
Why is Iconomi booming like crazy right now?

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Why wouldnt it? You did your research right?

Iconomi is a verygoodcoin

Most of their picks for coins to include in their digital asset arrays seem like decent picks too, still trying to decide which are best of the bunch to throw money at

>Bitcoin, Ethereum, Monero, Dash, MaidSafeCoin, Augur, Factom, Lisk, GameCredits, Golem, Steem, Synereo, Siacoin, DigixDAO, Waves, Aragon, SingularDTV, WeTrust, iExec, Matchpool

is there any reason why it would go up 30% against BTC and ETH tho?

Release coming up

TaaS is better


If you seriously think that, you need to reconsider your reading abilities.

Iconomi's buy back program. Also there is rumors right now in the bitcointalk thread of Poloniex/Bittrex addition. So i'd hop on asap.

why is this better?

should i buy in now? its peaking

Better investments, more transparency and 50% of all profits made will be distributed to token holders in ETH

The name and logo are horrendous.

Iconomi is fucking awesome, long term hold coin for me.

shit its going down

I like it>
>50% of all profits made will be distributed to token holders in ETH
No it won't. No diffident is being payed to token holders, the buy back and burn tokens instead

>50% of profits distributed to TaaS token holders

>Not on Bittrex

ICONOMI is fucking dank espically because it sounds like Toonomi which is also dank and asthetic

Use Shapeshift, send Iconomi tokens to a non exchange ether wallet

So this coin is going to hit major exchanges soon?


Thats what the rumors are. I can't imagine it not going to a bigger exchange. It's in the top 30 coins and it's volume is huge.


fuuuuuck that. I shapeshifted 1 ETH to ICN yesterday. They said the exchange rate was 1 ETH = 156 ICN. They only sent me 105 ICN. Caveat emptor.

shapeshift fees are retarded. Should have just used kraken or a proper exchange.

if I was on kraken I wouldn't have used shapeshift

you can't just "use kraken" because they take forever to confirm you, and ICN is not on the other majors yet

i heard that you just buy IOU's on liqui? Can you actually transfer funds from there?

I transferred ETH on there and bought with that. I was able to transfer the GNT and ICN I bought into my wallet with no problems. Fees were 1 ICN and 3 GNT respectively. Not cheap, but I figure the way they are going up, still cheaper than waiting for kraken to get off their ass.

oh... and the ICN was actually about 10 cents cheaper on Liqui as well, so that also makes up for it.

ICONOMI is fucking good. ICN, BTC and ARK are the best cryptos that exist and stand out amongst the rest.

I am not complaining about waves so far, but yes also 9K ICN holder.