So if murdering a fetus isn't considered murder because a fetus isn't "human", is eating a fetus considered cannibalism?

so if murdering a fetus isn't considered murder because a fetus isn't "human", is eating a fetus considered cannibalism?

A fetus is human, just not a person.

>consider all abortion to be infanticide
>still support it anyway
>go so far as to say defective children up until a year old should be fed to the wolves
>garden variety libcucks, pro choicers and redditors can't deal with my revolutionary and edgey school of thought vis a vis human reproduction and suffer mental breakdowns when exposed to it calling me a sociopath

in the same way that if you eat someone's appendix or something without hurting them it's still cannibalism

yeah I'm the same, I view it as infanticide but I also consider infanticide a perfectly acceptable method of population control.

you can't murder a fetus because it's not a human yet. you're just aborting its life from ever happening

but can you eat it without it being considered cannibalism along the same lines of reasoning?

it's not cannibalism but it's against the law

Oh shit are you me? I am 100% for one year infanticide.

Your leg is not a person, but if I ate your leg that would be considered cannibalism, even if you survived. It's not "eating a human," it's "eating human."

>a human fetus is not human

According to the Bible, you aren't considered a person before one year of age.

The Romans and Greeks practiced infanticide. While it was emotionally taxing it was still considered 100% acceptable. I don't understand why liberals play the game and pretend to value sanctity human life in a Christian capacity while not believing in sanctity. You're right: 1 week out of the womb and one week in the womb are not too different. Instead of playing sementics (that baby 5 weeks in the womb who looks like a small child and not a clump of cells is not a human) why not be honest?

People just follow whatever opinions they're spoon-fed without giving them too much thought or verifying if they're internally consistent. Even stupid aeguments like where does life begin are framed in a watered down and detached way as clearly sperm and eggs are examples of (cellular) life.


Sorry, I meant one month of age.

"If the person is from a month old up to five years old, your valuation shall be for a male five shekels of silver, and for a female your valuation shall be three shekels of silver." (Leviticus 27:6)

Basically babies before one month are worth nothing and not recognized.

Of course it is human.

It is a living organism that is distinct from its mother (because half of its dna is from its father; no cell or tumor in an organism ever mutates half its genome at once) and its species is human.

Therefore it is a living human . these are scientific facts.

The fertilisation of the egg to form the zygote is literally the beginning of the human life cycle. Did you never learn what al ife cycle was in hgihschool, or do you just think it applies to every organism except humans?

it sickens me that pro-abortion people are so unscientific

>implying Leviticus is binding on Christians as opposed to Christian theologians and philosophers

the sperm and egg aren't alive actually because they are only haploid, meaning they have half the dna necessary to reproduce or cellularly divide.


they're as alive as every individual cell in my body.

your idea of being alive is not of any concern to us since we do not consider scraping the inside of our cheek with a qtip to be the same as mass murder.

we are rather interested in whether something is a living organism.

and sperm or eggs cannot be considered living organisms because they're haploid.

But a a conceived human sure can be

Let me know when babies start growing on the insides of cheeks.

well yes, of course.

A zygote is the beginning of the human life cycle and will mature into an adult human. Of course it is a living organism. It metabolises, there's nothing inherently preventing it from reproducing (like only having half the genetic information necessary for mitosis). It's alive and it is a distinct organism from the mother because half its dna is from the father.

this seems like a total non-sequitur.

you assert that every individual cell is alive, I say that your dea of life isn't of concern to us since we don't consider destroying cells of a multicellular organism to be murder so long as the organism is ok.

It's as though you don't know how babies are made.

Go upstairs to your mom's room and force her to tell you.

What percentage of the baby do they abort?

>A zygote is the beginning of the human life cycle and will mature into an adult human
... and there's the distinction. it's the beginning of the process of producing a human. to conflate a clump of cells early in a pregnancy to a fully formed baby in terms of morality is asinine

Especially as the zygote has its own individual DNA and blood type, etc.

Seriously, these abortion fanatics do not know how babies are made. They all get so surprised when their gf get pregnant. Then they wonder why killing their child haunts them their entire lives.

what point are you making
you can't kill part of someone. if someone is killed they are totally killed. so in a scucessful abortion where the baby dies the whole baby is aborted.
aha but that is a different claim.
it has shifted from "zygotes/embryos.foetuses/unborn babies aren't living human organisms" to "zygotes/embryos.foetuses/unborn babies are living human organisms but killing them in a premeditated way is not murder the way it is if you do it to a human after they have left the womb for some reason"

what is that reason?

>5 weeks in the womb
This looks like a small child to you?

Why do you feel the need to lie on an anonymous imageboard to other anonymous posters that already agree with you anyways?

...why not be honest?