs, Jews and Gypsies under his totalitarian rule

>people will forget WWII



Napoleon is now remembered by most people as an overcompensating midget. Hitler will be remembered as an overcompensating art school dropout with a deformed micropenis and uncontrollable bowels.

It depends, will we get somebody worse in the 21st century to make the horrors of the 20th century pale in comparison.

The answer is yes, but only if the Feds can't find and kill Sam Hyde.

I thought it was one testicle not a micropenis?

The holocaust is a permanent stain on his name, and the fact that he's pretty much solely responsible for causing the worst war in human history. War isn't viewed in the same light as it was in Napoleon's time, and not even the same as it was in 1930, so I don't think Hitler's reputation is ever going to get any better than it already is, just more obscure as time goes on.

Hitler has already been seen as popular leader outside of western world


They are always whining about the hoocaust, or whatever it's called

lol yeah who cares about that malarkey anyway, let's just remember the good stuff he did.

no because Hitler will never stopped being scorned

ironically German politics hates him the most

No Hitler is already well liked outside dying western shit holes, so 88% of the world minus sudacas. Napoleon is a bit of an oddity to be sanitized (with z you british fuck) so long after the fact, though probably this is just a regional misrepresentation. Napoleon's nephew enjoyed popular support in France and Savoy. It could had been an immediate neutral view of him (since his break with revolutionaries) with lingering hate only in Russia and the UK

when the boomer generation dies off it should be revisited-unless Lamarck was right and the case is closed.

Yup it only takes time.
Just look at Genghis Khan now. Once the most dreaded man in history, now he's in fucking Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure.

See that's the problem.

Bringing up Hitler always ends up with the immediate thought 'What did the jews do to make people so mad?'

Jews want everyone to remember the holocaust forever and curse Hitler's name. But they hate people asking why he was so pissed off.

se dice mejico o mehico?

Dan Carlin said that Hitler would eventually just be viewed the same way as Alexander the Great, and I think he's right. He'll just be another historic figure that the conqueror of the day tries to imitate.

They'll have to be a few new "Hitlers" between now and then, though, to give some distance.

Probably. When everyone who had direct contact with people who lived during Hitler's time are dead, it might be revisited.
Nappy wasn't the big bad in so many movies, though, by the time he was sanitised.

implying people remember the boer genocide

>The Jew get in the way of this.

napoleon left a code civil behind himself
hitler only left millions dead and countries in ruins

No, Hitler is in pop culture the prime example of evil, Nappy was just the big bad, not the prime evil AND the big bad like Hitler

I was all set to yell at you about HE WAS ONE OF THE BEST MILITARY MINDS IN HISTORY and HE WASN'T ACTUALLY SHORT and then I realized ...

For most people, you're absolutely fucking right.

People who're slightly savvier know that Napoleon wasn't that short, but then replace that with the knowledge that he got cheated on and heartbroken.


Difference between them is Hitler's reputation is actually deserved, I guess.

Mohammed was actually the most evil man in history.

>Muhammad the World's Most Evil Man?

>Evidence Muhammad was Demon Possessed

Not only was he himself a cunning warlord who used every dirty trick to wage relentless warfare, he also spawned a religion that would have the blood of more than 250 million people on its hand throughout history.

Hitler, Napoleon and even the Mongols pale in comparison.

> Dan Carlin said...


Not an argument

>Hitler being hated is proof he was a bad person
>Jews being hated for centuries is proof they're innocent
Explain this.

If he was one of the best military minds, why did he lose?

Jews aren't innocent though.